
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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281 Chs

Chapter 103: "Wait... I have two queen?"

"W-Wait a minute, do you all know what you're doing right now? Aren't you all from Schicksal!?"

Tesla asked in disbelief.

Don't they know that their current actions are the same as those of a traitor?

Why are you all so quiet!

Siegfried: "Ehem! I used to be very loyal to Schicksal, but... That was... then."

Aurora: "I don't care."

Thea: "Perhaps we have misunderstood. My arrival here was not as a Schicksal emissary, but only as a Saintess of the Schariac family. So, this is not my problem."

Hear three confessions from traitors who were very ungrateful. Tesla looked at them with disgust, and her eyes immediately shifted to Maria who was behind Thea.

Unlike the three traitors who are one family. Maria, who is a Schicksal valkyrie, must have a different opinion, right?

"Whatever Miss Saintess said, I will follow. Schariac's house will definitely rise again!!"

Tesla: "...."

Well, this girl turned out to be the patriotic type.

No wonder she could be selected as a Saintess candidate by that bunch of old skeletons. This girl is really very easy to take advantage of.

"In that case, I would also like to discuss our cooperation in the area of ​​military weapons, and to supply the Schariac house with new weapons. For this matter, Maria, I leave it to you."

"Alright Miss Saintess! You can leave this negotiation to me!"

"Einstein, please."

"Well, in the end it's me who has to step in too."

Releasing negoization affairs that take a long time to their assistant. Thea and Welt Yang stood in unison, and they both gave a small smile.

Throwing responsibility...

It turned out that the other side had already learned this useful skill very freely.

As a fellow leader, you have my respect.

"By the way Mr. Welt, I have something to say. Let's switch places."

"Oh? Okay."

"Dad, Aurora, you two please wait here and accompany Maria while negotiating. I'll be right back."

Get out of the room, and finally get a breath of fresh air. Thea and Welt Yang who had come out of the safe house, were standing in front of the terrace, and they were taking in the breath of the trees leisurely.

"Mr. Welt, as someone who once saved my dad during the second honkai war, even though it was too late for quite a while, I still want to say thank you."

"No, it's not much. Don't be so formal in front of me, take it easy. After all saving Siegfried was a must." Welt Yang scratched his hair awkwardly.

Thea shook her head: "Intentionally or unintentionally, the fact that you saved my father, and also kept my secret, is true. So, I am really very grateful to you from the bottom of my heart."

Welt Yang hesitated: "So, the little girl I met back in the illusion world, is you?"

"Yes, that's me."

Thea admitted it very clearly.

As someone who already knows the secret she can travel time, and still keep it a secret from others without having to be asked. Welt Yang was a very trustworthy person.

Thea is willing to share this little secret with him.

"By the way as a token of gratitude, I can heal your injured body with my abilities. After you return to peak state, I don't think the radicals will be a threat to you anymore."

"Really? You can do it?"

Welt Yang raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and was also a little happy. However since the second honkai war, his body was scarred, and he had to vomit several liters of his blood just to create the perfect Star of Eden.

If he returned to his peak state, then all the problems here would also be very quickly resolved.

"Yes, of course. I am the Saintess of the Schariac house after all. Our family's specialty has always been in the healing category."

Thea squinted, and she looked at Welt Yang with a small smile.

She was indeed grateful to Welt Yang. But for healing matters, who said it was free?

Of course he had to pay.

Herrscher of Reason's stigmata...


You are caught.


Tundra, Siberia.

As the main site where the Second Honkai War took place, it is also the tomb of the Second Herrscher. The condition of this place was still as bad as ever.

The dense honkai energy after the release of the honkai fusion bomb still lingers in this place, causing endless catastrophes.

Honkai itself can cause catastrophic such as volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and even the fall of meteors that are beyond human prediction. As a place with dense honkai energy, extreme temperatures and endless snowstorms are normal here.

There are no Honkai beasts roaming this frozen hell. Even if they were born from the dense honkai energy, they would instantly freeze due to the extreme cold.

Many ice sculptures of Honkai beasts could be seen everywhere in this vast expanse of snow. From small size, to very large size.

