
Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

The mysterious disaster "Honkai" has eroded the world, and humans infected by the "Honkai"have become "undead" who have no thoughts but only understand destruction. They were together with the beast beast "Honkai Beast" born from Honkai Energy. This poses a great threat in this world. Witness the Resurrection of a traverser who came to this world from mere mortals to become those called "Herrcsher". This is the resurrection story of "Herrcsher Of Shadow" (Note: If there are similarities, characters, names, events and so on, it's purely coincidental.) This is my first novel. (Disclaimer: I don't have anything except OC.) English is not my main language. sorry if the grammar is terrible. [Thanks to @B_N_F for the cover.] Support me on : [ ko-fi.com/the_hanged_man1 ] Tags: Dense protagonist

The_Hanged_Man1 · Video Games
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253 Chs


In the afternoon, after finishing his disappointing internship.

Kouro went to his dormitory and picked up his bamboo sword before going to see Mei.

Yesterday, because the atmosphere was not suitable and Mei looked tired at that time, he was too embarrassed to make Mei teach him the swordsmanship technique [Hokushin Itto-Ryu].

Thinking of this, he then opened his status interface.


Status :

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 1

Job: None

Title: None

HP: 200/200

SP: 20/20

Fatigue: 0

Strength :13

Agility : 10

Vitality : 10

Senses : 10

Intelligence : 10

Honkai : 5

Points : 12


A few days ago Kouro had officially upgraded all his statuses except for 'Honkai' to be twice as strong as an adult.

He realized that his body was starting to change to match the upgrades starting from his body becoming taller, his body becoming more proportional and his flexibility increasing rapidly.

Kouro stared at the remaining points before using them.


Status :

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 1

Job: None

Title: None

HP: 300/300

SP: 160/160

Fatigue: 0

Strength :13 --> 15

Agility : 10

Vitality : 10 --> 15

Senses : 10

Intelligence : 10

Honkai : 5 --> 10

Points : 0


Right after that, Kouro felt a strange energy inside his body, perhaps this is what is referred to as Honkai energy.

Unfortunately he can't move the energy as he wishes, it seems that more points are needed to be able to control and even manifest it like Herrscher.

Kouro then wanted to see how far the limits of his strength were after being upgraded, he first tried to do a headstand, it happened without any problems even he could do it with one hand.

After doing a few tests, Kouro nodded his head with satisfaction not caring about the strange looks from the surroundings.

"Not bad. "


Kouro who had sneaked into Senba academy as usual saw Mei who was holding a bamboo sword in her hand and sitting in the same place as yesterday.

Mei waved her hand when she saw Kouro.

"It's a pity that yesterday I didn't get to teach you [Hokushin-Itto-ryu] swordsmanship due to fatigue. " Mei said with an apologetic expression.

Kouro waved his hand and said calmly, "No problem, after all I have also learned a bit of that swordsmanship after copying your movements, Mei-senpai. "

"No! Even though you've copied my moves, the anatomy of the female and male body is different. You must know that learning martial arts must be careful because any wrong move will leave hidden wounds. " Mei said with a serious expression.

Seeing Kouro's indifferent expression made Mei lecture him on how important it was to be careful in learning martial arts techniques.

Kouro wore a helpless expression towards her lecture but did not deny Mei's words.

With [Status Recovery] he could heal those hidden wounds easily.

Of course he would not retaliate against Mei's words, because from his experience in his previous life, arguing with women was the biggest mistake a man could make.

Nonetheless, Kouro's heart warmed a little from being worried by Mei.

"I understand! I'll listen to you. So teach me well, Mei-sensei. " Kouro said in a slightly joking tone at the end.

"Mou... Don't joke around like that. " Mei said with a slight shake of her head before putting on a serious expression.

Mei had a deep understanding of the [Hokushin Itto-ryu] swordsmanship and had even improved the swordsmanship.

Therefore she was able to dismantle the technique at a basic level and show the true essence of the technique which increased Kouro's speed in learning [Hokushin Itto-ryu].

Kouro had his own foundation in martial arts and weapon mastery and so was at an astonishing speed. He began to correct mistakes as he mimicked Mei's movements, his body beginning to form the appropriate posture in using the sword technique.

To Mei, teaching someone was as good as teaching yourself.

After all as is well known, the highest level of people who understand are those who can teach others.

"The swordsmanship 'Hokushin Itto-ryu' focuses on speed designed to render the opponent helpless and end the opponent as quickly as possible. Basically the principle of this technique is to perfectly contain both defense and attack in one action. "

Mei then sparred with Kouro while demonstrating what she had explained earlier.

She focused on attacking Kouro on certain parts continuously, these parts were arguably weak points such as the neck, head, and others.

For women who do not have the vitality and strength of men, this swordsmanship is indeed very appropriate to use.

Well... Given that the world is dominated by women, this is not surprising.

"The swordsmanship 'Hokushin Itto-ryu' also has its own Iaijutsu called Hokushin-ryū iai (北辰流居合). "

Mei demonstrated it while setting up an attack stance before slashing at high speed through the branches of a nearby tree.

"...Amazing... Cutting it using a bamboo sword... " Kouro murmured with admiration.

Mei smiled slightly at Kouro's flattery before continuing to teach him.

A few hours later.

