
HongHuang The Avenue Of Fate

Time Travel to the world of HongHuang he becomes a 36 purple fate lotus that is favored and blessed by the avenue and the heavenly way and he is the only one that can learn the road of fate he becomes Taiqing Laojun's first disciple but he most of the time in taiqin dojo the story starts when Honjun becomes holy PS: if you don't know much about honghuang I recommend that you read the books about HongHuang on readwn.com or mtlnation.com

TheFateAvenue · Fantasy
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36 Purple Fate Lotus is born and second sermon

Before everyone could leave, a rumbling sound echoed through the flood and the avenue, revealing itself in a grand spectacle. The heavenly way unfurled its majestic presence, joined by the enigmatic Avenue. As all eyes turned towards the sky, a wondrous sight unfolded—the birth of a magnificent 36 purple lotus, blessed by both the Avenue and the Heavenly Way. A forbidden path, the Avenue of Fate, and the intertwined threads of cause and effect emerged, imprinting themselves upon the petals of the 36 purple fate lotus. The entire gathering stood in awe, their astonishment palpable.

Observing this celestial phenomenon, the Avenue and the Heavenly Way emanated a vibrant purple gas, signifying the potential to ascend as saints of their respective domains.

"Mighty Hongjun, what is transpiring before our eyes?" Taiqing inquired, curiosity brimming in his voice.

"A being has come forth, one destined to wield dominion over fate and cause and effect. Thus, he is blessed by both the Avenue and the Heavenly Way," Hongjun replied, his words carrying an air of profound significance.

Meanwhile, the 36 purple fate lotus approached Taiqing, the shock evident on his face.

"Master, why does it gravitate towards me?" Taiqing asked, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and anticipation.

"Look closely, and you shall realize that he is your first disciple—a connection of fate and cause and effect. Do not harm him, for such an act would invoke the wrath of the Avenue and the Heavenly Way. Let him remain here until after the third sermon, and then you may take him under your wing," Hongjun advised, his voice filled with solemnity.

Taiqing's heart swelled with a mix of astonishment and joy. The prospect of accepting a disciple who resonated so deeply with his own path filled him with a profound sense of purpose. He felt the intricate web of cause and effect weaving its threads between him and the 36 purple fate lotus, solidifying their destined bond.

"Master, why was it bestowed with the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect? I thought it was forbidden for people to control those two avenues," Taiqing asked Hongjun, his voice filled with curiosity.

Hongjun paused for a moment, his eyes carrying a weight of ancient wisdom. "Someone needs to control them," he finally replied. "If an individual in Honghuang were to possess that power, they could manipulate the destiny of all living beings. Therefore, the Avenue and the Heavenly Way devised a creature capable of wielding those two avenues without succumbing to their misuse. He is the one who escaped, and thus, he possesses the ability to control the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect."

The assembled immortals exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of awe and contemplation. The magnitude of this revelation slowly sank in.

"Master Hongjun," Zhunti spoke up, his voice laced with curiosity, "why is it that we cannot harm him? Is he a Chaos Treasure, akin to the legendary 36 Creation Lotuses that Pangu once wielded?"

Hongjun nodded, acknowledging Zhunti's astute observation. "Indeed, he is a Chaos Treasure. However, his significance goes far beyond that. He is the son born from the union of the Avenue and the Heavenly Way. Attempting to seize this treasure would bring about the wrath of both the Avenue and the Heavenly Way upon you. I have allowed him to remain here so that I may expound upon the teachings of the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect. As the spokesperson for the Heavenly Way, it is my duty to guide and enlighten," Hongjun explained with a solemn tone, his words resonating with profound meaning.

As Hongjun's words settled in the air, a solemn silence filled the Zixao Palace. The immortals exchanged bewildered glances, trying to comprehend the magnitude of the situation unfolding before them.

Taiqing, with a mix of curiosity and concern, pressed on with his inquiries. "Master Hongjun, if this being possesses such immense power over the avenues, how can we ensure that he will not misuse his abilities?"

Hongjun's gaze turned resolute as he replied, "Rest assured, Taiqing. The creation of this extraordinary creature was a meticulous process. The Avenue and the Heavenly Way have instilled within him a profound understanding of balance and harmony. He holds the key to maintaining the delicate fabric of fate and cause and effect without succumbing to temptation or malice."

