
Chapter 138: "Godsbane Armor"

At Cocolia's annoying seduction, Einstein was not persuaded at all by her words.

However, they had a more serious problem here.

Einstein: "Kiana, Theresa, you two get ready. Plans change, use plan B!"

Theresa: "Understood Dr Einstein!"

Kiana: "Wait... We have a plan B?"

Take out their respective weapons, and alert. Kiana looked into Einstein's eyes questioningly.

She was still confused.

Einstein couldn't help but sigh helplessly: "The activation of the Eye of the Deep will generate a huge amount of energy and attract many Honkai beasts to come here. The point of plan B is that you protect us weak units to retreat, and the rest take the opportunity to attack if they have the chance."

"Oh, I see!"

Kiana nodded her head vigorously.

"[Looks like you've gotten ready too Dr. Einstein. Then I don't need to hold back anymore. Let them all out.]"

Hit the command button in the terminal.The quantitation Mecha Titans appeared one after another from the void.

All of these Mecha Titans surrounded them from all sides, giving them no chance to escape.

Kiana and Theresa immediately created a protective wall around Einstein and Bronya.

"Tch, Is it time to fight? My hands are itchy!" Kiana smiled excitedly.

"Ugh, what a lot of Mecha Titans... Since when did they set up ambushes for us?"

"I think when we landed in the harbour. This woman isn't playing fair at all." Einstein said calmly.

Found that they were about to be attacked by two parties, the Mecha Titan controlled by Cocolia, and the Honkai beast Sea-type that were out there. Einstein, who was still thinking about finding a way out, suddenly saw Bronya, who had stepped out of line.

"Bronya, what are you doing?"

Hearing Einstein's question, Bronya chose to ignore it, and she walked slowly towards the Mecha Titan's siege array.

"Matushka, do you need reinforcements? Bronya can help."

"[No Bronya. Just leave everything here to me. You need to get to the Eye of the Deep as soon as possible. Matushka will be waiting for you there.]"

"Order accepted, matushka Cocolia."

"Oi midget! Wait a minute!!!"

Kiana who saw Bronya leave the encirclement, without being confronted by the Mecha Titan, immediately shouted angrily.

"What is it?"

"What's the matter?! Why did you transfer to the Cocolia camp so quickly! We haven't even betrayed you yet!"


Theresa became speechless.

Bronya answered her sarcastically: "Oh, do you think this is a child's game that requires a turn for action? You idiot, do you think Bronya doesn't know that you guys are going to betray Bronya?"

"Bronya just did it first. After all, Bronya has only attended St. Freya's for a few days, whereas matushka Cocolia is Bronya's mother who has looked after Bronya all this time. Bronya, knows how to choose who to support."

Hear what Bronya said. Kiana didn't feel angry, but instead she felt very happy.

"So you are the traitor!?"


"You switched teams to the other side first, that means you're the traitor, right?"

"....You could say that. Whatever you want."

Bronya's eyes twitched, and she decided to leave this place as soon as possible.

The Mecha Titan troops that dhe passed, automatically covered the path she was walking on, and immediately attacked the valkyries with extremely fierce attacks!

"Since you are the traitor of St. Freya, then I don't need to fear having my conscience hurt! I won't hesitate anymore!"

"Aunt Theresa, I leave Dr. Einstein's protection to you! I'm going to catch the traitor Bronya!"

"Hey stupid niece! How dare you leave me here alone!? Kiana, COME BACK!!!"

"Auntie, you are an S-rank valkyrie! You can definitely hold on for a while!"

Theresa: "KIANA!!!!"

Ignoring Theresa's angry screams behind her. Kiana who rushed after Bronya, was immediately blocked by the Mecha Titan Anti-Entropy's extremely dense blockade.

"I am Kiana Kaslana, an A-rank valkyrie! This pile of scrap metal still can't get in my way!"


Using her honkai energy, and skills stored in the battlesuit armor. A gigantic cat paw descended from the sky, and it immediately stepped on the Mecha Titan herd very hard.

Taking advantage of the momentum that all nearby Mecha Titans are currently entering a stun state. Kiana stepped on the Mecha Titan's head, and she rushed straight at Bronya like flying!

"Bronya wait for me!"

"Tch, this idiot sure is quite troublesome. Project Bunny, set up a defensive shield!"


Managed to quickly reach Bronya's position, and kicked the energy shield created by the project bunny with a very loud sound. A crack appeared, and Kiana smiled smugly.

"You can't run! Short devil!"

Jumped backwards, and took out her two new guns, intending to shoot Bronya's shield until it shattered. Kiana who was in the air, noticed that the other side was moving faster than her.

"Project Bunny, fire!"

With cannons pointed at her from very close range. Kiana dodged as nimbly as a snake, and the floors she walked on continued to explode one after another under Bronya's bombardment.

Kiana, who was pressured by a very dense attack, immediately chose to hide behind the flying dust.

"Bang Bang bang!!"

"[Warning, damage occurs to shield. Shield resistance, 87%...75%...68%....]"

"Ugh! Project Bunny, activate the thermal imaging sight, calculate the enemy's direction of movement, and use the homing missile!"



Can feel Bronya's attack movement start to change. Kiana, who was hiding behind the flying dust, decided to keep her distance from Bronya first.

Step back, and get out of the dust blanket. Kiana, who thought that this was her chance to attack, suddenly opened her eyes wide, and she immediately rushed to the side swiftly!


The Anti-Entropy Mecha Titan, also attacked her!

"Forward hit, backward hit, stay in the middle also hit! There are too many enemies here!"

Jumped to avoid the Mecha Titan's two ferocious attacks, and directly shot the two of them until they became useless pieces of iron. Kiana who was standing on top of the broken Mecha Titan, could see Bronya smiling mockingly at her.


"Kiana WATCH OUT!!!"

Seeing the missile shells coming towards her rapidly, and hearing Theresa's worried screams. Kiana sighed, and she narrowed her eyes sharply.

Touching the reactor attached to her waist. A purple wave of distortion appeared, and everyone in the surroundings began to slow down.

Global Time Fracture.

"(Wow this is so cool! Does sister Thea always have this mode? No wonder I can't hit her!)"

Before entering The Deep. Kiana's valkyrie armor has been upgraded by Tesla with the latest Schicksal technology.

The Global Time Fracture was one of the products they had accidentally discovered while analyzing the second Divine Key. With the honkai reactor installed in the battlesuit, all of the third generation valkyrie armor in Schicksal now have time fracture capabilities in them.


While this looked good, there was something even more exciting Thea had given her as a school graduation gift.

"(Things didn't go well. Dr. Einstein's plans are now ruined, and things are just getting worse.)"

"(Aunt Theresa must be exhausted from fending off all the attacks from all directions. I must also catch that traitor for revenge!)"

"(I have no choice...)"

"(Looks like I'll have to use that!)"

Touching the honkai reactor on her waist, and doing the procedure according to what Tesla said. The time around Kiana began to return to normal, and attacks from two directions immediately hit her position at a tremendous speed!

"Activate fourth generation godsbane armor! KNIGHT MOONBEAM!"

"KIANA!!!" Theresa opened her eyes wide!

Accompanied by a powerful explosion sent by the enemy. An explosion was once again triggered, and a pillar of light, instantly descended where Kiana was currently.

White armor like a knight that fits perfectly on the body, thin wings of light colorful like an angel, and also an energy barrier from the use of gamma energy.

Kiana appeared there, without getting hurt at all!

"You think I can fall this easily? You're wrong brat! Time for round two!"

"Now it's my turn!"

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