
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 22 Negotiation With The Soviet Arms Dealer

Fang Ming turned around and walked to the Russians table before he put his break feast on their table and sat with them shamelessly.

The two Russian guys were displeased seeing someone they didn't know sitting with them and they started to tell Fang Ming to piss off and pick another table to sit in.

Fang Ming turned to look at them and said "Just now i heard you saying you sold another piece of your soviet tanks to a Malaysian tribe, just how much can those poor people even pay, and you are even proud about it"

Fang Ming continued to eat his break feast while looking at the two Russians.

The two Russians who heard Fang Ming speak Russian so fluently were surprised at first but when they heard Fang Ming mock them for their small tunnel vision and their small scales businesses they were angered, and the one with a blond hair among them stood up in anger and said:

"Boy you are looking for death, you know we are arms dealer and you dare to mock us"

Just as he finished his words he tried to grab Fang Ming collar but he stopped moving his hand mid air, this scene was witnessed by the surrounding hotel guests and it looked very comical, they didn't understand why the angry blond Russian stooped his move mid air, they didn't understand Russian but they could tell that Fang Ming somehow angered this foreigners and they were expecting a good show but everything suddenly stopped for no reason.

The only person who understood why the blond Russian stopped his hand mid air in front of Fang Ming who was still eating his break feast with his right hand while having a completely bewildered look as if he didn't understand what the blond Russian was doing, was the second Russian who was sitting next to him, the two of them weren't just arms dealer they were also an extreme arms enthusiasts they know all type of arms like the back of their hands,

Just now when the blond Russian was going to grab Fang Ming collar they both heard a clicking sound, and both of them calmed down instantly as they looked at Fang Ming in fear with cold sweat all over their bodies.

Fang Ming could even see fear in their eyes as they looked at him.

They both knows what that sound mean. it is the clicking of the safety getting removed for a browning BPM D pistol, both of them instinctively followed Fang Ming left arms that was hidden below the table, at this time the two of them had the same thought "this guy is a professional killer, he managed to sneak a gun under the table in front of them in this short period of time without them noticing".

The blond Russian didn't dare to be impulsive he laughed to defuse the intense situation before sitting down with a smile that was very ugly, he said "you can't kill me".

Fang Ming looked at him with a questioning look.

The blond Russian continued " there are to many witnesses, it is not worth it we are not enemies just a small misunderstanding".

Fang Ming nodded and put the last piece of his break feast in his mouth before saying:

"You are right there is nothing for me to gain from killing you, i am not here to mock you or humiliate you either i am here for a sincere business, in fact i am here to establish a long term business so instead of wasting this opportunity by caring about small details lets look at the big picture".

As he finished speaking Fang Ming took his left hand from underneath the table and he was indeed holding a black BPM D pistol, Fang Ming put the safety back on and put it in his pocket to show his sincerity.

Seeing this the two Russian had a relief expression on their faces, and they started to listen to Fang Ming seriously, they are businessman's and they wont miss an opportunity to make money.

Fang Ming saw that both of them were listening he continued saying.

"I hope you guys will consider doing business with us, we are not only rich and strong but also a very reliable partners, when needed we can also intervene to rescue you or help you assassinate or sabotage your competition, the arms deal business is a very dangerous one, having a good relation with a mercenary that doesn't care about breaking the law and are willing to take some risks to keep the benefits chain working, should be one of your top priorities when looking for partners".

"Think about it, a win win situation for both of us, our mercenary need a lot of ammunition and new guns each year, a long term business would insure both sides needs and you wont have to keep going to a dangerous places to negotiate your arms sell, trust me this business will only grew bigger i can assure you that once our members get used to the soviets arms we will definitely stop buy the expensive US weapon". Fang Ming said with a very confident tone, as if he can see it happening before his eyes

The blond Russian eyes were shining with ambition he could see a bright future from what Fang Ming said, on the other hand the brown haired Russian had a very thoughtful expression and he asked Fang Ming out of a sudden:

"What if we refuse to sell arms to you, what will you do then".

Fang Ming spread his hand and replied with a laugh "nothing really, you are not the only arms dealer in the soviet union and even if every arms dealer in the soviet union refuse to do business with us we can still get our gun and ammunition from the US".

The brown haired Russian thought about it and asked hesitantly "you said you are wealthy can you prove to us that you can afford to buy enough equipment to arm a complete soviet infantry battalion each year".