
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

Xin Tian took the initiative to cook before his parents and sister arrived home. Luo Yan, decided to assist her husband in the kitchen before heading out to meet his parents and satisfy her curiosity about his sister.

As they worked together, their minds became focused, and a sense of tranquility enveloped them. Being a novice in the cultivation world, Xin Tian's exposure to this serene environment sparked a newfound enlightenment within him. The subtle energy of the kitchen seemed to harmonize with their inner cultivation, deepening their connection to the spiritual realm. The experience left them both in a trance-like state.

"I'm home!" A woman's voice echoed from the entrance of the house, coming from a lady with long purple hair and golden eyes. She walked into the living room, only to be completely shocked by the sight of Xin Tian standing next to a stunning girl with equally captivating purple hair.

Surprise washed over her face as she took in the scene of her little brother and the unfamiliar purple-haired girl working together in the kitchen so effortlessly. If she didn't know Xin Tian well, she might have thought that the two were married, as she had no clue about the girl's identity or her relationship with Xin Tian.

"I'm home," a deep voice exclaimed from the entrance of the house, and Xin Tian's father entered. He noticed his daughter standing there, looking completely surprised, as she watched Xin Tian and the purple-haired girl working together. Xin Tian's father was shocked to see his son and Luo Yan in the kitchen, working so well together that it make them look like a married couple.

"I'm home," a feminine voice echoed from the entrance of the house, and Xin Tian's mother walked in. She noticed her husband standing there, dumbfounded, and beside him was their daughter, wearing a similarly bewildered expression. When she followed their gaze, she saw Xin Tian working in the kitchen alongside a Beautiful girl with purple hair.

"Ara," she exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected sight before her.

Xin Tian finally noticed their presence and warmly greeted them, saying, "Welcome home!"

Luo Yan blushed slightly and exchanged greetings with her parents-in-law, while Xin Tian's parents began teasing the couple playfully, finding their interaction endearing.

Xin Tian's mother, Alice, couldn't help but comment with a smile, "Look at you two, so cute together! You've really become a great team in the kitchen, haven't you?"

Joining in the teasing, Xin Tian's sister, Sirin, added, "Who would have thought my little brother would turn into a cooking expert?"

Xin Tian chuckled, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment. "Well, my girlfriend has been an amazing help. We make a great team, don't we?"

Luo Yan finally understood the true reason behind her husband's mischievous behavior. She gave a warm smile and introduced herself.

Luo Yan decided to keep her origin as a person from another world a secret. Instead of revealing the truth, she chose to introduce herself as a close friend of Xin Tian's, not wanting to overwhelm his family with the concept of different realms and dimensions.

With a warm smile, Luo Yan introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Luo Yan. It's nice to meet you all. Xin Tian and I have become good friends through online games, and we both enjoy cooking. We've been helping each other in the kitchen lately, and it's been a lot of fun."

Xin Tian's family welcomed Luo Yan with open arms, appreciating her friendly nature and the positive impact she had on their son. They were genuinely happy to see Xin Tian forming a strong bond with someone who shared his interests.

As they continued to chat and share stories, the kitchen atmosphere remained joyful, filled with laughter. Luo Yan skillfully navigated the conversations, deflecting any questions about her background without raising suspicion.

Xin Tian was worried that his sister, who had a strong brother complex, might do something unexpected. In the past, he had heard from Sirin that she was involved in human trafficking and was saved by their parents. Coincidentally, this happened on the same day as the Second Eruption.

Xin Tian asked Luo Yan for advice, but her answer left him speechless. "Then make her your second wife," Luo Yan suggested. She understood that Xin Tian and Sirin weren't blood relatives, and having a harem was common in the cultivation world she came from. Plus, it would be advantageous for her since she couldn't compete with Xin Tian in terms of their bed time together.

Luo Yan recognized Sirin's great potential, unaware that Sirin had already surpassed her in power.

Sirin already know about the true extent of Xin Tian and Luo Yan's strength, But she decided to trust her little brother. She knew he would never harm the people who were important to him.

Curious, Xin Tian tried to appraise Sirin, but what he discovered left him dumbfounded. He couldn't believe the status he saw.