Listening intently, the immortals pondered the implications of this revelation. The weight of responsibility rested on their shoulders, knowing that the destiny of countless lives lay in the hands of this unique being.

"Alright, everyone, I have provided the necessary explanations, and there's no need to worry excessively. Remember, if you continue to cultivate your own avenues, you can grasp your own fate and cause and effect. So, I shall meet all of you again in 3000 years for the next sermon," Hongjun announced, his voice carrying a tone of reassurance.

With a graceful wave of his hand, the surroundings transformed, and the immortals found themselves standing outside the magnificent Zixao Palace. The transition was seamless, leaving them in awe of Hongjun's profound abilities.

As they gazed at the palace from afar, a sense of anticipation filled their hearts. The knowledge bestowed upon them and the encounter with the enigmatic being would undoubtedly shape their paths and propel them toward greater enlightenment.

With renewed determination, the immortals dispersed, each carrying the weight of their newfound insights. They embarked on their individual journeys, armed with the understanding that they held the power to shape their own destinies and navigate the intricate web of fate and cause and effect.

The world awaited their endeavors, and the cosmic dance of the avenues continued, intertwined with the aspirations and choices of these extraordinary beings. Little did they know the challenges, triumphs, and revelations that lay ahead, for the celestial realm brimmed with infinite possibilities and the promise of enlightenment.

Hongjun's voice resonated with profound wisdom as he delved into the intricate mysteries of the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect. The 36 purple Fate Lotus listened intently, its delicate petals quivering with anticipation.

With each word, Hongjun unveiled the secrets and intricacies of these cosmic forces, guiding the 36 purple Fate Lotus on a profound journey of enlightenment. He elucidated the interplay between destiny and choice, how the threads of fate wove through the tapestry of existence, and how the ripple of a single action could reverberate across the universe.

As Hongjun's teachings unfolded, the 36 purple Fate Lotus absorbed the profound knowledge, its consciousness expanding and evolving. It began to grasp the delicate balance between fate and free will, understanding the immense responsibility it held as a vessel of the avenues.

The Zixao Palace was filled with an aura of awe and reverence as Hongjun's words wove a tapestry of enlightenment and transformation.

For countless days and nights, Hongjun imparted his wisdom, nurturing the 36 purple Fate Lotus with his celestial guidance. The lotus, once a mere bud, now blossomed into a beacon of profound knowledge, radiating an aura that resonated with the harmony of the cosmos.

And as the final sermon drew to a close, Hongjun stood before the transformed 36 purple Fate Lotus, his eyes filled with pride and hope. The lotus, now imbued with the wisdom of the avenues,

In the quiet solitude of the Zixao Palace, Fate, the 36 purple fate lotus, stirred from his deep slumber. Petals of vibrant purple slowly unfurled, revealing a mesmerizing sight. The aura of the avenues of fate and cause and effect enveloped him, a testament to his unique essence.

As Fate's consciousness emerged, his gaze fell upon the figure standing before him—the venerable Hongjun. With a knowing smile, Hongjun recognized the awakening of the lotus he had named Fate.

"Fate," Hongjun's voice resonated with warmth and reverence, "you have risen from your dormant state. Your presence in the Zixao Palace holds great significance, for you embody the intertwined powers of the avenue of fate and the avenue of cause and effect."

Fate, still adjusting to his awakening, took in his surroundings. He sensed a deep connection to the palace, though he understood that his origin and purpose remained a mystery to those around him. Hongjun, as the sole witness to his awakening, held the key to Fate's enlightenment.

"I sense the weight of destiny upon me, Master Hongjun," Fate spoke, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation. "I seek to cultivate and understand the intricacies of the avenues entrusted to me. Can you guide me in this pursuit?"

Hongjun nodded, his eyes shimmering with ancient wisdom. "You possess a cultivation technique bestowed upon you by the avenues themselves. It is within the sacred confines of the Zixao Palace that you shall embark on your journey. Here, you will delve deep into the mysteries of fate and cause and effect, refining your essence and unlocking the boundless potential within."

With Hongjun's guidance, Fate began his cultivation, immersing himself in the teachings of the avenue of fate and the avenue of cause and effect. The palace became his sanctuary, a realm where time seemed to stand still as he delved into the depths of his own existence.

and Fate's understanding of the avenues deepened. He unearthed profound insights and honed his connection to the intricate tapestry of destiny. As he practiced the cultivation technique, the power of fate and cause and effect coursed through his ethereal form, shaping his being with each passing moment.

