

Alex, who died is reincarnated thanks to the help of a mysterious being but not everything is good, he will enter a very dangerous world where strength and power dominate the weakest. Will Alex be able to survive in this vast world? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––— I am new to writing, I hope your support and little by little I will improve

NAKIRI_SG · Eastern
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1. Death and a New Life?


Have you ever wondered what happens after death? Well, I do and it's not as nice as novels or fan-fics usually describe it, since feeling the pain of death together with the displacement of your soul from your body is not good at all. Just imagine the most excruciating pain multiplied x100, it's too incredible, don't you think?

Currently I am in nothing and it is strange since I do not have my body, I only feel that it is my consciousness or my soul in this vast emptiness.

I don't know how long I've been here because I don't have the notion of time, you may also wonder how I died, right?

Well, it's not a great story, I was just a 20 year old trying to earn money and survive like anyone, but for my bad luck, that day was not the best, after a great day of hard work and effort I was heading to my apartment, but when I turned into a street they wanted to rob me, that's right, and my bad luck doesn't end there, I think the person who tried to rob me was new to this and maybe because of nervousness or I don't know what he was happened, the wretch shot me, I didn't even manage to react and I already had a bullet in my chest, the only thing I remember was the thief running in fear and a woman's scream, everything after that was painful and agonizing, everything was blurry and until then I remember.

That's why I mentioned that it's not pretty at all to experience death, anyway, I've already accepted my death and I'm still wandering in this void.

After remembering my death, something strange happened, I started to feel that something was absorbing me and I appeared in a garden, I don't know what this place is but the good thing is that I have my body although I hope that a goddess or a god or whatever appears and explain to me what happened to me.

At the moment I thought that, a light began to emerge and a silhouette that I couldn't see appeared, I don't know what it is but my very existence feels fear before this presence.


In a place far from existence itself, there is a man standing in a beautiful garden next to a being that everyone fears and that with his mere presence makes many gods tremble.


Unknown Being: So tell me your name unknown soul.

Mc: M-my name s-is Alex s-sir.

Unknown Being: Fear not, Alex. I won't do you any harm, I just needed to know your name, so I can communicate with you better.

Alex: W-okay. (Even though he tells me that, his voice and his presence make me feel like an ant before nature's biggest predator)

Unknown Being: Well Alex, it won't take long, I just need you to come over and let me see your karma in your life. (I need to see how good or bad life treated him, so I will decide if he reincarnates or enters the cycle of life)

Alex: It's okay.

Unknown Being: ~Mmmmm, how to say it Alex, apparently your life wasn't so good.

Alex: Yeah, I know. (Shit, just remembering makes me feel tired)

See Unknown: The death of your parents at such a young age, living with your uncles who mistreated you and running away from home at 10, working hard until you were 20 and not even having moments to enjoy your life very well, poor boy, although everything went wrong for you, you should be very happy.

Alex: Why should I? (If all I lived was shit and I didn't even live long enough)

Unknown Being: Well, because you will have the opportunity to reincarnate in another world and if you are lucky, with a better life.

Alex: Reincarnate? Well, that's better than being alone in that void.

Luck? Why do you mention it? Don't you decide where I can reincarnate?

Unknown Being: No Alex, it may be very powerful, but deciding fate is not up to me, that's something natural and something I can't interfere with, but I can help you with some skills or whatever you like.

Alex: So, can I ask for anything?

Unknown Being: That's right Alex, as long as you don't abuse, of course.

Alex: Well, if that's the case, I want you to give me something to help me in case the world where I reincarnate is dangerous. (Whether it's a strong ability or something, so I wouldn't die miserably like in my past life)Unknown Being: It's fine, but it will be something you get after you reincarnate, well, with all that, I hope you're better in your next life.

Alex: what? *Surprised* Just like that? WAIT-

Unknown Being: Well boy, I hope and you show me something fun and different from the others. *Smile*


In a stable, the crying of a baby was heard, apart from the heavy rain, he was in the arms of a beautiful woman who had just conceived him and a slender and strong man who was very happy at the birth of his son.


Man: Yes!! He's a kid!

Woman: ~ Honey, don't get excited, you'll bother our son.

Man: I'm sorry, Alice.

Alice: Well, since you're feeling well, we have to decide on our son's name, Dan.

Dan: You're right, what name will we put?

Alice: What do you think, Alex?

Dan: I like Alice, as always, you are very good.

Alex: *open eyes* (Well, apparently they are my parents, and I will have the same name as my old life huh, even if that being was expected and explained what world this is, well, I'll discover it myself later )

waaah!!! Wow!!! *Crying*

Alice: There my little one, you look so beautiful, I hope you grow up healthy and strong like your father, for now here, eat. *She takes out her boob and feeds little Alex*

Alex: (Shame, but I'm hungry so I have to put up with it) *suck*

Dan: That's right, you must be like me when you grow up.

Alice: Well love, since the rain is very strong, I'll take Alex to bed in his crib.

Dan: Yes my love, I'll wait for you in the kitchen.


Alex: (I wonder what ability that being would have given me)


[ User Found ]

[ Loading system ]

[ 10, 20, 30... 50..... 100%]

[ System Downloaded ]


[ You have obtained the HOMME system, the almighty being took pity on you and gave you the system, so you will not die miserably, become stronger and rise to the top of all races and conquer all women ]

Alex: (What the fuck? How does it hurt? Well, anyway, I wonder how it's going to work, although I'll wait for my mom to leave before she notices me strange)

Alice: Sleep my dear son, tomorrow will be another day.

Alex: (Well, still rest mother) (system, tell me my status)


[ Name: Alex ]

[ Species: Human ( baby ) ]

[ Bloodline: None ]

[ Age: 0 ]

[ Strength: 1 ]

[ Agility: 1 ]

[ Stamina: 1 ]

[ Intelligence: 5 ]

[ Mana: 1 ]

[ Charm: 4 ]

[ Attribute Points: 0 ]

[ Skills: None ]

[ More options will be unlocked after 10 years ]

Alex: (Well, I think it looks normal, although it surprises me about the bloodline, and there is also magic in this world huh, I wonder what other options there are and how the attribute points will help me, well, it will be something I'll see tomorrow, I'm too sleepy).


End of the first chapter, I hope you like it, it is my first work and I hope your support, also, if you have ideas you can comment on them, I will be reading it.