
Homelander: The Nexus of Power

After introducing his son to the world and killing the ant that assaulted him, Homelander for the first time felt free and on top of the world in the truest sense. They loved him for his true self, and it was beautiful. Until it wasn't…

ForgivableSinner · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Superior Force




Power's icy grasp, a silent chill unfurls.




Entwines the soul, a siren's song it hurls.




Mysterious might, a corrupted dance.




Devouring hearts with a malevolent trance.


In shadows' grasp, power's tendrils weave, a spectral dance. Whispers crawl through veins of might, a malevolent trance. Corruption's kiss, a chilling embrace, entwines the soul in shadows' grace. - Francis Underwood, the player of cards.





Homelander looks around wildly as numerous screens and neon lights assault his senses.

'Where the hell am I...where's Ryan and Stormfront??' he thinks angrily. Confusing noises and scents fill the chaotic square.

On another random note, he feels stronger for some reason. He had gained considerable control over his senses in his younger years as a lab rat. But now, it feels like it's almost improved to levels he had not thought possible. It was overwhelming, even for him.

However, what came next, will never be forgotten by the city that never sleeps..

Rough shouts of "Freeze, police!" followed by a barrage of cracking gunshots erupt behind Homelander. Searing pain erupts across his back and shoulders. Enraged, he whips around with an echoing "FUCK!". This alone shattered car windows and the eardrums of civilians within 10 feet of him. Men, women, and children all at once collapsed and wailed in agony as their eardrums burst into gushy pieces.

'How DARE these pathetic worms shoot at ME!' He spots a dozen armored NYPD officers rushing toward him. With a guttural scream, Homelander unleashes his explosive heat vision, tearing through the unit in seconds. They barely have time to yell before being immolated.

"You goddamn suicidal IDIOTS!" Black Widow shouts while rushing onto the scene with Hawkeye and Falcon. She spots charred skeletons scattered, guts, and gallons of blood around the unknown assailant. "Open fire, full power!"

Hawkeye curses as his explosive arrows sail uselessly past the hovering caped figure. "This guy's fast. Almost as quick as Pietr-" His words end in a horrible shriek midair as Homelander grabs his leg with bone-shattering strength before pummeling him into the cement like a bloodied rag doll.

Letting out an agonized groan, Hawkeye struggles to push himself up, multiple fractures and internal bleeding hampering his efforts. "Clint!" Widow cries out before glaring venomously at Homelander. She whips out her wrist gauntlets, electric stunning batons crackling. "I'll wipe that fucking smirk off your face, ублюдок!"

She leaps at Homelander with a vicious series of jabs, driving him back slightly with the electric assault before he angrily lashes out with a backhand, sending her flying into a brick wall.

"Holy...this guy just slapped Nat halfway down the block!" Falcon exclaims over comms. "Gonna try flanking him - we need to end this quick before it turns into Harlem '08 again."

Igniting his wingsuit, Falcon angles towards Homelander in a rapid spiraling ascent, firing his twin SMGs. Homelander plucks the bullets from the air with a cruel laugh before searing one mechanical wing clean off with precision heat vision.

"Shitshitshit!" Falcon spirals violently out of control. Homelander snatches his flailing enemy by the leg, hovering menacingly over the ruined Times Square landscape. "Who sent you worms after me, huh? TALK!"

Dangling upside-down by one leg, Falcon struggles fruitlessly as Homelander's grip feels like an industrial vice crushing his bones. "Gaaahhh...we were just following orders! Trying to contain...argh....the threat!"Homelander scoffs, his eyes blazing red again.

"Threat? I'll SHOW you what a threat is..." With casual cruelty, he rips off one of Falcon's wings and begins using it to mercilessly beat him like a rag doll as bystanders scream.

Satisfied with having battered Falcon within an inch of his life, Homelander contemptuously tosses the mangled, groaning hero straight through a giant LCD screen. "Pathetic...." he rumbles.

Black Widow manages to stagger back towards the occupied town square area, blood trailing from her temple. Spotting Homelander's brutalized victims, her composure finally cracks. "Вы чертов монстр!" she screams hoarsely.

His super hearing picking up her cry, Homelander's head whips around, eyes blazing. "Monster? Oh, give me a break you peon!" He begins slowly marching towards the compromised Russian operative, scorched bodies, and rubble crunching underfoot...He had simply lashed out at those daring to attack him!

"Where's Stormfront?! What the hell is going on?!" Confused memories swirl chaotically. This should be Vought Tower, yet everything seems strangely unfamiliar.

As he reaches Black Widow, he grabs her by the throat and says "You have no IDEA the power you trifle with, why the fuck did you attack me bitch!" He looks to the right and shoots his flesh-burning heat vision which melts a smoldering fuel tank. The explosion sent panicked civilians fleeing. Who were these costumed fools? And why did this seem like no city he knew?

As if a hypersonic missile was approaching, Homelander looked up, and was... surprised?

Carol Danvers or better known as "Captain Marvel" rockets down from the heavens in a crackling streak, driving Homelander through a building from behind. She had arrived to stop this invasion it seemed...but it was her world that felt strangely warped.

Shaking rubble from his hair, Homelander bursts back out through the collapsed wall to confront his new assailant...who didn't seem assailed at all. If anything the strange blonde woman looks ready to brawl further!

"Who the hell ARE you?!" He demands, bracing for another attack. This has to be Stormfront playing some twisted game...except for the scenery, all looks inexplicably different up close to now.

"Funny, I was about to ask YOU the same question," Carol retorts, glowing with Cosmic energy.

Homelander charges her yet again only to be swatted down through several floors in reprisal, demolishing most of an accounting firm. He was unharmed, obviously. But... the power of this new individual...was unnatural. Unnerving him for the first time in a LONG time.

Rising warily and dusting himself off, he addresses the hovering hero with less bluster. "Let's talk..." If he was going to get back his bearings and figure out what Stormfront did, he'd likely need allies on his terms.





Swinging over Greenwich Village, Spider-Man nearly falls from his webline as a terrifying explosion blooms over Midtown. "Holy crap!" He taps his earpiece, patching into the police band. "Um, what's going on over there guys? Do you need a hand?" He's already swinging towards the smoke.

We gather around to witness, Freedom!

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