
Holy Dragon Empire

What makes a king, a true king? What makes an Emperor a true Emperor? A true king is only as strong as his weakest subject. A true King puts their people before himself, for as they rise he rises, and as they fall he falls. Earth the year 2146, Humans have advanced past the global crisis of limited resources and Energy. However, before the people of Earth can start their massive boom into space exploration, Every person on Earth is sent to another world... One of magic and struggle, with their only goal to each create a power kingdom and become Kings or Queens for the entrainment of the Gods. But out of all the people from Earth there is one who knows about the great transfer beforehand, being prepared to become the new world's strongest Supreme Emperor... the leader of the biggest Empire for it is his only mission. Will he become lost is his Quest and fail or rise and complete his Quest.... _______ Author Note: This book is about kingdom building and war. If you have any ideas or suggestions please comment and I will read them and see if I can add your suggestions to this book. Chapter release days: Monday Thursday Friday extra chapters on Saturday and Sunday I wish you all luck in the creation of your kingdoms... Good luck

The_True_Will · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Start of Preparation


The Year 2146, the human race has advanced leaps and bounds overcoming their energy and resource crisis, ready to start the next step in their journey in advancing their race.

The people of Earth have mostly united together under one large government, however not all benefit from this.

Most people have gone past the belief of Gods and higher beings and have instead started to see themselves superior, little do they realise how wrong they are....

Within the outskirts of a large city on an out of the way street, a large grey apartment block sat. It is out dated and worn, almost on the brink of falling apart.

Inside of a small almost completely empty apartment sat a young blonde man in a wheelchair, he looked extremely pale and sick, he is just skin and bones and is dressed in worn out clothing.

If anyone saw him then they would think the he is 15 years old, when in actually he is 18 with his 19th birthday coming up in a few weeks.

People would immediately think that he is completely devoid of life and hope however if you looked at his sunken pale face you would not be drawn to his pale face but is eyes.

For you would feel that it isn't a pair of eyes you are looking at but two powerful Golden stars, two powerful Suns that expell all darkness and evil in the world, full of power, determination, hope and intelligence.

The youth closed his eyes while resting his head on the head rest and Sighed to himself, Richard Darius Drache was the youths name.

"Sigh.." I looked around the room in front of me with my sore neck cracking in protest at having to move.

The room was almost completely empty except a bed, sink, bench, chair and a door. Although the whole room was empty it had a strange sense of order and cleanliness to it, like everything was in the right place.

The only thing out of place in the whole apartment would be the closed door, the door was full of locks to keep people out and to stop people from seeing inside.

Almost like it is hiding a secret that mustn't get out...

I slowly made my way to the door on my wheelchair, I looked at the door for a few seconds before pulling out a key and unlocking the locks.

The door slowly opened with a screech, upon turning on the light in the room the whole room became bright. I had to blink my eyes to readjust them to the bright room.

Inside the room was something that most people on Earth wouldn't recognize or even think still existed.

The room was filled with books on bookshelves as well as maps and designs and drawing table with special paper made of plastic.

However if one were to look closely at the maps they would find that they weren't of Earth but of another world...

A much larger world with all sorts of environments and biomes, tall massive mountains, large lakes, rivers, massive oceans and all sorts of environments around each of the dozen large continents and Islands.

Next to the globe and maps of this strange world was dozens of cities with different buildings, structures and large walls.

All of the designs looked like the cities of old, however they had something unique to them that no structure of Earth have ever had.

Moving into the room I came to the only table in the room and started to mumble to my self.

"Just 3 more weeks.." I looked down at my skinny legs and sighed full of complicated emotions before once again looking around the room full of eagerness and hope.

"Nearly 19 years... 19... Sigh, all of this suffering will come to an end... No it hasn't been suffering! After all I wished for this I agreed to this...

It's my second chance, to do it all again only this time I have him as a backer."

Now my eyes full of hope and power I exist the room and lock it after taking a few blueprints from the table.

After neatly putting them into a bag I leave my home and make my way to the bus stop to get to the hover train station.

Meanwhile with in a the united Earth Government Headquarters leaders conference room sat all of the heads of each department and the most powerful, rich and influential men and women from all around the globe.

The large room was heavy with a tense atmosphere, as right now all of these people in this room are to talk about the future and survival of the human race....

Everyone here new why it is so tense, as almost a half year ago a being of light and power appeared in this very room. Just being in the same room with this being put untold pressure upon them.

The being called itself a Zelus the God of rivalry and competition, everyone was in shock at the sudden appearance of Zelus.

Zelus spoke with a tone of mischief.

"All of you have disregarded us Gods, that would have been fine... However you destroyed all of out relics and almost completely eradicated.." Zelus spoke the last part with a voice full of complete disregard for us humans like we are nothing more than playthings.

"So we have come to the decision to transfer you and all 9.7 billion humans on this planet to your New World... W̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ a̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ w̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ f̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ f̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ v̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞y̳̿͟͞ s̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞v̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞v̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ a̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞d̳̿͟͞ o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ e̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞!!

"Cough" So anyway in exactly half a year in your time is when the great transfer will occur. So I recommend for you all to study up on your history and mythology as you will not be having any technology in the future... hmmm ah yes also I would recommend to gather those of your race skilled and talented in medieval leadership and information.

Hmm I don't think there's anything I'm missing so I'll see you all then!" A bright light blinded all of the people in the room, when they opened their eyes once again there was a large burnt mark were Zelus once was.

Currently everyone here is for a meeting on the progress that we are making in our preparation for the Transfer in 3 weeks time.

The silence so quiet that you would be able to hear a sweat drop slide down the foreheads' of those present was broken as Mikael Gates spoke.

"H-How is the plan coming alone?" He asked with clear hesitation.

"W-well W.. we are making progress however it is extremely hard to get everyone on Earth to learn these skills but... "He pulls up a large hologram that showed different satistics

"We haven't been able to train many, however the new test has been finished. The Intelligence, management, leadership, strategy and Commanding ability or the I.M.L.S.C. test. The testing locations have been finished and are ready, tomorrow we will start the mandatory test and test everyone 14 and older.

It is estimated it will only take 2 weeks for everyone on the planet to be tested." John Hart the current head of education sighed as he finished and sat back down.

"How are the other preparations?" someone asked.

"Well their isn't very much we can prepare... however almost all of our plans have been completed... the... the only thing left is the I.M.L.S.C. test and we'll... the Transfer..."

Silence over took the room before the current head of the world defense force spoke.

"We.. Don't want any panic or rioting at all, so as stated before... the public should not be made aware of this coming crisis.. after all there's nothing we can do.."

Previously everyone in this room right after finding out about the transfer had panicked and just started to argue with each other, but that was till the seriousness of the their situation came crashing down upon them like a steel beam.

Now they can only pray for the survival and continuation of their race....

