
Honkai Impact: Similarly

still process to make synopsis this fic is basically honkai impact in Previous Era

Celestiallumin · Video Games
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1 Chs


The distant echoes of footsteps reverberate through the corridor, signaling an approach to the lab.

She gazes up, catching sight of you approaching with an surprise expression.

"Oh my~ What a delightful surprise to see you here~," she exclaims, her tone tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Mobius, there's something important we need to discuss," I declare, fixing my gaze squarely on Mobius.

With a curious tilt of her head, she responds,"Hm? Oh my~ What could it be that you want to talk to me about~?"

"Don't feign ignorance, Mobius. We've known each other for quite a while now," I state, gritting my teeth with an undertone of frustration.

She responds with a playful giggle,"Hehe, yes we do~ In fact, I've taken so many notes from our past interactions that it's almost like I've become an expert at predicting your next moves~"

"Why, Mobius? Why did you allow her onto the battlefield?" I shout, frustration evident in my tone.

"If you have such insight into me, why you let my sister risk her on the battlefield? " I express, releasing the turmoil in my mind.


"I apologize for yelling, Mobius. I'm just overwhelmed with worry about her safety," I admit, my tone softening.

Her eyes widen briefly before regaining composure."Oh my~ My my~ You're revealing the primal side of human nature~," she giggles, finding it intriguing.

"It is quite fascinating, isn't it?" she adds, staring a little longer. "That 'her' you're referring to... Is it that one person again~?"

"Yes, her my sister," I affirm, meeting Mobius's gaze.

She narrows her eyes,prompting, "Now this might be quite the assumption... But, are you in love with her~?"

"I'm not mobius and she my sister and it normal for me to worried her safety as a brother ," I reply, while looking straight to Mobius's stare.

She giggles, "So you deny it?" and raises an eyebrow, "But you were so emotional just a moment ago~ You're showing me just the sort of 'primal' side of humanity you were trying so hard to deny~"

"Enough with the chit-chat, Mobius. Tell me why you let her go to the battlefield," I demand.

She takes a step forward, her eyes narrowing as she locks onto mine.

"So, you wish to skip over the interesting part~ Fine," she asserts.

With another step, she closes the distance, "You want me to stop her because you're worried."

Closing in further, "You can't protect her all the time, and this is her wish. She doesn't want to be a burden to you."

Taking another step, her smile turns into a smirk, "Does that answer satisfy you~?"

"Tsk," I click my tongue and walk away from the lab.

She giggles, "Oh my~ Did I touch a nerve~?"

I stop and look back at Mobius. Without saying anything, I continue walking out.

She watches me walk away,"Hm~ How interesting~ I might have to take even closer notes later~"


Footsteps echo in the lab—step step.

"Doctor!" Klein rushes in with a worried expression. "Doctor, are you sure you want to let ### find Fu hua? He's a bit unstable and may even do something irrational on the battlefield. Perhaps it's better to restrain him temporarily to maintain the safety of the facility."

"Hmm?" Mobius looks up from her notes and smiles. "Ah, Klein. You're quite the persistent one, aren't you?" she remarks, amused.

"But what do you hope to achieve?" she inquires, tilting her head. "Do you really believe that you can restrain his wild nature by keeping him away from finding his own sister on the battlefield?"

"Well... I was just thinking that we should prioritize the safety of the facility and our personnel..." Klein hesitates, bowing her head. "But it's up to you, Doctor."

Mobius chuckles amusedly, shaking her head. "Klein, Klein. Your dedication to my safety and well-being is admirable. I'm glad that you care about me enough to raise such concerns!"

Waving her hand dismissively, she adds, "But you have nothing to worry about. #### wouldn't hurt a fly or making any bad move after knowing that this is his own sister will, I assure you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to complete my notes." She turns back to her notebook, resuming her scribbling.

"Well... I suppose that's true," Klein admits, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "#### always treats me as if I'm fragile, so I suppose he would do nothing that may make something bad happen."

"I still can't help but worry, though..." Klein adds, her expression turning pensive. "Do you think he's doing well out there?"

Mobius cocks her head in thought. "Hmm... That's a difficult question to answer. On one hand, #### has always been surprisingly resilient. He exceeds our expectations by finding a way to return alive, despite the overwhelming odds of survival."

"On the other hand," Mobius sighs, lowering her gaze, "The battlefield with honkai is a cruel and unforgiving place. Anything could happen. All we can do is put our faith in #### to persevere and survive and her too." Mobius expresses dissatisfaction in her tone when she mentions her.

Klein sighs and crosses her arms dejectedly. "That's the part that makes me so anxious. He has survived so many battles already, but luck can only carry him so far. Sooner or later, he'll run out of luck, and I fear that next time will be the last time..." Klein fears losing him.

Mobius shakes her head and clucks her tongue irritably. "You lack faith in him. It's almost as if you think he has no agency in his own survival. Don't you believe he has the ability to make the right decisions to ensure his own survival?"

Klein lowers her head, looking away ashamedly. "I know I'm always worried about his safety for no reason... And sometimes I lose sight of his strength and capability. I shouldn't doubt the way he fights for his own survival."

"I'm sorry," Klein apologizes, hanging her head in shame.

Mobius waves her hand dismissively. "Don't apologize. It's natural to worry about your comrades out in battle." She gives a half-smile, leaning in closer to Klein. "Just... don't let your worry become something stronger than that. If you spend too much time worrying about others, it'll become a burden that holds you back."

Klein nods, understanding Mobius's subtle warning. "Of course. I won't let my worry get the better of me."

Bowing her head politely, Klein says, "Thank you for bearing with me, Doctor. I'll do my best to keep my worry in check."

Mobius puts down her notebook, gazing up at Klein with a faint smile. "You are welcome, Klein. Don't forget, I'll always be here if you ever need to talk."

Waving him a farewell, she returns to her notes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important research to complete."

Klein dips her head in respect. "Of course. I'll let you return to your work."

Bowing deeply, Klein departs, leaving Mobius to her notes once again.


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