
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 6 Beating Gangsters

Immediately after that Crazy Bull Wang reacted he was very unhappy. he had lost all his face.

With a gloomy face Crazy Bull Wang stared at Fang Ming, and said in an angry tone:

"Boy, do you want to die?".

Fang Ming replied back in stern voice " i Fang Ming will never watch an injustice before my eyes and do nothing, today i will be your father and teach you a lesson on how to treat other people, i will beat you so bad your mother won't recognize you".

Crazy Bull Wang was stunned. is this guy not afraid of death he keep provoking me he even cursed my mother.

Before he turned to his two younger brothers about to speak.

Suddenly out of nowhere a punch struck him in the face. following this Fang Ming didn't waste any time and started to punch and kick Crazy Bull Wang madly.

No one expected the young man to make the first move on Crazy Bull Wang and his followers.

They all had the same thought. damn this young man looked so righteous and full of justice spirit just a moment ago, yet he sneak attacked the next second. But we like this shameless behavior.

Crazy Bull Wang who got cut off guard. had no way to fight back the intense offensive launched by Fang Ming. and was beaten up very badly.

Seeing Crazy Bull Wang being pummeled on the ground his two younger brothers got angry and stepped forward to help.

One of them wanted to go forward and grab Fang Ming collar, but Fang Ming didn't wait for him!.

Fang Ming moved faster, took a step forward, grabbed his collar with one hand, and with the other hand he grabbed his elbow turned around, and threw him directly on the ground with a judo move called MOROTE.

Fang Ming who was enjoying a hand to hand fight after a very long time. even wanted to scream the move name, but felt that would be too immature. that would leave a dark stain in his glorious rise to the top of the world.


The young gangster thrown by Fang Ming landed on his back and hit the ground firmly, making a muffled sound! followed by scream full of pain and misery.

The young gangster face turned red, and his eyes were about to pop out from the pain.

Fang Ming followed on his assault as he switched target to the last young gangster, he punched him repeatedly than with diagonal kick to the chest, so fast that it was too late to react to.


The gangster was thrown 2 meter in the air before crashing on the wooden tables.

The pain caused him to lie on the ground like a corps, clutching his chest he was having a hard time breathing.

In extreme pain he started to vomit his breakfast.

"Whoa!" There was an uproar in the restaurant, and everyone stood up in surprise, no one expected that this handsome guy with sense of justice. was so powerful, and he took down three gangsters with ease.

Behind Fang Ming, Li Na also covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes filled with stars. everyone love and admire heroes, and she wasn't an exception.

At first She was still worried about Fang Ming safety. In her heart Fang Ming was a diligent and hard working young man. who had nothing to do with fighting and gangsters.

She know that Fang Ming was interested in her. and he must have acted impulsively to protect her without regard to his safety.

Whether Fang Ming could get out of this safely or not is all up to the crowed, she was prepared to beg them to help save him from this gangsters.

Who would have thought, this guy wasn't just acting on impulse, he really had the skill to back his words and beat up the three gangsters.

Only now did she realize that she was worried in vain, it turned out he was so good at fighting and wasn't acting recklessly, She was really dazzled by his martial art skill.

Then her face turned red, as she murmured to herself in low voice "humph just you wait, how dare you hid so much from me".

On the other side, the Crazy Bull Wang who just stood back from the ground, saw that his two younger brothers were beaten up in the blink of an eye, and his heart suddenly panicked.

He know that he had hit an iron wall. he has finally met a stubborn scumbag.

He gritted his teeth he couldn't bear to show his cowardice right now otherwise how would he be able to collect protection fees here, he took out a retractable knife directly from his back pocket.

"Boy, you are very good at fighting, but this is no A kwoon (A chinise dojo), this is street fight let's see what you can do against a knife".

"Boy, you are very good at fighting, but this is no A kwoon (A chinise dojo), this is street fight let's see what you can do against a knife".

"mother fuker. do you know who i am do you know who you are messing with, believe it or not i will behead you today, and i will find your family and friends and throw them in the sea, fuck i will show you how gangsters fight".

Fang Ming who was enjoying a hand to hand fight after a long time wasn't happy with Crazy Bull Wang taking out a knife. but to suddenly start screaming and talking Shit in a middle of a fight is such a low act, that made Fang Ming lost all interest in further wrestling with Crazy Bull Wang. and decided to just take thing seriously and end this tasteless fight.

At this moment Fang Ming who lost all interest in the fight showed a very cold eyes, and he had a slight intention to kill.

He slowly walked toward Crazy Bull Wang.