
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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281 Chs

Chapter 101: "Welt Yang sighed"


"Oh, Thea, are you also inviting Aurora to go with us? Are you ready to go?"

Standing at the airport while wearing sunglasses. Siegfried, who was currently talking to the new patriarch of the Kaslana house, waved his hand at the woman next to him.

"Sorry Larina, I'll be borrowing Judgment of Shamash for a while. Tell them to wait."

Larina shook her head: "It's okay, it doesn't bother me at all. Even though wielding the weapon divine key is the privilege of a patriarch, I firmly believe that in your hands, the weapon divine key can unleash its full potential."

"However, even though I'm already an S-rank valkyrie like you, my power isn't in strength-type, but in agility. One slash of Might of An-utu is enough to roast me to ashes. Besides, I don't want to carry a suicide weapon in my own hands."

"I will talk to them about delaying the handing over of the divine key. This time you owe me a favor Siegfried."

"Haha, then next time I'll treat you to drinks! See you later Larina!"

"Yeah, just remember your promise!"


Waving to each other as a sign of farewell. Siegfried came to his two daughters, and he greeted them both.

"Long time no see, Thea, Aurora. Are you girls ready to go to Anti-Entropy? This time dad will be your diplomatic liaison!"

Thea smiled: "Then I'll leave this matter to you, dad."

"Yes, just leave everything to me!"

Boarding airplanes at airports, the most common vehicle for going to North America. Siegfried who was sitting in the passenger seat, stretched his body muscles lazily.

He asked curiously.

"By the way Thea, have you become a Saintess yet?"

Hearing this, Thea's mouth immediately twitched: "Dad, you've asked that many times in the stigmata room. Can you shut up, and stop asking that in the real world? You're making my head spin."

Siegfried also sighed helplessly: "You know kid, when you, and Aurora decided to go to Schicksal, we both thought that you girls would definitely follow your sister's path and form your own team to defeat the honkai. We just didn't expect that with no wind and no rain you would suddenly become the Saintess of the Schariac house! Your mom almost fainted when she accepted your inauguration invitation!"

"Do you know how surprised we were!? The position of the Saintess and Knight sounds pretty good, but those two things are just a dollhouse to Otto!"

"Kid, tell father honestly, were you forced by Otto to accept this position!?"

Thea became angry: "I've said the answer dozens of times old man! Are you deaf or do you have a fish brain memory!? Even a Mother Mary can get angry because you ask this over and over again!"

"But!! Dad feels that you taking the initiative to become the patriarch of the Schariac house is impossible! I mean, what's the point of this position!?"

Thea sighed tiredly: "You don't understand..."

"Then please try to explain to me."


"Why are you quiet?"


Spending time in awkward silence. Siegfried could sense Thea was hiding something from him.

A secret, which she doesn't want to talk to anyone about.

"Okay, let's pretend that dad didn't say the things before. But if you do need help, please tell me. I'll always be by your side."

".... Thank You."

Thea lowered her head, and fiddled with her fingers uneasily.

The second most difficult thing to do after being honest with yourself is being honest with your parents.

She had once promised her family that she would not keep anything secret. But now, she lied.

She became very hypocritical.

Just like adults.

"I am really really sorry..."

Thea lowered her head sadly.


Ontario, Canada.

Enjoy the cold weather in the morning while drinking warm coffee that has just been made in the coffee machine. Welt Yang who had just blown his coffee smoke a few times, suddenly noticed a large shadow blocking the sunlight in front of his eyes.

Raising his head, Welt saw Tesla looking at him with an angry look.

"Joachim, can you be serious a bit? We are going to be meeting with an important client soon. How come you can still take your time drinking coffee in the corner!"

Tesla who saw Welt Yang, the Anti-Entropy sovereign, was drinking coffee casually. Unable to hold her forehead with dizziness.

As the highest leader of Anti-Entropy, where is your prestige go!

This must be the effect of hanging out too long with lazy Theresa!

"Don't worry Dr. Tesla. We're all friends, so don't be so formal. Treating a friend like that always makes me awkward for some reason."

"What do you mean by friends? Aren't we going to meet up with the Saintess of the Schariac house to do some cooperation?" Tesla is still confused.

Hearing this, Einstein shook her head helplessly: "It seems that you really live in a cave Dr, Tesla. It's been one month since the inauguration of the new patriarch of the house of Schariac and Kaslana. Do you know Thea? Isn't this name a little familiar?"

"What do you mean mophead. Of course I know who she is. Isn't she the new Saintess of the Schariac house? Didn't I mention her earlier?"

Hearing this, both Welt Yang and Einstein let out a very long sigh.

This woman doesn't just live in a cave, Her brain has apparently also become a little rusty.

Welt Yang drank all the bitterness in his life using bitter black coffee, and Einstein just patted her forehead helplessly.

"Thea Schariac, Will of stigmata."

"Wait... what? What do you mean, wait! You mean the Thea we're talking about right now is the stigmata of Kiana!?"

"Yes, that's her."

Hearing the keyword from Einstein, and the confirmation answer from her. Tesla understood the meaning of the two of them at this time, but after that, she was still confused.

"Wait a minute... Something's wrong. If I'm not mistaken aren't Thea and Kiana currently 13 years old? So the current Saintess is a 13 year old kid? Is everyone blind!?"

In any world, the person's appearance and face itself are still a benchmark in one's judgment.

An old man who has a lot of gray hair can be called a man of experience.

A young man who has high spirits, is said to be someone who has high ambitions, and has unlimited potential.

A 13 year old kid....

....What do you expect from them?

Is there something wrong with your eyes and letting such a small girl become the patriarch of the Schariac house?

This must all be Otto's conspiracy!

Damn, looks like they've fallen into his trap!

Tesla suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"In the beginning, I also couldn't believe the news I got. But once you see her figure, you'll be pretty sure that she isn't the little brat you imagined."

Welt stroked his chin: "How should I say it… Maybe the growth of the body of the kaslana family is growing too fast. She is like a 17 year old girl to me. "

Einstein also shrugged her shoulders.

"After all, she was a stigmata from the start. The way she grew up might be different from that of us humans. So to avoid serious mistakes, I beg you Joachim not to be too casual in front of her."

Welt nodded his head: "I understand Dr. Einstein, Dr. Tesla. I will be careful."

Standing in the waiting room of the international airport together with the two Anti-Entropy scientists. Welt Yang who saw the airplane appearing in his field of vision, immediately looked at the watch in his hand.

"Let's go to greet the guests. They have arrived."

Welt Yang tidied the suit he was wearing seriously.