
Honey : The Empire's Treasure

Meet Lila, she an outspoken orphan who lives on a planet that's about the end. Born to stay in the background by the people who abandoned her and friends who betrayed her. Lila wonders if her fate really is to just die. But second chances do come to those need so what do you say Lila? "Sure, what the hell!? I like to be born again." Hopefully her life will be much longer this time. *Please note, I am revising the previous chapters, I know they are hard to read LOL. Special thanks to all the readers who pushed through the chapters, and read the story anyway.

mountwolf89 · Fantasy
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850 Chs


With his question being answered, Mika felt it was time to get a move on.

"Shall we go?


Joanos led everyone out of Mika's house to Lord Tasar's office.

Halfway there Saavi tugged on Mika's arm.

"What is it?"

"Young Miss, how can you know that Lord Tasar is not working with Lady Vanya?"

"If Lord Tasar was involved he wouldn't agree to a marriage between Joanos and I. Lady Vanya's plan is to marry Joanos and Miss Lixiss together so she can gain control of Joanos' clan's wealth. "

"Ah..and by Lord Tasar agreeing shows he never wanted Joanos' money." Mikaela nodded at Saavi conclusions.

Reaching Lord Tasar's office, they found multiple people running in and out of the room.

Extra guards were placed at the door, and they could hear shouts coming from inside.

Arriving first, Joanos informed the guard at the door that he and Miss Mikaela have important business to discuss with Lord Tasar.

When Mika reached Joanos' side, the guard was already returning from inside.