Name: Sirin

Job: Herrscher of the Void

Race: Human

Level: 1,500

HP: 1,500,000/1,500,000

MP: 800,000/800,000

Strength: 20,000

Vitality: 18,000

Dexterity: 15,000

Wisdom: 25,000

Intelligence: 25,000

Luck: 1,000

SP: 200

Rebirth: Not Applicable

Money: 250,000,000


- Void Eruption Lv200

- Dimensional Rift Lv200

- Shadow Strike Lv200

- Dark Matter Manipulation Lv200

- Void Shield Lv200

- Cosmic Blast Lv200

- Chaos Warp Lv200

- Black Hole Lv200

- Singularity Lv200

- Astral Projection Lv200

- Void Manipulation Lv200

- Stellar Collapse Lv200

- Nullify Lv200

- Time Dilation Lv200

- Gravity Surge Lv200

- Absolute Annihilation Lv200

- Void Control Lv200

- Void Wings Lv200

- Reality Distortion Lv200

- Infinite Dark Power Lv200

Passive Skills:

- Void Fusion: This passive skill allows Sirin to merge with the power of the Void, increasing her overall strength, speed, and durability. It grants her the ability to harness and manipulate the Void's energy, enabling devastating attacks and defensive maneuvers. Additionally, Void Fusion enhances her resistance to various forms of damage and negative effects.

- Cosmic Awareness: Sirin's connection to the Void grants her an innate understanding of the cosmic forces at play. This passive skill heightens her perception, granting her an unparalleled awareness of the battlefield. It allows her to predict and react to enemy movements with exceptional precision, giving her a tactical advantage in combat.

- Absolute Darkness: As the Herrscher of the Void, Sirin naturally commands the power of darkness. This passive skill enhances her affinity for darkness-based abilities and grants her enhanced control over shadows and shadows' manipulation. Absolute Darkness also bolsters her resistance to light-based attacks and provides her with improved stealth and concealment capabilities.

- Void Resilience: Sirin's exposure to the Void has granted her a remarkable resilience against its corrupting influence. This passive skill strengthens her mind and spirit, providing resistance against mental attacks and mind-altering effects. Void Resilience also grants her the ability to resist and overcome the negative effects of the Void's energy, allowing her to maintain control and clarity in chaotic situations.

- Unleashed Potential: This passive skill represents Sirin's untapped potential as the Herrscher of the Void. It continuously unlocks new depths of power and abilities within her, allowing her to push beyond her limits and access unprecedented strength. Unleashed Potential enables her to continually evolve and adapt, making her a formidable force to be reckoned with.

- Abyssal Presence: Sirin's status as the Herrscher of the Void imbues her with an aura of darkness and power. This passive skill radiates an intimidating and oppressive presence that can cause fear and unease in her enemies. Abyssal Presence also amplifies her own abilities, augmenting her attacks, defense, and control over the Void's energy.

- Void Convergence: This passive skill enables Sirin to merge her powers with other sources of void energy, strengthening her abilities even further. It allows her to absorb and harness the energy of void-based attacks, amplifying her own strength and replenishing her MP. Void Convergence enhances her versatility and adaptability in battle, making her a formidable adversary.

- Ruin's Awakening: In dire situations, Sirin can tap into the full potential of her Herrscher powers, entering a state known as Ruin's Awakening. This passive skill unleashes her true power, exponentially increasing her strength, speed, and destructive capabilities. During Ruin's Awakening, Sirin can temporarily overcome her limits and unleash devastating attacks that can reshape the battlefield and obliterate her enemies.


"Don't stare at me like that, you pervert," Sirin exclaimed. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Xin Tian appraised her. She felt exposed under his gaze, even though she had allowed him to do so.

"How?" Xin Tian asked, surprised by what he saw in his sister's status.

As Xin Tian observed Sirin's she put a hand on her lips conveying that she wish him to remain silent about her power. Xin Tian nodded and decided to respect her request for silence and turned his attention back to the lively scene before him.

Luo Yan, Alice, and Long continued eating their meal, their expressions filled with delight. The aroma of the food wafted through the air, tempting everyone's taste buds. Even though Sirin remained aloof, Xin Tian couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't joined in the feast.

With a concerned look, Xin Tian gently touched Sirin's arm, hoping to convey his support. Sensing his comforting touch, Sirin glanced at him and gave a faint smile, reassuring him that everything was alright and will tell him later on.

Although he couldn't fully understand the complexities behind Sirin's behavior, Xin Tian trusted that she had her reasons. He knew that their bond as siblings ran deep, and he would always be there for her, no matter what challenges they faced.

As Sirin finally gave in to the temptation, she took a hesitant bite of the food. The flavors exploded in her mouth, surprising her with their deliciousness. Unable to resist any longer, she started devouring the food with gusto, matching the fervor of Luo Yan, Alice, and Long.

Xin Tian couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his usually composed sister enthusiastically enjoying the meal. Her earlier reserve had melted away, replaced by pure enjoyment.