While Fate cultivated in solitude, His origin as a transmigrated being from Earth remained veiled, known only to himself, Fate's transformation into human form would come in due time, a crucial step on his path of enlightenment.

In the sanctuary of the palace, Fate's lotus petals radiated a gentle glow, resonating with the harmony he sought to achieve. With every passing day, he grew closer to unlocking the true potential that lay within him—a potential that would reverberate through the realms and reshape the very fabric of existence.

In the stillness of the Zixao Palace, Fate's cultivation continued, his determination unwavering.

3000 years had passed since the first sermon, and the time had come for the second sermon in the majestic Zixiao Palace. High on the platform, Hongjun Daozu sat in a state of deep meditation, his presence ethereal and transcendent. Flanking him were Haotian and Yaochi, while the 36 purple fate lotus, still in its cultivation stage, sat behind him. As Sanqing arrived, they respectfully bowed in greeting.

Taiqing's gaze fell upon the 36 purple fate lotus, observing its progress.

After Sanqing exchanged pleasantries with Hongjun Daozu, he took his seat, waiting for the arrival of the other gods and demons.

Over the next ten years, Nuwa, Fuxi, Emperor Taiyi, and other prominent deities made their way to the palace. It took another hundred years for the remaining gods and demons to arrive, completing the assembly of the three thousand celestial beings.

A resounding bell echoed through the hall, commanding silence among the conversing immortals.

"Quiet!" Haotian's voice boomed.

As the room fell silent, Hongjun Daozu slowly opened his eyes, his gaze sweeping across the gathered crowd. With a nod of approval, he spoke, "It seems that in these 3000 years, you have diligently cultivated and grasped the essence of the teachings to a certain extent."

For those who had just embarked on the path of cultivation, improving within a span of three thousand years was a formidable challenge. However, for those who had recently received the teachings of the avenues, progress was slightly easier. Hongjun acknowledged this fact.

"Now that the number of the three thousand is complete, I shall continue imparting the Dao. This time, it is the path of the quasi-sage. The duration remains at 3000 years. Afterward, you shall practice for another 3000 years..."

"Pay attention and listen closely..."

Hongjun began to expound upon the celestial principles. The gods and demons focused their attention, enraptured by the resounding echoes of the great Dao within the hall.

"As the avenue becomes all-encompassing, one gains control. The birth of all things occurs without hesitation, and success requires no name. Nourishing everything impartially, desires are often absent. In its modesty, it attains greatness. It is not arrogant, thus it can become significant..."

"The Dao is formless, its origins lie in nature. It cannot be proclaimed by name but can be understood by those who comprehend their nature. The beginning of Dao is the root of Qi. Embracing nature as the foremost priority..."

"Unity, true essence, pure Yang Qi, Taiwu, merging with the avenue and nature, transcending beginnings and endings, formless and shapeless, pure and turbid, chaotic and formless, beyond description..."

As the Dao Mantras resounded, the entire Zixiao Palace was filled with a profusion of ethereal visions. Celestial flowers bloomed, golden lotuses sprouted from the ground, and the air was saturated with the essence of the Dao. Auras of the Tao enveloped every being present.

In the Purple Heaven Palace, gods and demons closed their eyes, fully immersed in the mystical resonance of the great Dao. The profound and mysterious sounds echoed in their ears, captivating them completely.

This time, Hongjun's sermon focused on the quasi-sage realm, which surpassed the previous discussion on cultivation. While most of the cultivators in the Three Thousand Purple Cloud Palace were at the level of Daluo Jinxian, they were relatively unfamiliar with the quasi-sage realm.

However, a select few were deeply absorbed in the teachings. These gods and demons stood at the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian above the quasi-sage way. Although the quasi-sage's cultivation way has not been discussed at this time, the essence of the quasi-sage's way involved at this time is not comparable to what was said in the first sermon. There are still most of the monks in the Three Thousand Purple Cloud Palace in the realm of Daluo Jinxian and don't know much about this quasi-sage. But a small part of it sounds so drunk. These gods and demons are all on the top of the big Luo Jinxian, and they are only one step away from the quasi-sage. At this time, Hongjun deepened the explanation of the quasi-sage way, and they naturally listened more carefully and understood more deeply. If the opportunity can be grasped, this promotion to the realm of quasi-sages, I am afraid it will not be so difficult. After all, the Tao at this time is the way of quasi-sages. If this opportunity fails to be promoted, then it will be in the future. It's even more difficult. If you are here at this time, you must seize this opportunity to advance to the Quasi-Holy Realm in one fell swoop.