An example of a very large ice sculpture is an ice sculpture in the form of a dragon, which is frozen in the eternal cold.

"(Bel... Bella...!!)"

"...Hngh...This voice... my queen?"

Woke up from her long sleep. Bella who could only feel the darkness surrounding her surroundings, could only look towards the sound in great confusion.

It is above the sky.

"(Can... y..u... hear me?)"

"Yes, my queen... I'm here! Your servant is here!!!"

Screaming frantically in the darkness, hoping the other side could hear her sound. The darkness around her began to gradually dissipate.

A comfortable warm light, began to slowly envelop her whole body.

Her queen's voice was getting louder and clearer.

"(Bella, answer me!!!)"

"My queen, I AM HERE!!!!"

Shout again, but in a louder voice. Something started to break, and Bella could feel the cage of darkness that was confining her at this time, starting to feel very loose.

She took this opportunity to get out.



With a large scale ice explosion spreading everywhere. Benares, the queen's companion dragon, finally came out from the ice cage that had trapped her all this time.

She, came back from the dead.

"So that's your goal in going to Siberia? That's pretty predictable."

Otto, who saw the revived Benares return from the satellite monitor, waved his hand disinterestedly.

"Let's continue the research. I've almost made a breakthrough with the serenity gem. After this, I'm one step closer to my goal of revive Kallen."

"With the terminal of stigmata, this will be my first step to step on the realm of the gods."

Otto smiled slightly.


Back in the frozen lands of Siberia...

Now in this place of frozen hell, there is a very moving little family reunion.

"My queen!!! I miss you so much!!! Uwaaahh~!!!"

"Bella watch out for your horns! You stabbed me!"

"Your highness~ hiks..."

"Jeez, why did you suddenly turn so spoiled?"

Feel the big hand rubbing white her hair slowly. Bella, who was enjoying the caressing of her head from her queen warm hands, suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Your Highness, why is your body so big? Besides, why is your face a bit different?"

Aurora looked at the little girl hanging on her stomach at this time with a helpless look: "Have you ever thought that only your body is getting smaller?"

"Eh? I'm getting smaller? How can that be!?!"

Releasing her hug from Aurora, and check her own body. Bella discovered that her current body had completely shrunk, and had a height that was even less than one meter.

The wings connected to her body had disappeared, replaced by wings of light made of even lighter honkai energy. Shaking her head to see her scattered white hair, Bella immediately noticed that her hair, which used to be purple, had also changed.

Holding her head, and suddenly able to let go of the spiky horns attached to her head like accessories. Even though Bella was currently very flustered, she didn't mind, and she reattached her horns to their original position.

Feeling has no negative effect in her body. Bella didn't really care about it, and she immediately hugged Aurora once again tightly.

"Your majesty the queen~"

"Au! Bella watch out for your horns!"



Aurora, who hugged Bella, and could feel that her stomach was going to have a hole because she kept getting stabbed by Bella's sharp horns, could only stare at Thea with eyes full of hatred.

"Can you change it again? Why did you change it to be like this!"

"Ah? But isn't Bella's current form pretty good? She's cute! You should be grateful that I changed her shape into this!"

Released the Abyss Flower spear that stuck into the ground while doing healing for the Bella wounds. Thea wiped the sweat from her forehead, and she started walking towards the two of them slowly.

"Ah? Why are there two queens appearing in front of me? Am I hallucinating?"

Realizing Thea's presence, and seeing a similarity in her face with her queen. Bella flew towards Thea curiously, and she started to sniff her body like a dog.

"Come here."


Suddenly caught, and immediately hugged by Thea in a gentle arms. Bella who felt a comfortable feeling that covered her whole body, just like the feeling before, felt that her current body would completely melt.

"Although the taste is different, and a bit bland, this is still my Highness Queen~"

"I have two queens~"

"Hehehe~ I'm so happy~"

Thea: "...(─‿─)"

Aurora: ".... Σ(°ロ°)"

Seeing Bella who suddenly moved her camp very quickly. Aurora gritted her teeth tightly.

Bella what are you doing!

Damn you traitor!

Come back here!