
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 1 Beginning(Rewrite)



Name: Xin Tian

Job: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: <The Gamer>

Level: 1

HP: 446/446

MP: 212/212

Exp: 1/100

Strength: 24

Vitality: 20


Wisdom: 45

Intelligence: 17

Luck: Immeasurable

SP: 0

Rebirth:0 (Note:Reach the level of 100 to rebirth)

Rebirth Status:

XP: 1x

Additional SP: 0

Money: 26,456,890

Passive Skills:

Myriad Travel: An Ability that would let you travel to some random worlds

Messy Luck: An Ability that would make you unlucky and make you lucky, But fret not, no people would get involved with your bad luck instead you would shoulder everything and bring luck to the people around you.

Gamer's Body: Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and all mass effects.

Gamers Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorders and completely making immune to the soul attack.


As Xin Tian examined the status window floating in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about his newfound abilities. He contemplated his options and decided to test his luck before trying out the travel function.

Xin Tian focused on activating his "Messy Luck" ability, hoping to gain some insight whether it would be a fortunate or unfortunate day for him. As he concentrated, a wave of peculiar energy washed over him, causing a tingling sensation throughout his body.

The status window updated, displaying a message:

Luck Status: Lucky Day

A sense of relief washed over Xin Tian as he read the words. It seemed the fortune was on his side. he starts contemplating the dangers that lay ahead.

He then turned his attention to the "Myriad Travel" ability. Honestly it Intrigued him. An ability to explore different worlds, Imagining traveling into the world was the main reason he couldn't resist the urge to give it a try.

As Xin Tian focused on activating the ability, A portal materialized before him.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the portal, knowing that adventuring unknown realms was dangerous. But in the end he decided to trust his "Gamer's Body" and "Gamers Mind" An abilities that would aid him in adapting to the challenges he would encounter.

He looked around the place and discovered that he was inside a snow forest. Xin Tian began gathering wood and checked his surroundings to determine if it was a dangerous place.

As Xin Tian ventured further into the forest, he observed his surroundings with caution. The trees towered above him, their branches interweaving that filtered the sunlight. The air was filled with purity and the gentle rustling of leaves.

Using his "Gamer's Body" ability, Xin Tian felt a heightened sense of perception and physical prowess. His movements were agile, and his reflexes sharpened, allowing him to navigate the terrain with ease. He began gathering wood, carefully selecting sturdy branches and fallen logs that would serve as useful resources in his journey.

While the forest seemed peaceful at first, Xin Tian's "Gamer's Mind" was continuously used to kept him alert to potential dangers. He listened for any unusual sounds, scanned the area for signs of wildlife, and remained prepared for any surprises that might lie ahead.

As he continued exploring, Xin Tian noticed various plant life, some unfamiliar and others resembling those he had encountered in his past world. He made mental notes of these plants, considering their potential uses in crafting or for nourishment if the need arose.

Despite the tranquility of the forest, Xin Tian knew that appearances could be deceiving. He remained cautious, ready to activate his abilities or adapt his strategy Incase he encounter any hostile creatures.

With his gathered wood and a growing understanding of his environment, Xin Tian felt a sense of accomplishment and prepared everything.

<Due to special Action a skill "Survivalist Level 1" Was created>

Survivalist: An ability to detect an upcoming danger and poisonous plant.

As Xin Tian continued his exploration, he sensed a subtle shift in the energy around him. His newly acquired skill, "Survivalist," alerted him to an impending danger. He remained vigilant, relying on his heightened senses and the guidance of his ability.

As he cautiously moved forward, Xin Tian noticed a cluster of vibrant red flowers. With his "Survivalist" ability, he quickly identified them as poisonous plants. He avoided the area and made a mental note to be cautious of similar flora in the future.

Continuing his journey, Xin Tian couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of this new world. Each step brought new discoveries and challenges, and he was determined to make the most of his abilities and resources.

With his "Gamer's Body," Xin Tian was able to adapt to the environment without a single effort. He climbed over fallen trees, leaped across small streams, and maneuvered through thick undergrowth with ease. His physical abilities was enhance as he continued his exploration.

<Due to special Action a skill "Exploration Level 1" Was created>

Exploration: An Ability that would prevent the user from getting lost.

As Xin Tian delved deeper into the forest, his newly acquired skill, "Exploration," prevented him from getting lost. He navigated through the dense forest and bumpy paths.

