
Homelander: The Nexus of Power

After introducing his son to the world and killing the ant that assaulted him, Homelander for the first time felt free and on top of the world in the truest sense. They loved him for his true self, and it was beautiful. Until it wasn't…

ForgivableSinner · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Spreading of Wings




At the Triskelion facility, Fury personally oversees processing the detainee, arms crossed warily.

"Got a name, son? You declined to identify back there before microwaving my team."

Homelander bristles at the condescension but plays it cool - for now. "Homelander. Where I'm from, people know me."

Fury's lone eye narrows. "Oh, we'll get acquainted. Got a few questions about your unauthorized tapdance downtown."

Once in an interrogation room, Fury spreads images of the gory casualties across the metal table.

"Recognize any of these civilians? Takes a certain type to shrug this carnage off..." He's probing for any reaction.

Jaw clenched, Homelander maintains composure. "Yeah, she had a nice piece of ass, what a waste. Anyway, I was attacked first. But I'll play nice...for now. Figure out how to send me back." Information first. Vengeance later.

Fury sighs inwardly. An extremely volatile and deplorable asset - but perhaps still an asset, given insane power levels. He'd have to play this very carefully…





Over the next few days, Fury moves Homelander to a secure observation facility uptown. He seems compliant but Fury knows better than to trust these unstable powerhouse types.

Psych evals paint a portrait of a violent narcissist with severe inferiority issues masked by god-complex delusions. But also cunning, and socially perceptive if needed. Fury recognizes the manipulation talents.

He has Widow and Hawkeye run interrogations, probing Homelander's origins. They learn about Vought, Compound V, and the Seven. Fury cross-references against SHIELD intel on Enhanced phenomena and genetic engineering programs. The interdimensional displacement starts making theoretical sense.

Fury debates options with his senior team. Dr. Strange could probably return Homelander to his world but that means unleashing this loose cannon again. However, detaining him indefinitely has risks too.

"Sir, we can't control him here if he snaps. But his world already handles psychos like that apparently," Widow argues. "I say we punt him back through a portal, wipe hands clean."

Fury considers, then shakes his head. " offenses aside...he could still prove a unique asset, given insane power scale." Plus if half of what Homelander revealed about his Earth is accurate, Fury has concerns about threats there too. Enemy of an enemy and all that...

Ultimately, pragmatism wins out. Fury meets Homelander himself, all smiles and wearing kid gloves rhetorically.

"My people can get you home it seems...we've got some friends in weird places. But I'd like to propose something first..."

He explains terms for conditional release and utilization of Homelander's "special talents" for SHIELD, should they ever be required. A subcontractor of sorts, on call. Quid pro quo to smooth things after the violent introduction downtown.

Fury can see the barely concealed scorn and calculation behind Homelander's smile as he accepts. But they both know - for now, it benefits them to cooperate. Each has plans though the moment that balance shifts...

Against his instincts, Fury requests Wanda Maximoff to serve as Homelander's "guide" given her reality manipulation abilities could counter his powers if anything goes awry. She reluctantly agrees out of duty, still coping with the loss of Vision herself.

The first meeting immediately bristles with tension as Homelander scoffs at the babysitter arrangements. But Wanda's abilities give him pause. And she's not hard on the eyes either...

"So...they saddled me with a goddamn witch. What exactly are you going to do if I misbehave, little girl?" He mocks, testing boundaries.

Eldritch energy flares around Wanda's fingers in warning. "I've handled worse than you, trust me. So don't get cute." Though rattled herself by his arrogant confidence and physical stature up close.

As they travel to NYC over the next week, Wanda fills Homelander in on recent world events he should know. Despite his bravado, she spots odd vulnerabilities - he craves public admiration beyond just power. She sees through the swagger to profound insecurities.

Homelander finds himself intrigued in turn. Wanda suffered devastating losses yet retains genuine empathy paired with formidable abilities. He reluctantly admits to feeling some spark of connection.





One night during a walk in Central Park, Homelander watches Wanda wistfully assist civilians with errant magic. He interjects sarcastically.