Zixiao Palace, in the main hall.

What Hongjun Daozu said this time is the way of the quasi-sage. At this time, the essence of the dao and the reason for the dao are shallow and deep. Starting from the first entry into the quasi-sage, this stage is also the one that he has talked about for the longest time. Up.   

After all, in Zixiao Palace at this time, a large part of the cultivation of gods and demons was in the Daluo Golden Fairy Realm, and the understanding at this time needs to be more profound, so as to lay more foundations for future promotion to this realm.

In addition, a very small part is at the peak of the Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, and Hongjun Daozu is also based on this. Therefore, at the early stage of the quasi-sage, the explanation of the essence of the Dao and the Dao Zhizhi will take a longer time.

Fuxi Nuwa, Dijun Hongyun, and others were listening carefully at this time, and they began to learn from Hongjun's teachings at this time, then continued to confirm their own avenues, and began to absorb and accumulate.

Time passed quietly, and in a flash, two thousand years had passed.

one thousand years ago, the way the quasi-sage taught by Hongjun was already relatively advanced, between the mid-quasi-sage to the late quasi-sage.

It is precisely because of the in-depth preaching over the past ten thousand years that everyone can comprehend and comprehend, it is a little bit more, some have made minor breakthroughs, and some have not broken through, but they have also obtained a lot of benefits. The time for promotion has been greatly shortened.

In the first row, in addition to Kaisanqing, the other five have some small breakthroughs. Although they have not directly stepped into a new realm, it will not be too long.

So, another 500 years later.

Hongjun's mouth continued to hear the great road, but slowly opened his eyes. First, his eyes fell on Taishang. Amidst his crimson Qingyun, a green glow was extremely rich and pure, and the other one was also constantly approaching. The first one, it won't be long before I think about it.

In this way, after another 250 years, Hongjun has finished explaining the simple principles and principles of the quasi-sage, and what he will talk about next is the cultivation method of the quasi-sage.

"Three corpses, selfishness, food, and desire. The upper corpse is named Peng Hou, which is in the mind, which makes it stupid and stupid, without wisdom. The middle corpse is named Peng Zhi, which is in the chest, which makes it worried and delusional and cannot be quiet.

The next corpse insect is called Peng Jiao, and it lies in the belly, making it covetous... cut off the three corpses, calm and wantless With a clear spirit, transcendence from life and death, it can become a fairy path..."

"Slicing good thoughts, evil thoughts, self-consciousness; the three corpses..."


The quasi-sage cultivation method discussed by Hongjun Daozu at this time was the way of the three corpses that he created and practiced.

This is the practice method of the quasi-sage realm and is also the most lacking among the many present quasi-saints. After all, in the current predicament, the inheritors who can reach this realm, or even higher, are a very small part.

Most cultivators, gods, and demons lack inheritance. Apart from the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes whose inheritance continues, most inheritances were lost after the battle between Taoism and demons. There is no method of inheritance that can enable them to cultivate to this level. It is extremely rare.

Among those who heard about it from the Purple Cloud Palace, although some have reached the early stage of the quasi-sage, they lack a way to practice. It is estimated that it is difficult for them to advance further or reach a higher realm.

The way of the three corpses can be considered a shortcut to the Hunyuan realm or a shortcut to becoming a saint. This is the path that Hongjun himself has traversed, and this cultivation method can indeed enable practitioners to advance to higher realms more quickly.

The Tao of the Three Corpses not only includes the cultivation method of the Quasi-Holy Realm but also the method of severing the three corpses, which is profound and extensive. Moreover, the way of the three corpses is compatible with any practice method. No matter what path one follows, this method can be practiced.

The method of severing the three corpses is also extraordinary. Even for those who hear it now, it feels extremely mysterious.

If Hongjun Daozu had not become a saint, it is speculated that he might have been able to explore a different path. Unfortunately, in the end, he ascended to sainthood and did not reach the level of Hunyuan.

Nevertheless, this is still an extraordinary and mysterious practice method, and it is an extremely precious and rare technique in the Primordial Era.