Kouro felt something and subconsciously opened his skill interface, sure enough, the swordsmanship had appeared on his interface.



[Hokushin Itto-ryu lv 1]

Increases attack speed 15% and increases attack power 10%.


"Great, Kouro-kun you've learned the [Hokushin Itto-ryu] completely! You just need to increase your experience in using it." Mei said with a surprised expression.

Who would have thought that Kouro could learn [Hokushin Itto-ryu] in less than two days? Even Mei herself who was a genius needed 1 week to learn the basics.

Although she knew that Kouro had a good martial arts foundation, his talent was indeed noteworthy.

Kouro was then seen thinking for a moment and quickly stopped learning about Iaijutsu.

Kouro has a system, even though he is still level 1, his future potential is very high, with the system Kouro can easily increase his strength instantly until he can hit the Honkai Beast with his bare hands.

Kouro is now just looking for an efficient technique to fight the honkai.

Although in Mei's eyes, he had made great progress, but Kouro was not satisfied, he could feel that he still had a lot of room for improvement.

"Mei-senpai, let's spar like yesterday, I want to brush up on this [Hokushin Itto-ryu]. "

"Sure." Mei nodded her head with a smile.

Two hours later, Mei took a deep breath to calm her already irregular breathing, and tried to speak in a more relaxed tone.

Her hand holding the bamboo sword trembled a little numbly, facing Kouro who had higher strength than her Mei felt that it was not easy at all.

If nothing happened, Mei felt that tomorrow she could only show 90% of her peak condition, simply because she was too tired to recover.

Despite only two hours of practice against Kouro, Mei felt that the energy she expended in these two hours was more than five hours of practice alone.

If it wasn't for the two of them using the special bamboo sword used for her training when she was young.

An ordinary bamboo blade would have been damaged due to the strong impact between the two.

"Mei-senpai, let's practice again!"

Mei lowered her bamboo sword and shook her head refusing his request.

"No! This kind of training emphasizes gradual and regular progress. If you push yourself it will only end badly. "

"Alright, I'll listen to you Mei-sensei. But if I come to chat it's okay right?"

Obviously, Kouro did not follow the principle of gradual and regular progress at all, as the habits he developed from a young age had allowed him to train until he pushed his body's potential to the limit.

But since Mei told him to practice moderately, he would listen to her, after all this didn't harm him either.

Mei stared at Kouro speechlessly.

Kouro's performance and skills were so good that Mei's previous assumption that Kouro was under a lot of pressure was wrong.

"Is it really alright? although chatting is not a burden. But it takes more than ten minutes to walk from Tachikawa academy to Senba academy and it takes more than half an hour to go back and forth. Wouldn't that be inconvenient?" Mei said while shaking her hair slightly.

"If Mei-senpai is waiting for me, it won't be troublesome at all." Kouro said with a serious expression.

Inviting Mei to chat together was a way of relaxation for Kouro.

Mei actually had the same thoughts as Kouro. Previously she felt lonely because she had no friends.

But look at the change now, now her every word and smile when talking to Kouro are all sincere from her heart.

If possible, Mei even hopes that Kouro can be transferred to Senba academy and become classmates who can chat with each other.

But if a boy, especially a handsome boy like Kouro entered her class.

Mei thought her classmates would swarm Kouro like a hungry wolf leaving her with no chance to talk to him.

If Kouro ignored the other students and looked for herself. That would cause dissatisfaction among the students and unpleasant things would definitely happen.

Besides, changing schools was not that easy and Senba academy was still an all-girls academy.

A small greedy thought crossed Raiden Mei's mind, but it quickly disappeared due to her rational consideration.

"Bye Mei-senpai! I'm looking forward to tomorrow!" Kouro said with a big smile before heading back.

Seeing Kouro's slowly disappearing back figure, Mei quickly spoke.

"Tomorrow is half an hour later than usual, meet here again at half past six, okay?"

"No problem! If it's Mei-senpai, I won't be bothered."

Although being friends with Mei was very important, Kouro did not intend to arbitrarily affect Mei's life because of his plans.

He would do everything to the limit before the Third Eruption occurred, but he would not force others to do the same.

Hearing Kouro's straightforward words made Mei blush slightly and waved her hand quickly.

"Huh? No-no, I just wanted to give something to you... Well, after all it was agreed that you would come tomorrow, right?"


Kouro waved his hand again at Mei in farewell.

When he reached the corner of Senba Academy, Kouro took a deep breath and moved quickly and jumped over the two-meter high fence.

Stepping out of the academy and after making absolutely sure that he was out of Raiden Mei's reach.

Kouro, who had been breathing normally and had deteriorated slightly, suddenly became breathless as if deprived of oxygen.

His hands were trembling from typing on the keyboard to sort out the information during the apprenticeship, practicing swordsmanship with Mei earlier and even some small things today.

".. Sta... tus... Recovery. "

Feeling his body recovering as if the physical and mental exhaustion just now was just an illusion.

Fortunately, Kouro did not receive his Gift in case of an accident.

Kiana Kaslana's absence at Senba Academy meant that the Third Eruption would take a while before it happened.

For now, it could be assumed that there would be no accidents.

After feeling his body return to perfect condition, Kouro returned to the dormitory and resumed training.