
Homicidal Liu x Reader

"You shouldn't be all the way out here, you know." He said, getting up and brushing the dirt off of his pants. You let the stick drop into the creek, watching it drift away from your eyesight. "I know.. I.. I just wanted to get some fresh air." You said. "I'm gonna go. And you really shouldn't be here when it's dark." He said, beginning to walk away. He stopped mid-step, not turning around. "By the way, since I told you my name, why don't you tell me yours?" He held curiosity in his voice. "(Y/n)." ! ! ! THIS IS GOING TO GO UNDER MASSIVE PLOT EDITING SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK YOU WILL KNOW IF IT'S BEEN EDITED OR NOT IF THE CHAPTER TITLES HAVE CHANGED TO NUMBERS ! ! ! Not including the cheesecake thing since it was supposed to be a cruel joke towards the actor Creepypasta and the characters don't belong to me, only the plot And of course I don't own you Warn me if I put he/she pronouns for the reader. This story is supposed to be for any gender. So please WaRn mE

xXSpringRoseXx · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Liu's Coma

"Liu!" You ran towards him and turned him over, checking for a pulse. The pulse was faint, but he was alive. The faceless dudes' tentacles wrapped around the both of you, and you saw a bright light that you had to shield your eyes from. When you opened your eyes, you were in the mansions'.. infirmary? "And please, call me Slender." And with that, he was gone in another bright light.

You put one arm under Liu's head, and your other arm underneath Liu's legs. You winced when you used your injured arm, but carried him to one of the beds nonetheless. Once you laid him down, you sighed and checked his side. It was still bleeding pretty badly.

A male with a blue mask and no eyesockets that oozed down his mask entered the room, carrying a bundle of bandages. He walked towards Liu and lifted his shirt up, revealing the gash. It was large, and looked deep. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked while disinfecting Liu's side. His voice is deep and raspy, like he hadn't talked in ages.

"When I was walking home, a group wearing completely black ambushed me. When Liu found out where I was and what was happening, he joined into the fight, but got stabbed in the process." You let your gaze fall to the floor. "And what about you?" "Huh?" You looked back up at the masked dude. "Are you injured?" You hesitantly unrolled your sleeve, showing him your arm. "Jeez, kid." "Just.. focus on Liu for now." "You seem to care for Liu a lot" he said, finishing the bandage and grabbing your hand. "He's.. Actually been there for me before, so I want to repay him somehow.." He started disinfecting your arm, and you winced. "Do you know why they were after you?" He asked, now getting up to put up the disinfectant. "I don't know, but they said something about their master wanting me alive.." 

He froze. "Did you say, 'master'?" "Ye- oh. They meant Zalgo, didn't they?" He nodded his head. "But.. Why would he want you alive instead of just corrupting you..?" He mumbled, walking back towards Liu's bed and grabbing the bandages off the dresser. He then grabbed your hand again, and started wrapping your arm.

It was silent, the only sounds being the clock, him wrapping your arm, and Liu's steady breathing. You chose to break the silence. "So, um, what's your name?" He finished off your arm and put the bandages away, walking towards the door. He turned his head just a little and spoke; "Jack. But people call me EJ." He walked out the door.

You looked back down at Liu and moved some hair out of his face. You jumped when the door burst open. You looked up and saw Jeff.. crying? "What the hell happened!?" He walked over to Liu and knelt beside his bed, checking his pulse. He looked at you and if he could glare, he would've been. "Zalgo's slaves ambushed me, and Liu tried to help. He got stabbed in the side and passed out from blood loss. I'm.. sorry. I'll leave you two be."

You got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind you as you went.

                                  # # #

Zalgo grabbed Lei by the neck. "ɎØɄ.. ₩Ⱨ₳₮?" "W-we failed, sir." She choked out. He threw her at a wall. She hit the wall and started coughing violently. ""₩ØⱤ₮ⱧⱠɆ₴₴." He started pacing. Lei slowly sat up, one hand on her back. "W-what's so special about them?" He snapped his head towards her. "₦Ø₮Ⱨł₦₲. ₦Ø₩ ₥ł₦Đ ɎØɄⱤ Ø₩₦ ฿Ʉ₴ł₦Ɇ₴₴." Someone opened the door and Zalgo's head turned towards it.

"S-sir, I found out that their protector is down." "₮Ⱨ₳₮'ⱠⱠ ₥₳₭Ɇ ₮Ⱨł₦₲₴ ₳ ⱠØ₮ Ɇ₳₴łɆⱤ."

                            # # #

                                  - - - Monday, School, 2:10 - - -

You had your head low,  and your (earbuds/headphones) in. "(Y/n), w-wait!" You stopped in your tracks and turned around. "What the- Maybelle?" "I-I wanted to say sorry.. A-and I shouldn't have slapped you.. I k-know I was being overprotective, but I just have a b-bad vibe when I'm around him." "..." "(N/n)?" "He's in a coma."

                                 . . .

You sat on the bed next to Liu, just watching the minutes tick by. You hated to see him hooked up to machines, but it was the only way to keep him alive. The door opened, Jeff entering into the room. "The hell you doing here?" He walked over to you. You looked up at him. "Visiting him, why?" "This is your fault that he's like this!" You were stunned at his words. "Wait, you think this is my fault?" He scoffed. "Who else's fault is it!?" "Fine. If you really hate me that much, then I'll leave."

You went to go around Jeff, but he picked you up by the collar of your shirt and pushed you against the wall. "Nobody hurts my brother and gets away with it." Liu's heart-rate monitor started to increase. You both looked at Liu and Jeff dropped you, running out of the room. A few minutes later, he came back with EJ. "..Both of you, out." You both left the room, not even sparing each other glances.

Jeff suddenly grabbed your shirt again, dragging you outside the mansion. You thrashed around, but that only made his grip on your shirt tighter. Once you were far enough from the mansion, he pushed you towards the ground. "Alright. We're going  to settle this right here, right now." He said, pulling out his knife.

He swung at your injured arm, but you dodged going to the left. You decided to not bring out your switchblade, since you didn't wanna anger Liu. ..If he even ever woke up. He faked a right and went left, the blade cutting your left hand. The cut wasn't very deep, though.

"Fight back, dammit!" "..." He swung at your neck and you ducked, then he put his foot on your stomach and pushed you back. You fell but you got up again, steadying your feet. His knife came close to your face, but you sidestepped the attack, him falling forwards. He got back up and turned to you. "Why can't you just die?!" He tried to punch you but you dodged it. His eyes started watering. "He's in a coma because of you!" He swung at you again, but it was a weak thrust. "Why are you blaming me? It wasn't my fault!" He fell to his knees with his head hung low, sobbing. "This is the second time I've let him down.. Just.. Go. Pretend our fight never even happened." "Jeff-" He looked up at you. "I said go!" "Jeff, please lis-" He got up and picked up his knife, throwing it at the tree next to you as a warning. "I swear if you don't go, I'll change my mind and slaughter you."

You hesitated, but ran back towards the mansion. Once your hand touched the handle, you turned your head back to where you had your fight one more time, then turned your head back towards the door and opened it, stepping inside.