The quasi-sages among the top gods and demons are currently either in the early stage or middle stage of the quasi-sage. They had already made some progress upon hearing about Hongjun's way of the quasi-sage before. Now, with the introduction of the way of the three corpses, their cultivation is rapidly advancing. This cultivation method is like nectar to them, and they absorb and practice it diligently.

Not only the quasi-sages among them, but also the gods, demons, and monks who are following behind are also greatly inspired. They are cultivating earnestly, and there are signs of advancement in their aura.

Meanwhile, as Hongjun's "Tao of the Three Corpses" continues to deepen, he explains the cultivation method in detail. The gods, demons, and monks who have reached the Consummation stage of Daluo Jinxian become more engrossed.

At this time, I also begin to practice according to Hongjun's instructions. Although I may not be able to fully comprehend it at this moment, familiarizing myself with it will greatly assist my future formal practice. So, for now, I follow along without hesitation.

However, the situation is different for the monks, gods, and demons who have not reached the Consummation stage of Daluo Jinxian. Many of them show distress, pain, and frustration.

Given their current cultivation level, it is indeed difficult for them to comprehend the 'Tao of the Three Corpses' that only quasi-sages can practice. Even if they were to advance, they would need to have the perfect cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, like some of the gods, demons, and cultivators.

Otherwise, understanding its mysteries would be impossible.

Yet, this situation is of great significance.

For them, it is a critical juncture. If they fail to comprehend the 'Way of the Three Corpses,' it will be exceedingly challenging for them to advance to the quasi-sage level in the future. It will be as difficult as aspiring to achieve advancement.

On the other hand, those gods, demons, and monks who do grasp the 'Way of the Three Corpses' will progress to the quasi-sage level or even beyond. Their prospects in the heavens and earth will be greatly improved.

Consequently, the strong will become stronger, and if the weak fail to make progress, the gap between them will widen completely.

This situation is understood by many. After this sermon, the 'Three Corpses Way' will become popular in prehistoric times, heralding an era of quasi-sages. Those who cannot grasp this method will fall further behind.

And so, another 100 years quietly pass.

By this time, Dao Ancestor Hongjun has concluded the explanation of the "Way of the Three Corpses." Although there are still less than three thousand years remaining until the end of this sermon, he has already covered the "Way of the Three Corpses" in detail.

For the remaining 150 years, Hongjun Daozu begins to elucidate the path of the quasi-sage once again. This time, he discusses the principles and essence of the Dao in attaining the perfection of the quasi-sage. It can be seen as preparation for the third sermon.

However, at this moment, only the Sanqing can comprehend it to some extent.

Fuxi can also grasp some of it, while other beings such as Nuwa, Dijun Hongyun, and others find it difficult to understand. After all, their current cultivation levels are not high, and it will take time for them to fully comprehend.

Thus, 150 years later...


A soft sound emanates from the Supreme Being's red Qingyun. Daoist Yuqing has already advanced to the late Hunyuan Jinxian stage, only a step away from the flat deity.

As for the Daoists of the Shangqing Dynasty, they have gained new insights into the essence and principles of the Dao that confirm the perfection of the quasi-sage realm expounded by Hongjun Daozu. The phantom of Shangqing has already materialized.

After five hundred years of explanation by Hongjun Daozu, he ceases his sermon.

At a certain moment, he slowly opens his eyes. As his eyes open, the profound aura and mystique in the Zixiao Palace abruptly dissipate. All the gods and demons open their eyes and gaze at Daozu Hongjun on the high platform.

"Pangu opened the heavens and created the primordial state. However, the way of heaven remains incomplete. Thus, I have made the decision to give three sermons to all beings, each lasting 3,000 years, making a total of 9,000 years. Afterward, I will integrate with my body. Therefore, after 3,000 years, it will be my final sermon..."

"The next sermon will focus on the Tao of the Hunyuan Sage. If any of you have doubts at this time, you may raise them, and I will provide answers!"

In a solemn tone, Hongjun Daozu speaks.

As soon as his words fade, the gods and demons exchange glances and fall silent.

Among the top eight, Taishang closes his eyes to rest. Yuan Shi and Tong Tian look at their eldest brother but remain silent.

After pondering for a moment, Emperor Jun respectfully bows to Hongjun Daozu and asks, "Dare I ask Daozu, is there a method to prove this way?"

