
Homonculus of creation

A scientist in a magical modern era commit a taboo, creating life! but as it's experiment was failing, a god "helped" him, as a mean to resolve its boredom. what will happen to our scientific if a god is pulling string behind the scenes to amuse it's self? ------------------------------------ I think there is too much story with system and the whole thing and not enough fantasy story without them, so that's what i will try do to! this is my first novel and english is not my first language so expect error, tanks. if you have any suggestion for the story please make me know. :)

Octavio_game · Fantasy
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2 Chs


After a moment the pain I was feeling disappeared, as if it never existed. but after the pain was gone, I was left with a glaring issues... Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Everything around me was unfamiliar. I don't remember being in the jungle... not that I remember anything anyway.

I just looked around, lost in my thoughts. I walked in a random direction in the jungle in a daze. I woke up from my daze when my thoughts got interrupted by a growl, the sun as set and I was surrounded by pairs of red eyes. I was shaking... from fear? or from the cold wind of the night? paralysed in taught one of the monster jumped in my direction trying to catch me and eat me. Now I was shure I was afraid and tried my best to run in the opposite direction, but whatever I tried to do was useless, the creature was about to land on me, I closed my eyes waiting for my imminent doom... But the expected pain naver came, instead I heard a whimper. surprised I opened my eyes and saw that all the monster around me where gone and someone stood in front of me... strange...

"who are you?" I asked warely

"The one that saved you." a feminine voice simply replied

"Now let's go back to my manor, where we will be able to talk comfortably and safe from all the monster roaming in the night." she continued

"It would be best, thank you for the offer."

My commun sense was slowly coming back to me at the same time as my memory. I became suspicious of her, but still decided to follow her.

How could she scare all those seemingly invincible monster? She must be even stronger than them! I can't trust her!

While thinking so we arrived at a giant 5 story Manor made of simple material yet exquisitely crafted, from sculpted stone to stained glass, giving it a gothic look. The actual fuck?! why would anyone want to build such massive structure in the middle of this inhospitable jungle? That is a big freaking red flag!

As I was trying to put two and two together I was interrupted by her voice

"let's go in, shall we? Its been a while since I've had visitor."

I accepted, frowning slightly. what can I do? sleep outside? I would only get eaten!

I entered the manor and was amazed by what I saw. The inside just like the outside, it was magnificent! But never decorated too much, it was just like a dream house, it was perfect!

I continued to follow her, while looking around for potential exit in case I need to run. We shortly arrived at what looked like a tearoom. She sat in front of a round table, inviting me to seat down with her, I complied. until now I couldn't see her well since it was dark outside and I was walking behind her the entire time. she was beautiful! her pristine white skin, snowy white hair, crimson red eye and blood red lips, all the while wearing a black and red gothic dress. She would make anyone seeing he fall in love with her, but it made me fear her even more! In this day and age how could someone this beautiful escape the media??? and in such a weird forest? Honestly, I think I'm good as dead. I give up, the only thing I can do is accepting my fate. I don't even know HOW THE FUCK DID GET HERE, FACING DEATH! I WAS IN MY FUCKING LAB DOING MY THING, THEN BOOM I'M HERE!!! I sighed, at least I'm not dead... yet... During that time she served both of us tea and took a sip.

"Go on, ask any questions you may have."

"C-can you introduce yourself?" I was nervous, who could stay calm in face of death?

I need feedback, I need help. I want to make what I write enjoyable to read, but I cant be shure if what I wrote is ok.


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