
Honestly, I Just Want To Go Home

I got transmigrated in the part of the story where the antagonist was destined to die!, But luckily since i know the foreseeing future i saved myself from the situation and survived but now since its over my main goal is to go back home.

CrescentasBooks · Fantasy
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5 Chs

At Least He Didn't Kill Me.

As i sipped my tea that i was holding i told him, "So you finally came, i was waiting for you.''

''How did you know?"

I placed the teacup in the table and looked back at him, but as i saw him he was sweating a little bit and it made me think that he mustve searched really hard for me.

''Your highness can we talk in private, i feel like if we discuss it here it would be to open.''

As he looked around he saw a couple of servant and workers walking around the garden so he told her, ''Fine, follow me to my office.''

''Of course.''

Both of them then went to his office.....

As Alexandrew opened the door Tyler stated, ''Oh your highness you're back." as he entered he also saw Odette behind him, "And why is lady Odette with you?"

''Just go out and guard the door, make sure no one enters.''

''But your-''

''Just do it.''

He lowered his head, ''Yes your highness, as you wish."

As he went outside to guard the door he greeted her first before he came out.

When Tyler wasn't inside the room anymore he told her.

''Take a seat.''

''Yes, thank you your highness."

''So back to our discussion, who really are you?''

''First, would you believe me if i tell you?''

''I cant guarantee it but ill try to understand.''

''Very well, my real name or specifically the name of the soul thats stuck to this body is Kyla Anderson.''

''Tell me exactly what happened."

''You see i was in my grandmother house and i heard a strange banging noise from the attic, but when i went up there nobody was present until when i looked straight in the room i saw a hazel brown hair reflecting through the mirror and when i touched it, it pulled me in and i ended up at the court with this body.''

''If what you're stating is true, than how did you manage to win the trial?''

''Actually this might sound crazy but your world and the people here are written in a book and i was one of the readers, so i know what trully happened at that time but in all honesty in the book i was supposed to be the one who would've died yesterday but luckily i avoided it base on my memories that i remembered.''

''Hmm..., does that book perhaps told my past to?''

"Yes it does, from what i read is you hate touching another person's skin whether its a man or a woman because your father put you in a difficult situation and caused you to have trauma and Alexis used to be the name that your late mother called you."

His eyes widened he couldn't believe what he heard, ''That is indeed quite true..., well since you know to much." he glared at her, "ill indeed have to kill you'' , and he pointed his sword at her neck.


She thought, This damn tyrant.

I looked back directly at his eyes and convinced him, ''Your highness i do not wish to expose your secrets or anything."

''Than what do you want from me?''

''I want to return to my original world, i do not wish to become empress nor use my knowledge to take advantage of you, i know you lack trust but i am not lying and the reason why you were the person that i told first was because i know you've got connections please help me your highness, i beg you!''

"What would i gain if i help you?"

"Truth be told i have nothing to repay you, and also i will not use my knowledge to take advantage of you so that's why its your choice if you help me or not."

As he looked at her he noticed that she was actually pretty serious so he gritted his teeth and withdraw his sword back and replied, ''fine, ill help but if you ever betray me know that i will not hesitate to kill you first hand.''

''Yes your highness, i very well much know.''

Thank heavens he didn't kill me, everything was risky but im glad it turned out alright and im glad he trusted my words.

"So what do you want to do."

''Can you summon the great mage Kale, i know you both are childhood friends mybe he can help me.''

He gave a big sigh and thought, i cant believe im doing this.

''Fine ill tell him, comeback to my office tomorrow."

''Yes, and once again thank you your highness, i shall take my leave now.''

As Tyler saw her came out to his highnesses office he then went back in and questioned him, ''why did you call her my liege, can we trust her? she has a bad reputation in the empire you know.''

''Yes you can trust her so do not try to harm her at all cost and treat her with respect.''

''Yes, your highness.''

I wonder, how did she managed to gain his highnesses trust that easily im actually quite impressed at the lady.

As Odette left the room he sat in his table and thought, i dont know if she was actually lying or not but when i looked at her eyes it didn't seem like she was lying, also when i pointed the sword at her neck she did not once stutter, it mustve meant that she truly was determined to get my help that's why as of know im doing this.