

After the destructive war 'The Darkening', Earth lay barren and under a heavy nuclear winter. Clouds veiled everything, except some lucky places where forests thrived. Radiation permeated nearly everywhere, and in some places, a mutated species of humans emerged- the 'Hominota', evolved to live in radiation. And only those few distant forests remained untouched by their presence. And in one of these forests, around a river, a family lived, who were unaware of the world beyond their lush home. However one day, Vincent crossed the river, and that decision he will regret forever.

ActuallyHonex · War
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26 Chs

The Apex; Into the Sanctuary

Vincent, struggling to keep up, called out. "Wait! What should I expect at your headquarters?"

Jake's voice carried back to him, muffled by the storm. "Safety, for one. And a chance to rest and dry off. We'll explain everything once we're there."

Vincent nodded to himself, pushing through the undergrowth as he followed the light coming off of the trio's armour. The rain continued to lash down, soaking him to the bone. He sneezed continuously.

"Almost there, bud." Peter chuckled at Vincent's sneezing. "Just hang on."

"It is not 'almost', Peter. We gotta run faster." Lance replied. 

"Shut the fuck up Lance. You swine. Stop running your filthy mouth." Peter scoffed.

"What the hell is wrong with you, scumbag!? How'd they even recruit your nasty ass? You eat all the goddamn food fatass!" Lance snarled back.

"Both of you babies calm down. For God's sake." Jake bellowed. Lance and Peter glared at each other, grumbling as they walked.

Vincent kept walking faster, overtaking the two hostile people. Reaching towards Jake, he nudged him. He whispered to him. "What's up with these two? Why're they so aggressive?"

"Peter's just an asshole and Lance is like a water-leak, always running his mouth." Jake sighed.

"I guess this happens often, huh?" Vincent murmured.

"Yeah, sadly. I keep having to calm the steam."

"Why do they listen to you?"

"Because they acknowledge I'm superior. You better too, alright? Or else." Jake said in a monotone voice.

"Woah calm down." 

Jake chuckled. "I'm just teasing."

"Tell me about yourself though." he asked Vincent.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Anything's fine. Start with your life."

"Well, I'm just a farmer, and a fisherman." Vincent smiled.

"Really, friend? I used to be a fisherman too." Jake laughed. "Hey. Favourite fish in three, two, one."

"Bluefin." they both said in unison.

"My man!" Jake exclaimed, patting Vincent's back.

"Ouch. That hurts. What even is this armour made of?" he groaned.

"Well…" Jake pondered for a moment. "It's made of steel, a hard metal. It's enhanced, so it repels bullets." he answered.

"Uh…" Vincent glanced around.

"Oh right. Hmm… how do I explain…" Jake chuckled. "So, metal's just a hard version of a rock, and steel is one of them. We just made it stronger and better, called 'enhanced steel'. It's light so we can carry them effortlessly." he said.

"Ooh, hm. And bullets?"

"Bullets well… you know how people, uh, throw pebbles to hurt someone? Our guns shoot these bullets, which are way stronger versions of pebbles, able to kill anything instantly." Jake responded, lifting his gun up.

"Damn. Freaky. These guns are huge. And you say your armour can reflect these bullets? You guys are mighty strong." Vincent laughed.

"Haha yeah. Anyway, we're almost there, friend."


"Across this dense part." Jake gestured.

Vincent followed Jake's gesture, squinting through the rain to discern the path ahead. The forest seemed to thicken, the trees closing in around them. Foliage rustled in the gales. The undergrowth became denser, and the canopy overhead grew thicker. Vincent stumbled over roots and fallen branches, his soaked clothes clinging uncomfortably to his skin. He shivered as if he were put in a frozen land. But then, they emerged from the vegetation. 

Looming ahead, stood what Jake called 'The Sanctuary'. Rain beat down against the towering structure relentlessly. Lights flickered from the imposing facility. The metallic walls stood tall and thick. It was sturdy like a fortress. Around the perimeter of the sanctuary, smaller structures dotted the landscape, their forms blending seamlessly with the larger building like puzzle pieces fitting together. It seemed as if there was more to this building than what is visible from here. The air was thick with the smell of damp earth and foliage, mingling with the metallic tang emanating from the sanctuary. Despite the downpour, the group pressed on, their footsteps muffled by the wet ground and the raging storm. Vincent continued to sneeze as he was fully soaked by the rain, and he was open to the powerful winds. Approaching the sanctuary, the building played a soft hum, coming from the main structure, as if beckoning them to come forward. 

"Woah…" Vincent marvelled.

"Epic, huh?" Jake chuckled.

"Super cool." he said. Then, he glanced over his shoulder to see Peter approaching him.

"Like the place, bud?" he asked softly.

Vincent nodded. "Never seen anything like this before, what's this… humming coming from the big part?" he inquired.

"That's just the core." Lance added.



Peter chuckled. "Looks like 'mister mouth open' finally said something useful."

"You sack of shit!" Lance retorted. In reply, Peter just laughed louder.

"Cut it out." Jake interrupted.

"Aw, come on Jake. Let me have some fun." Peter teased.

"Why don't we have some fun giving our new friend a tour?" Jake chortled.

"Right! Ay, when's he getting his armour?" Peter asked.

"When we finish the tour." Jake answered.

"Wait… I get armour?" Vincent gasped.

"Uh-huh. Why not? You're part of The Apex." Lance chimed.


Jake tilted his head. "You don't seem all too happy, friend." he grumbled.

"It's just— my family." Vincent murmured.

Jake tapped his shoulder. "Hey, look man. We'll try and find them, alright? You and us. If there's any more survivors, we'll bring them here. Now let's go in." he said.

Vincent gave a smile, and nodded, approaching the sanctuary, the humming getting louder each step. The metal door stood at the entrance of the sanctuary. Its surface was smooth and unyielding, with no visible handles or hinges to betray its function. Instead, a faint seam ran down the centre. The metal itself gleamed, polished to a shine that reflected the surrounding environment. Vincent reached out to touch the door, his fingers grazing its cool surface. He half-expected it to be cold, but instead, it radiated a faint warmth, inviting him to step inside and leave the storm behind. As he pressed his palm against the smooth metal, he felt a faint vibration ripple through his hand, as if the door itself was alive with energy. It was a subtle sensation, but it sent a shiver down his spine. Then, the door released steam from the sides, as it began to slide open with a hiss. The sanctuary left Vincent speechless as he stepped inside.