Dijun's question reflects the thoughts of many listeners present. All eyes turn to Hongjun Daozu, awaiting his response.

After contemplating for a moment, Hongjun Daozu nods and says, "There are 3,000 avenues, all capable of proving the Hunyuan. However, as far as I comprehend, there are three ways to achieve Dao sanctification. The first is to prove the Dao through strength and shatter the world's chaos, just like Pangu, possessing the most formidable mana!"

"The second is through the three corpses I created. By severing the three corpses of goodness, evil, and obsession, one's Taoist heart can become clear, allowing the cultivation of the quasi-sage realm to reach perfection. The sage is only one step away from the original sage. When the last three corpses merge into one, sanctification can be attained, following mana!"

"The third way is to prove the Dao through merit! What does it mean to prove the Dao through merit? It entails accumulating immense merits and eventually gaining the recognition of the heavenly path, receiving the holy position bestowed by the heavenly path. In this way, the sanctified status is naturally achieved, although the mana is inferior!"

Upon hearing Hongjun Daozu's words, the gods and demons wear various expressions.

These three methods of proving the Dao seem arduous to follow.

Choosing to prove the Dao through strength means surpassing even Pangu in terms of mana. Can one truly become stronger than Pangu?

Proving the Dao through merit raises questions about the vast amount of merit required. In the current state of the great famine, how much merit can one accumulate? How much merit is needed to reach the point of preaching?

Among these three methods, only the Way of the Three Corpses appears relatively easier. If successful in proving the Dao through this method, one's mana will rank below those who prove the Dao through strength but aligns more closely with their aspirations.

At that moment, Zhunti respectfully approached Hongjun Daozu and posed a question, "May I ask, esteemed teacher, if the 36 Purple Fate Lotus can serve as a means to prove the Dao through three different paths?" Zhunti inquired, awaiting Hongjun's response.

Hongjun Daozu shook his head gently and replied, "No, he possesses the unique fourth method of proving the Dao. He will become a saint of the Avenue and the Heavenly Way."

The words of Hongjun Daozu reverberated through the hall, leaving the immortals in a state of shock and disbelief. Their eyes widened, and murmurs of astonishment filled the air. How could one attain such an exalted status—a saint of the Avenue and the Heavenly Way?

In the midst of their bewildered silence, a courageous soul mustered the courage to inquire further. With a voice tinged with curiosity, the immortal spoke, "Daozu, we are astounded by your proclamation. Pray to tell, why is he the chosen one? What sets him apart?"

Hongjun Daozu, his gaze encompassing the entire assembly, acknowledged the query with a nod. His voice, carrying the weight of profound knowledge, resonated with the air of authority as he began to explain. "He possesses a rare quality—a destiny intertwined with the very fabric of existence. His path transcends the boundaries of ordinary immortals. He has been entrusted with the sacred duty to embody the essence of the Avenue and the Heavenly Way, becoming a guiding light for all sentient beings."

His words hung in the air, stirring a mix of awe, reverence, and contemplation among the gathered immortals. They realized the magnitude of the chosen one's destiny,

At this time, the leader at the end glanced at the crowd, and then bowed to Hongjun Daozu, "Dare to ask the teacher, what is the difference between the way of a saint and the way of Hunyuan?"

Just now, he said that all three thousand avenues can prove Dao, so what is the difference between this Hunyuan and the saint?

Hearing this, Hongjun Daozu pondered for a few breaths, and then he said, "The saint entrusts the heavenly path with the soul, immortality, and immortality, and he must conform to the heavenly path.

While the saint is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot achieve immortality, but he can transcend the predicament..."

Upon hearing this, the faces of the gods and demons changed slightly.

There are pros and cons between the two. The saint is immortal, but he is bound by heaven. Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not be immortal, he could escape the predicament and not be restricted by the way of heaven.

Of course, being unconstrained doesn't mean being able to act recklessly. After all, the position of heaven is still the strongest in the predicament.

All the gods and demons are silent. If you think about it this way, it seems that the way of a saint is easier. If it was placed in the past, it would be as difficult as before, but now, there is a way of practicing the "Road of the Three Corpses" handed down by the ancestors. This greatly improves the opportunity.

In contrast, the way of saints is indeed easier to follow.

At this time, Hong Yun looked at Dao Ancestor Hongjun and said respectfully, "Dare to ask Dao Ancestor? How can I cut off these three corpses?"

