
Further in

We moved into town. Mother became an exotic dancer. My mom's close friend Yana helped her take care of me. They took me out with them everywhere they went. Mother was now dating a new guy. They started doing drugs together and drinking all the time. Then they started fighting a lot. Aunt Yana said her goodbyes. Gave me a koala bear and told me she was always just a call away. I was about 8 years old and mom was pregnant again. We got on a plane and moved to be close to my grandma. My sister was born. Mom was single again. She was on a man hunt for a husband. That is when she met him. The guy I consider to be my dad. He accepted her and us kids. They got married. I was 10 when she had his first born son. My baby brother. We moved in with my grandma but that ended badly. So we moved into an apartment. She would've owned it off we stayed long went but she didn't. Dad went to jail. Then she cheated on him and had another one of my sisters. Dad came out and took mom back. We had to move because when dad was away mom couldn't keep up with the payments or didn't want to. We found another apartment to live in. It was in a nice but low income area. This apartment could've been owned by her as well. Then they started fighting again. Dad left and the tiger sisters father completely moved in. We ended up in a house for rent. That didn't last long either. Since he wasn't working and neither was she. So we stayed with his father. They ended up moving out of there because we found out bad things were happening to his little sister. We moved to another town. We ended up in a transitional shelter. At this time both my dad and step dad was with us. Then dad got tired of the crap and completely left us. He only stayed because of us but it hurt him to see them. So he decided to leave quietly. I ran away to live with my step dad and his family. I did not want to go back. I ended up dating his nephew. Since we aren't biologically related I didn't think anything of it. It wasn't anything serious. We held hands, played together kinda relationship. Though the kisses were more like pecks on the cheek and nothing never serious. We had an extreme age difference according to his family. Since I was 11 and he was 17. There was a pretty big age gap. We ended pretty badly. They sent me home and we went our separate ways. He was jealous because I was very friendly to every one. When I went back. My mother was once again with my youngest sisters father. He was pretty chill. I never really got along with him. He was not that much older than me. So finding respect for him was hard. I saw him as my peer. Then one day he split. My mom started doing hard core drugs and alcohol. I was left with taking care of my siblings. I don't mean sibling care. I mean I had to learn how to cook. I had to clean. I had to shower them, feed them, dress then, change their diapers, make the bottles, get my sister ready for school, I had to take her to and from school. I ended up missing a lot of school to help with my baby brother and sister. While my mom stayed in bed drunk and high all the time. She says it was because she was r*ped and that's how she handled it. Eventually things escalated. She started to being men home. She was turning tricks. Then one of them literally hinted at wanting the younger one which was me. Eventually they started coming to my room. It only happened a few times. I fought hard. So hard that one of them beat me so bad. Then pushed me into the canal next to our place. Almost killing me because I wouldn't give it up to him. Mom says she was so drugged she had no idea it was going on. Then she said they drugged her and she wanted to stop them but couldn't. Then she says I was making it all up. She made me tell them I was stretching at the canal and fell had first. No one said anything about it. They put me in a hard brace and let me go home. The brace set covered my neck, back and left leg. My arm was in a cast. Since the canal had no water. They believed the story and assumed the injuries were from Impact. I was too scared to tell the truth. A few weeks went by. I made friends with a few that lived near by. One day my mom decided to pick a fight with me. I was already healed but I was done playing her games. So when she went to hit me, I pushed her back. So she grabbed a knife and started swinging it towards me but also started screaming that I was trying to kill her. Which didn't make sense to me at the time. She called the cops and when they got there. She told them I was the one that was holding the knife. So she had to push me to the ground to take it from me but I got hurt in the process. Angry and tired of her crap. I decided to attempt to take his gun from his belt. Since it wasn't locked and his hand was busy holding his pen and paper. I managed to get his gun. I tried to use his gun to kill myself. Only to have been stopped by him. They ended up putting me in a psychward. To keep me for observation as attempted suicide. When I was discharged I was forced into therapy. She stopped for a while. Once therapy was over. It started back up again. Only this time my neighbor figured out what was going on and got cps involved. They took us away from her.