
Chapter 4 - Changing world..

"Ah!" Hippolyta who was laying across a large bed, woke up as the wind drifted within the room from a window, her skin cold to the touch as she could feel sweat roll off in waves at the nightmare that she had gone through again. Her mind being taken back to the past for a moment, yet in her mind it seemed to trap her for a lifetime. Circling the rim of her mind as she heard the light breathing of the small girl beside herself.

'Even now I'm trapped, things that can not be changed should remain in the past. While I look for a future that is best for all of us." Hippolyta's mind worked over every detail of her life until now, she only wished for what was best for her people and her children.

"If only things had been different, if only you would have changed. *Ha, but that is not who you are is it." Hippolyta spoke words that the wind seemed to take notice of, blurring the words for the world not to hear as she looked out of the towers window, even if she could not see it from here, the temple shadow seemed to stretch out its darkness, covering the walls as it reached for the girl.

"I will never allow you to worm your way into her heart, wherever you go, it seems your sisters whispers follow, hoping to break anything that keeps you tied to this world." Hippolyta's hand gently rubbed through the girl's hair, watching as she shifted into her embrace even closer, listening to the silence but for the words she spoke that lingered in the air.

"What will you do sister.." The only guards allowed within the temple were made mute, the only one allowed to speak to the girl was Hippolyta and Antiope, which came frequently to check on her niece. She stood in the shadows of the doorway, leaning against the wall as she questioned Hippolyta.

"What can we do Antiope? We don't even know what happened, nor why Driesia was there or even how she made it out of this tower." Hippolyta looked down at her daughter a moment more, her eyes blinking slowly as she placed the girls head to rest on a pillow, her words seemingly confused on what to do next as she walked towards the arch-like window.

"Even so Hippolyta, Themyscira is not safe for her. He will call to her again, he will continue until he is free from his prison, you know this Hippolyta." Antiope pushed herself lightly from the wall, her steps carrying her to the window, the moon shining down on the two as she placed her hand on top of Hippolyta's.

"What would you have me do Antiope? There is nowhere on Themyscira that his whispers can not reach. Not just for Driesia, but what of Diana?! She was able to leave the city, open the temple and bring this back." Hippolyta walked away, pulling her hand from Antiope, her hand rubbing across the large book on a table that seemed to be falling apart as she spoke on what happened.

"Then, why not have them taken away from here, there are still pockets of women who might still remember their families connection to us, we could.." Antiope gripped her hand a few times, looking out at the rising sun as she gave her opinion on the matter.

"You would have me send them to the world of man, Have you forgotten the very reason we were given this paradise? You fought along side me to be free of enslavement, and you wish to send them back into that world." Hippolyta smacked her hand lightly on the book as she questioned Antiope, her words were firm as if she couldn't believe she had said this to her.

"What then Hippolyta? Will you just watch as they are corrupted? What else can be done, no matter what you think, he will never stop and you will always worry for their safety. You may hate me for what I think, but is it not worth keeping them safe if they are free from this.." Antiope to spoke back in a firm tone, she believed that this was better than having the two children become puppets for the new gods.

"Once they leave, they can never return Antiope. Do you think I want that? I would not ask the same of you." Hippolyta shook her head, she could not trust the world outside, and given how the girls knew nothing she couldn't see passed her own worry.

"Then why not kill him? we no longer need to protect the temple, the gods are gone, the world of men has forgotten the evils that sleep on this planet. If we do nothing Hippolyta, history will repeat itself like it did so long ago." Antiope spoke in an understanding tone, she knew that asking her to be pulled apart from her children was a great price, so she spoke on what else they could do.

"How? allow him to possess one of our sisters?" Hippolyta questioned, hearing that they would kill Incubus moved her heart slightly, but as she looked at the sleeping Driesia on the bed not far away, only to shake her head to clear her thoughts.

"I and the older of our warriors would allow him to possess one of us, and when he is weak from his stay within the totem, we will kill him in his incomplete form." Antiope went on, her eyes becoming sharpe as she thought of what they could do, even with the great risk it would take.

"And what if we fail, if you do not manage to kill him before he absorbs more of our sisters, we will condemn Themyscira and our people to die." Hippolyta listened, her face almost believing it, but the risk was two great if they failed.

"Hippolyta your fear keeps you from acting, did we not take the risk during the war 5,000 years ago? The longer you wait, the more questions they will ask, until you can no longer hide, what and who they are."Antiope said, slamming her hand on the windowsill, leaving behind small cracks as she tried to reason with her sister.

"And you are too strong-headed, I will not lead our people down a path that would only have them run straight into their deaths. When they come into their own I will figure out what to do next." Hippolyta spoke, her words were as if there was nothing else to be said, her eyes looking sharply at Antiope who had yelled within the room.

"Hippolyta, do.. do you still love him? is that why you will not act." Antiope stopped, walking towards the door but something pulled at her mind, slowing her words as she turned back to Hippolyta.

"That is enough Antiope! you know that is not the case, listen, if we fail who will be to blame, can you carry that weight within your heart? To allow this place to become like the world bridge? To have our sisters kill each other as they are brought back until none of us our left!" Hippolyta defended herself, her words spoken with meaning as she could see Antiope's face go through many changes.

"I merely wish to do something, the world has changed, and the girls grow with each passing day, one day this will need to be dealt with, or our future will be covered in darkness like so long ago." Antiope sighed, her mind thinking of the past that would happen to this island if she acted to rashly.

"Can you not see this is what he wants, to pull us apart until we make a mistake, please Antiope, just do as I have asked in the temple." Hippolyta knew her words were firm and memories no matter how long ago, are still painful. Her steps carrying her to Antiope as she pressed her forehead into her sisters.

"Yes Hippolyta, it will be done." Antiope placed her hand behind Hippolyta's neck, letting out a long breath as she turned away, walking to the door as she moved her hand, the amazons guarding the door closed it with a bow as Hippolyta walked to the window once more.

"What is to be done.." Hippolyta spoke to herself, her eyes looking out to the sea, the rolling blue waves reflected in her eyes as she leaned forward on her hands at what to do next.

'mother..' yet she could not see Driesia turn over, her body wrapped in the covers as she listened, confused at what was going on, looking at her hand that glowed under her skin, fascinating her as she placed it under the pillow.

'Hu-ava la-qua yu-neva..' Hearing a faint whisper within her mind as the center of her eyes glowed golden.

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