The forest revealed more of its secrets as Xin Tian pressed forward. He stumbled upon a hidden waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff, the gentle splash of water was echoing through out the serene surroundings. The sight was mesmerizing, and he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of this world.

Feeling a surge of curiosity, Xin Tian approached the waterfall and extended his hand to feel the cool spray of water on his skin. As his fingers touched the liquid, he felt a surge of energy passing through him, it revitalize his HP and MP.

With his imagination sparked by the stories he had read about "The Gamer," Xin Tian couldn't help but wonder if he could manifest this ability into reality. He focused his mind, A powerful mana missile was forming in his hand.

To his surprise, a faint blue glow materialized, swirling in his palm. He got Excited and he realized that his thoughts were indeed getting clearer. He Carefully, released the energy from his hand, and a small mana missile shot forth, streaking through the air and exploding upon impact with a nearby tree.

The forest momentarily lit up with a burst of magical energy, and Xin Tian couldn't contain his Excitement. It seemed that his "Gamer" abilities extended beyond imagination. Generating skill using imagination was more easier than he thought.

<Due to special Action a skill "Mana Missile Level 1" Was created>

As Xin Tian marveled at the successful manifestation of the mana missile, he realized that he could use this opportunity to develop his skills. He focused his attention on training and honing his abilities, specifically the "Mana Missile" skill.

With the serene surroundings of the snow forest and the replenishing energy of the waterfall, Xin Tian began practicing his mana manipulation. He summoned mana into his hands, shaping and compressing it to form more a powerful mana missiles.

As he experimented with different techniques, Xin Tian's control over his mana improved. The mana missiles he created became more focused, faster, and carry a greater impact. He directed them towards various targets, such as trees or boulders, observing the effects and adjust the usage accordingly.

With each successful shot, Xin Tian's mastery of the "Mana Missile" skill grew. He became more adept at channeling his mana, calculating trajectories, and adapting to different combat scenarios.

After spending considerable time training, Xin Tian felt a surge of satisfaction. His "Mana Missile" skill had leveled up, and he had gained a deeper understanding of his own abilities. He now possessed the proficiency of "Mana Missile Level 25."


Status Update:

Mana Missile Level: 25


Xin Tian felt a renewed sense of confidence and determination. His exploration of the snow forest had not only provided valuable resources and skills but also a place for him to cultivate his abilities.

Xin Tian marveled at his progress in such a short amount of time, he couldn't help but appreciate the benefits of his "Gamers Mind" ability. It allowed him to train relentlessly without feeling a mental exhaustion, enabling him to make significant progress in a short period without a single rest.

As Xin Tian approached the base of the waterfall, he observed the cascading water with a mix of excitement. The sound of rushing water filled the air, and the mist created a refreshing coolness around him.

Xin Tian stood under the waterfall, allowing the healing waters to wash over him. He felt a soothing sensation as his HP and MP steadily regenerated, rejuvenating his body and mind. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he decided to focus on leveling up his physical attributes.

Using his "Gamers Mind" ability, Xin Tian honed his concentration and began a series of physical exercises. He performed various stretches, push-ups, and squats, pushing his body to its limits and beyond. With each repetition, his muscles grew stronger, and his physical endurance increased.

As he trained, Xin Tian could feel his strength and vitality growing. His movements became more fluid, and he noticed a significant improvement of his overall physical powers. The combination of the healing waters and his hellish training allowed him to make remarkable progress.


Status Update:

Strength: 40

Vitality: 36


Pleased with his progress, Xin Tian took a moment to catch his breath and reflect on his journey. He had ventured into a new world, discovered unique abilities, and faced challenges head-on. With each experience, he grew stronger and more adept at utilizing his "Gamer" skills.

Xin Tian basked in the healing waters of the waterfall, he seized the opportunity to further explore his magical potential. He focused his mind on creating new spells, harnessing the mana around him and shaping it into different forms.

With his "Gamers Mind" ability enhancing his concentration and logical thinking, Xin Tian began experimenting with various magical concepts. He learned the spells of fire, ice, lightning, and other elemental forces, seeking to manifest their power through his own abilities.

As he delved into the depths of his imagination, Xin Tian's efforts started to bear fruit. He successfully created several basic spells and gradually level them through practice.


Status Update:

New Spells Created:

1. Fireball

2. Ice Lance

3. Lightning Bolt

4. Healing Magic


With the addition of these spells, Xin Tian felt a renewed sense of versatility and power. He could now unleash fiery projectiles, freezing attacks, electrical bolts, and even heal his wounds with the touch of his hand. The possibilities seemed endless, and he was eager to test the effectiveness of his new spells.