"So what, you want their love and little cheers? Cute tricks don't mean shit in the real world, girl."

Wanda rounds on him, eyes blazing red. "As if you'd understand wanting to help people without playing god!"

Their argument erupts into a spectacular duel over the trees and fountains, but an unspoken passion drives the clash. Each seeing parallels of themselves reflected across their different worlds...

Now it was just them walking, in silence. Both wanted to say something but decided against it. In Homelanders' mind, this wasn't a fucking therapy session. She was interesting, but that's it for now. In Scarlet's mind, she was mildly terrified of the man or creature walking next to her. Strangely enough, she felt an odd connection through the destruction aspect.

Both are a danger if left "unchecked" or monitored.

Their walk entering Times Square is interrupted by sudden screams and billowing smoke - the Marriott Marquis has erupted into a raging fire, and hundreds are trapped inside.

Homelander stops short, conflicted - his instincts are to ignore the ants burning. But he spots crowds filming the scene, sees an opportunity for acclaim...and glances at Wanda rushing to assist.

Clenching his fists, Homelander makes a decision and rockets upwards, crashing through the hotel's flaming ceilings. People shriek and recoil before realizing he's grabbing survivors two or three at a time, zipping them outside dizzy but unharmed.





Within minutes over 200 shellshocked tourists and staff huddle safely on the streets. Homelander emerges last from the blaze, uniform smoking but unscorched. He floats down majestically amidst confused murmurs.

Wanda watches stunned as he addresses the crowd. "No need to panic folks! I was just out for an evening constitutional..." He adds Vought-style PR polish, downplaying his prisoner status. "...when duty called. Couldn't let my fellow Americans perish now could I?"

He makes a patriotic show of helping elderly survivors across the police line, glaring cameras capturing it all. Even Wanda has to admit to being reluctantly impressed.

As they leave the scene, Homelander smirks at her knowingly. He can see the crowds whispering, reassessing. He just swayed public opinion masterfully despite the NYPD's tense glares.

"Told you, witch. Optics over facts. Love me or hate me - long as they're watching..." Power was only as strong as the legend built around it after all. But for some reason, he found himself briefly valuing Wanda's gaze most.


Next day...

Fury greenlights a provisional global travel privilege for Homelander to "broaden perspectives" - accompanied closely by Black Widow and Scarlet Witch of course.

Homelander bristles but acquiesces for now. He's been cooperative publicly since the hotel rescue earned positive press. And a change of scenery from the Triskelion cage sounds appealing, even under guard.

Stopping first in London, "John Gilman" plays the part of an American tourist. But both Nat and Wanda notice subtle shifts - he drops the imperious facade among the crowds, taking genuine delight in sampling foods and landmarks. His smiles to passersby seem less calculating and more...genuine boyish wonder.

"It's like he was locked underground since childhood or something," Nat remarks. "Kid looking at his first R-rated movie..."

Wanda watches Gilman joking with pub locals about Arsenal and Chelsea. They grilled him for calling it soccer and called him a clueless yank, and he didn't kill them? No, he actually laughed with them firing back some jokes and engaging humorously. This emerging side of him, starved of any real-life beyond engineered weapons testing, intrigues her. "I think the ego and power are the masks. Underneath he's just trying to feel, to connect. But it always turns destructive..."





In Italy, Gilman sheds more pretense after they narrowly avoid an assassin's explosion. He lashes out at SHIELD oversight. "I never wanted to leave the lab just for new cages and rules! I don't need fucking babysitters."

His outburst stuns them both. Under the bravado, this demigod admits feeling lost and trapped since escaping Vought's compound. Nat softens slightly realizing how young he looks in rare unguarded moments...

Gilman spots Nat's gaze, misinterpreting empathy as patronizing. He grabs her throat but stops just short of harming her, the honest pain in her eyes piercing his rage. They stand frozen for a moment, seeing the shared damage of exploited childhoods weaponized for power.

Wanda carefully makes him release Natasha. She understands Gilman/Homelander's turmoil all too well…