
Honey : The Empire's Treasure

Meet Lila, she an outspoken orphan who lives on a planet that's about the end. Born to stay in the background by the people who abandoned her and friends who betrayed her. Lila wonders if her fate really is to just die. But second chances do come to those need so what do you say Lila? "Sure, what the hell!? I like to be born again." Hopefully her life will be much longer this time. *Please note, I am revising the previous chapters, I know they are hard to read LOL. Special thanks to all the readers who pushed through the chapters, and read the story anyway.

mountwolf89 · Fantasy
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850 Chs


"Do I need to be worried about that?" Ailwin asked, taking a glance over at Deulara and seeing her sending glares Mika's way.

"No, don't worry about it. If she gets anymore out of line, I'll put her back in her place."

"Okay. Then let's get back to Kaia. How big is General Pho's army?" He turned to ask General Narbeth.

"Big. He combined all of his colleagues forces into his own. Though I did hear he took a hard hit when he attacked the Capital city, but I doubt the attacks did much to lower his numbers." Narbeth popped a nut into his mouth.

"The Captains had no problem with him taking their soldiers?" Ailwin questioned, surprised that the Captains in Kaia would do such a thing. From what he remembers they were a very haughty bunch.

"Well, they had no choice really. If General Pho's show up at your door with all his men, "asking" you to join him, what do you think they could do?"