
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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283 Chs

Chapter 10: "A promise"

Parental love, and happiness.

Perhaps it is one of the most desired things by children all over the world. Including Kiana.

With Siegfried's behavior changing from indifferent, to enthusiastic towards his daughter, the atmosphere of the house is completely different.

The impression of a house that gave off a gloomy feeling, turned bright like a warm day. Kiana, who previously thought of her room as a safe area, now can lie down anywhere with a cute smile on her face.

The house she lives in isn't as scary as it used to be. Rather, it gives the impression of being safe and comfortable.

Even Kiana's visit to the stigmata room was drastically reduced. She didn't really need that room anymore to entertain herself.

Perhaps, this is what most people call...

Hope for tomorrow.

"The other me, why have you been so quiet these past few days? Is something wrong?"

"There isn't any..."

"Muuu... You're lying again! Every time you lie, you always look to the side! Now tell me the truth!"


"Why are you so stubborn!? You must be hiding something from me! I'll beat you until you say it!"

K-423 just couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't use violence to solve all of problems kiana! You have to think sometimes! That's enough, leave me alone!"

Even though she said that, she didn't expel Kiana from within her stigmata room.

Kiana, who was left alone, also felt very confused at this time.

Her other self turned around, and stayed in a corner of the room hugging Baba Homu silently. The feeling of loneliness and alone that enveloped her other self somehow made Kiana feel sad too.

"The other me, I'm sorry. Dad just brought candy for me, I'll give it all to you!"

K-423 sighed: "What's the difference between you eating, or me eating? There's no difference at all."

"I just feel..."

K-423 stopped, and she sighed heavily once more.

"I feel I understand Veliona's feelings now."

Veliona once felt sad when she saw Seele growing up step by step.

Her sweet little sister who always needs her help has finally grown up and doesn't need her strength anymore.

K-423 thinks that she can escape this anguish given that she has a name, whereas Veliona herself didn't even have a name for such a long period of time. It's just... seeing Kiana happy with her father, makes K-423 very insecure.


Just hearing her name is like a stolen name. No, this is indeed a stolen name.

This makes her even more inferior.

"Kiana, when you don't need me anymore, I will silently disappear. So when that time comes, you have to be smart about taking care of yourself."

Kiana, who heard this, suddenly immediately panicked: "My other self, what did you just say?! Disappeared, why? Where are you going!?"

Seeing Kiana who suddenly panicked. K-423 laughed, and she felt her depression lessen a bit: "You stupid Tuna, I just said some cool lines I saw in books. How could I just disappear without notice. I still want to see the outside world."

"... Then, you're not going?"

"No, this is all just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Kiana puffed her cheeks dissatisfiedly: "You are like this, how can I tell whether you are really serious or not? You make me anxious for nothing."

Kiana sat next to K-423, and she tilted her head to the side.

"Here, go ahead and pet my head. Dad often strokes my head and he always smiles happily when he does it. You should try it too."


K-423 was silent for a moment, before she smiled gently.

"Kiana~ why are you so cute~!!!"

"Aaahhh~!!! The other me hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Don't rub it so fast! My head will be bald!"

"It's okay, you won't go bald here!"

Kiana was stunned.

When she lifted her head again, she saw a mischievous smile on K-423's face.

"You, you bullied me on purpose! I will bite you to death!"

Like a cat whose tail is stepped on. Kiana Pounces on K-423 fiercely, and she bites K-423's shoulder without mercy!

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Stop! Stop!!!"

K-423 immediately realized she was playing with a tiger's tail, and she opened her eyes wide.

"You, you are also on purpose! You didn't hold it in at all! I'll hit you!" K-423 shouted angrily.

Even though she said such a thing. The blow that Kiana had hoped for, never came at all, no matter how long it took.

Usually the two of them fought like this.

Whoever starts with a punch, will be rewarded with a punch, and ends with crying together.

Now, the pain she had hoped for didn't come, and this made Kiana feel confused.

"Another me?"

Removes her tiny teeth from K-423's shoulders. Kiana saw her other self closing her eyes tightly, while covering her mouth with a very low sobbing sound.

Thin tears, already down and flowing from her face silently.

"My other self!? Why are you crying!?"

"Kiana... Please be quiet for a moment..."

"How can I stay still when I see you cry! Did I bite too hard? I'm really sorry!"

"I said SHUT UP!!!"

The ropes of anger that she had always suppressed, finally severed in a very vicious manner.

Kicked Kiana in the stomach until she came out of the stigmata room. K-423, who was left alone in the quiet room, gritted her teeth tightly.

"Tuna idiot..."

The girl was crying silently.


When someone is depressed and sad, giving them time to be alone and self-reflect is sometimes a very useful method.

K-423 understands himself, but idiot Kiana, doesn't.

This is what made her very annoyed.

"I AM very angry!!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity where Kiana had just fainted was kicked by her. K-423 took over Kiana's sleeping body, and she went to the kitchen area.

She wants to eat.

It is also one of the most powerful methods of reducing stress.

Now, because she is so sad and angry, no one can stop her from emptying all the contents of the refrigerator by herself!!

Stomach ache? It's none of my business!

"Oh, I think the hungry cat who always finishes the food in the refrigerator has long gone. Why are you eating here alone, Kiana."

Siegfried suddenly appeared in front of the kitchen door, and he smiled brightly at "Kiana" who was busy eating whatever she saw.


K-423 looks at Siegfried for a moment, before she snorts, and turns her back to continue eating the pastries that somehow got stored in the fridge.

"Ah... Looks like I was wrong Kiana." Siegfried saw that her eyes were purple, and he immediately came to his senses.

Since the purple eyes appeared, and revealed her identity as a different personality stigma of Kiana. Siegfried immediately realizes that he has a daughter who has mental problems.

The blue-eyed Kiana already considers himself a father, sincere from the bottom of her heart. But for Kiana's other purple-eyed personality, Siegfried could see the distance between the walls separating the two of them.

Like a wild cat hissing warning him not to come closer, because she doesn't want to be hurt anymore.

Adorable, but sad at the same time.

"As a father, I really thank you for accompanying Kiana when she was going through her difficult times. Also, I'm sorry for what I did to you a few years before."

The personality "K-423" was created after Kiana lost her memory when she was 9 years old. Kiana may have forgotten her past, but for the personality of "K-423", she must still remember the rude behavior he gave her for almost 7 plus years.

It was only natural to have a wary attitude towards him.

"I'm just a cat. Cats don't talk to freaks." K-423 continues her eating behavior, and ignores Siegfried.

Hearing this, Siegfried didn't know whether he should laugh or be sad when he heard it.

"How about this, can you give me one more chance? I will atone in earnest, and I will prove that I am worthy to be your father."

Turned around, and saw Siegfried's extremely serious attitude. K-423 just stares at him silently for a moment, before she turns away once again.


Siegfried's body tensed up.

It seemed, he had already been rejected by her.


Oh, sorry. Typing error.

A hopeful smile bloomed on Siegfried's face.

"What flavor would you like? Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla? Or cheese? I'll have it!"

".... Blueberries."

"Okay! I'll get one when you go to town! I'll get you a huge blueberry cake!"

Ignoring the excited Siegfried, and eating her pastries silently. K-423 was stunned, she looked up in confusion.


Feeling her head stroked by Siegfried's rough hands. K-423 narrowed her eyes sharply, and she snorted once more indifferently.

K-423 continues eat her snack.

As for Siegfried....

He smiled very happily.

This stray cat is finally starting to accept it slowly.

He was really very happy.