

After the destructive war 'The Darkening', Earth lay barren and under a heavy nuclear winter. Clouds veiled everything, except some lucky places where forests thrived. Radiation permeated nearly everywhere, and in some places, a mutated species of humans emerged- the 'Hominota', evolved to live in radiation. And only those few distant forests remained untouched by their presence. And in one of these forests, around a river, a family lived, who were unaware of the world beyond their lush home. However one day, Vincent crossed the river, and that decision he will regret forever.

ActuallyHonex · War
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26 Chs

The Hominota; Memories Fading

His words echoed through the room. But no response came from the locked up Hominota. They stood as mere statues and still continued glaring at him. Vincent's throat burned with thirst, parched from all that yelling. Each breath he took felt like swallowing sandpaper, his mouth dry and cracked from the lack of moisture. Not to mention— it was hot, the air in the chamber was thick and suffocating. His stomach growled, not having eaten for a while, he felt lightheaded. Bearing a painful headache, his limbs were sore from the kicking and bashing. Every time he moved, it felt like walking against the waves of a sea. Ultimately, he sat down, exhausted and panting heavily. Sweat brimmed down him and into his soaked clothes. Eyes closed for a moment, before snapping open to the sound of a speaker. A familiar voice played out again. Jake was here.

"Vincent. Report." Jake said.

"Jake…" he rasped, his voice hoarse. "I... I need water... food... anything..."

"Report." Jake demanded.

"...of…?" Vincent panted.

"The situation."

"The situation...?" Vincent repeated. He struggled to focus, his thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind. "They… they're the ones… behind everything… you were right."

"Why do you think so?"

"They… spoke to me…" Vincent fumbled. "They said... they're being hurt... controlled..."

"Lies. Don't believe them. Remember they're the reason behind everything."

"Yeah…" Vincent mumbled.

Jake pressed on. "What else, Vincent?"

"I... I don't remember... bits and pieces... they mentioned... punishment... my family..." 

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, the static of the speaker filling the void. Then, Jake spoke again, his voice sharp and commanding. "They're right. They're the reason behind your trouble."

"Tell me they're lying… Jake… they don't have my family…" Vincent replied weakly.

"I'm sorry, Vincent. I don't know."

"Jake… why am I… here…? Did you do this? What did I do? Was I not your friend…?"

"You are, my friend. And no, we didn't do this, it was the Hominota. We captured them, but we had to check if you were injured or anything." Jake responded. "But now, Vincent, listen to me carefully." his voice crackled through the speaker. "I put you here to show you the reality of the Hominota. They are not the innocent victims they pretend to be. They are dangerous, manipulative creatures, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

"Thank you… I've… realised…"

"You have?"

"I'll kill them all…"

It was almost as if he could see Jake grinning through the speaker. "Really, Vincent?"

"Yes…" Vincent grunted in a rough voice. "I'll kill them all. Every last one of them."

"Isn't that too much?" Jake asked.

"No… fuck them… stupid mother…fuck…ers…" Vincent coughed as he cursed the Hominota out in inaudible whispers.

Jake's chuckle came through the speaker, and then a whisper, like he was talking to someone. "It's working." he muttered.

"What's working?" Vincent asked.

"The injection. You're going to get stronger." Jake replied.

"The…" Vincent began, but for some reason, his mind felt blank. He felt like something was missing, as if it were erased. "The injection…? What…?"

"You know, the one that makes you stronger?"

"Oh… yeah… I remember… I thought… of something else?" Vincent groaned.

"What, you're telling me there was another injection?" Jake replied.

"Not that I… remember… but I feel like… it…"

"You're exhausted Vincent. Your test will be called off now. You can come out." Jake said.

Vincent breathed heavily as all chambers descended below, leaving him on the floor. A door in the left opened with a hiss. Three people came in. Vincent recognised them— Jake, Peter and Lance. He tried to push himself up from the floor, but his limbs felt like lead, unresponsive to his commands. 

"Vincent, are you alright?" Jake's voice cut through.

Vincent managed to nod weakly, his throat too dry. He reached out a trembling hand towards them. Peter and Lance rushed forward, helping Vincent to his feet. They led him out of the chamber, supporting his weight as they guided him through the dimly lit corridors.

"Good to hear you're fine." Jake said.

"Thank you… for helping me… from those Hominota bastards…"

"Of course, Vincent. We're friends after all." Jake chuckled.

"We'll get you fixed right up. Don't worry, bud." Peter said.

"Peter… didn't you…?" Vincent's voice trailed off into thought.

"Did I not what?" Peter asked.

But he couldn't remember. His mind was blank, yet again. "I don't remember… what's… wrong with me…?"

Jake put a hand on his shoulder as they walked. "Look, I think you're hallucinating from the pressure. It's alright. You'll be fine, I promise." he replied. Vincent's head spun with confusion, his thoughts swirling. He struggled to piece together the fragments of his shattered memories, but they slipped through his grasp like sand through an hourglass. What was real? What was illusion? And most importantly, who could he trust?

"Jake…" Vincent called through a hoarse voice.

"Yeah, man?"

"Am I alright…? Will my family… be alright…?" 

"They will man, they will. Don't you worry, okay? We'll find them alongside with you, we'll take those Hominota down, and we'll get your family safe and sound." he reassured Vincent.

"Don't leave any of those… bastards… left alive…" Vincent replied.

"What— really? Still convinced on that?" Jake chuckled.

"Yes… all of them… must die…" Vincent persisted.