
Honey : The Empire's Treasure

Meet Lila, she an outspoken orphan who lives on a planet that's about the end. Born to stay in the background by the people who abandoned her and friends who betrayed her. Lila wonders if her fate really is to just die. But second chances do come to those need so what do you say Lila? "Sure, what the hell!? I like to be born again." Hopefully her life will be much longer this time. *Please note, I am revising the previous chapters, I know they are hard to read LOL. Special thanks to all the readers who pushed through the chapters, and read the story anyway.

mountwolf89 · Fantasy
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850 Chs

Nothing up my Sleeve

The guards who brought Vanya to Tasar were stopped by the second group as they couldn't find Lixiss within the whole estate.

Vanya smiled to herself. If they couldn't find Lixiss that meant most likely Kerala found her first, and took her away. With Lixiss out of the way, Vanya felt more confident at surviving this meeting with Tasar.

In the office, Tasar and Vanya stood facing one another, she could see the fury in his eyes. She wanted to laugh at his pain, to think the woman he looked down on from the first day they were married is now standing before him as his cousin's murderer.

"Shall we get this over with?" Growing bored quickly with the staring contest, Vanya chose to break the ice.

Unfortunately, Vanya didn't expect that when she spoke Tasar would rush her and wrap his hands around her throat.

Feeling the tight squeeze of his fingers encasing her neck, and the air in her lungs become less and less. A sense of fear she never felt from Tasar took root in her heart.