"If you want to cut away these good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions with the Three Corpses, you need to use the innate spirit treasure to cut out the three thoughts. The higher the level of sustenance, the higher the level of cultivation. Therefore, you need to be careful. The choice of this sustenance of the innate..."

Hongjun Daozu glanced at Hongyun lightly and said.

Hearing the words, all the listeners present showed awkward expressions.

Innate spirit treasure is not something that everyone can own. At this time, the prehistoric has evolved for countless years. The spirit treasure that should be born has already been born and basically has a master. Those who have not yet been born at this time, don't know when they will be born.

The higher the level of the spirit treasure, the higher the repair of the three corpses. It is good to be able to get the spirit treasure to cut the corpse. How can you still take this into account? After all, the spirit treasure is not a mortal thing, and it is a blessing to have one. Where can I dare to extravagantly demand high grades?

So I thought about it Many of them think that they only need to cut out the three corpses, and the strength will be discussed later.

Of course, these do not include the emperor Taiyi, Fuxi Styx, the Eastern Prince, and the Western Queen, as well as these existences on the first row of futons.

They have this rare and rare innate spirit treasure in their hands, and their grade is not low. If the corpse is cut, the strength is also stronger, then the strength will be even more terrifying.

At this time, Zhun Ti and Di Jun, and others seemed to have something to say, but they were interrupted by Hongjun Daozu on the high platform before they could ask.

He waved his hand and said, "This sermon is over, you can wait to go back to enlighten you! Come and listen to the sermon after 3000 years..."

After said, he flashed his figure and disappeared.

Dao ancestors have disappeared, it is impossible for them to stay here, after a glance at each other, they got up and left.

Now that they can hear the way of the three corpses, those innate gods and demons with spiritual treasures in their hands are naturally eager to try them, and they are ready to behead the corpses when they go back.

After everyone had left, and the Zixiao Palace was empty, Hongjun directed his attention solely to Fate, the grand culmination of the 36 Purple Lotuses. Fate, as the epitome of existence, radiated a resplendent aura, eagerly awaiting the profound teachings of the Dao Ancestor.

In the tranquil solitude of the palace, the air became pregnant with anticipation. Hongjun's voice, calm and resonant, began to fill the space, carrying the weight of timeless wisdom. Fate, positioned at the center of the 36 Lotuses, shimmered with heightened significance as if it embodied the very essence of the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect.

As Hongjun preached, the ethereal River of Fate, usually invisible to mortal eyes, manifested in all its glory. Its currents danced around the Purple Lotuses, intertwining with the River of Cause and Effect, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The ebb and flow of these interconnected rivers synchronized with Hongjun's words, as if they were divine harmonies orchestrating the destiny of all things.

Within the chamber, Fate absorbed every syllable, its petals trembling with anticipation. It was as if this Lotus held within it the profound potential to unravel the mysteries of existence, destined to embody the knowledge of the Avenue of Fate and the intricate workings of Cause and Effect.

Hongjun's teachings resonated with unparalleled clarity. The River of Fate surged and swirled as if mimicking the emotions and understanding awakened within Fate. Each verse, each insight imparted by Hongjun, transformed Fate, imbuing it with deeper layers of comprehension and spiritual enlightenment.

The years unfolded, and Hongjun's voice remained unwavering, an unwavering beacon of enlightenment amidst the silence. The teachings he imparted to Fate became a symphony of divine wisdom, echoing through the chamber, resonating with the cosmic essence.

The Rivers of Fate and Cause and Effect, attuned to Hongjun's words, flowed with ethereal grace. Their currents intertwined with the essence of Fate, carrying the seeds of enlightenment to all corners of its being. The knowledge revealed by the Dao Ancestor found a profound home within the heart of this chosen Lotus.

In the secluded chamber, a sacred bond was formed between Hongjun and Fate. It became the vessel of transcendent knowledge, forever altered by the transformative power of his teachings. Its purpose, now more defined than ever, was to carry the wisdom it received and perpetuate it throughout the vast cosmic tapestry.

And so, for 3000 years, Hongjun continued to preach, nurturing the soul of Fate with the elixir of enlightenment. In this intimate communion, Fate bloomed with unparalleled brilliance, embodying the culmination of celestial understanding and the potential for divine realization. The Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Cause and Effect became intertwined within its essence, merging into a harmonious symphony of cosmic wisdom.