The snow forest was vast and snowy. Xin Tian saw various creatures visiting the waterfall, some docile and the others were hostile. With his honed combat skills and magical prowess, he engaged in battles to the hostile one, utilizing his spells and physical abilities to overcome his weakness.

With each encounter, Xin Tian grew more proficient in his combat techniques. He discovered new strategies, adapted his spells to different situations, and further improved his physical attributes. Every victory brought him closer to mastering his abilities as "The Gamer."

Xin Tian's experiences and battles gradually level up his overall level. The accumulation of experience points (Exp) resulted in him leveling up and gaining new skills and attributes.


Status Update:

Level: 10

HP: 800/800

MP: 350/350

Exp: 350/1000

Strength: 50

Vitality: 46

Dex: 25

Wisdom: 55

Intelligence: 27

SP: 0


With his newfound strength and enhanced abilities, Xin Tian felt a surge of confidence. He was becoming a stronger in this world, an advantage of "The Gamer." However, he knew that there was still much to learn and to discover.

As Xin Tian felt that it was time to explored the hidden cave concealed by thick vegetation near the waterfall. He was Intrigued, and cautiously climb it and entered the cave, his senses was on high alert.

Inside, he discovered an ancient tome resting on a stone. The tome emitted a faint aura of power, Xin Tian starts examining the contents. With curiosity driving him, he opened the pages and began absorbing the knowledge inscribed within.

The tome contained information about advanced magical techniques, legendary artifacts, and even the existence of hidden realms. Xin Tian consciousness got deeper from the teachings, He absorbed the wisdom and integrating it into his own understanding.

After hours of study, Xin Tian closed the tome, feeling a profound sense of enlightenment. The knowledge he had acquired granted him access to new possibilities and revealed secrets that few others knew.


Status Update:

New Skill Acquired: Ancient Wisdom

Ancient Wisdom: Unlocks advanced magical techniques, and cultivation technique s increases understanding of the world energy.


Happy by the newly acquired skill, his sense about Mana and other energy grew by leap and bounds. Xin Tian decided to venture deeper and check the reason why there's an healing effect from the water fall.

As Xin Tian ventured deeper into the cave, he noticed a faint glow emanating from a narrow passageway. Curiosity piqued, he cautiously made his way toward the source of the light.

The passage opened up into a vast chamber, filled with shimmering crystals and an ethereal glow. In the center of the chamber, a magnificent pool of water reflected the ambient light, radiating a healing aura that enveloped the entire space.

Intrigued by the enchanting scene, Xin Tian approached the pool and dipped his hand into the water. As soon as his skin made contact with the liquid, a warm, soothing sensation spread throughout his body, revitalizing him from within.

Realizing the immense restorative properties of the pool, Xin Tian decided to immerse himself fully. He stepped into the water, feeling its gentle embrace as it enveloped him. The healing energy coursed through his veins, repairing any minor injuries and replenishing his HP and MP to their maximum capacities.

As he soaked in the rejuvenating waters, Xin Tian's mind began to wander. He wondered if there was a way to harness the power of this pool and bring its healing properties with him wherever he went.

With his "Gamers Mind" ability allowing him to think calmly and logically, Xin Tian devised a plan. He extended his consciousness, reaching out to the pool's energy and attempting to understand its essence.

Hours turned into days as Xin Tian delved deep into his exploration of the pool's energy. Through trial and error, he discovered a way to form a spiritual connection with the water, allowing him to temporarily imbue himself and his surroundings with its healing properties.


Status Update:

New Skill Acquired: Healing Pool Connection

Healing Pool Connection: Allows Xin Tian to establish a temporary link with healing energy sources, enabling him to replicate their rejuvenating effects for a unlimited time.


Empowered by his new skill, Xin Tian emerged from the pool with a renewed sense of purpose. He was no longer limited to the healing waters of this particular location; he now possessed the ability to tap into similar sources of healing energy he may encounter in the future.

Xin Tian suddenly remembered that he could store anything inside his inventory, a bonus ability of being a "Gamer." He stored the Healing Pool inside his inventory and immediately escaped the place before it enraged the other creatures that visited this place to heal their wounds.


Status update:

New Skill Acquired: Concealment

Concealment: It would hide one's presence.


As Xin Tian emerged from the cave, he felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement. The journey through the snow forest had just started he still wanted to revealed hidden treasures, powerful skills, and the potential for even greater growth.