
Holy Dragon's Ascension

For the sky I could not reach, for the freedom I was chained from attaining, for the memories I had seemingly forgotten. I will grasp them all in my claws. Read 1 chapter ahead on Royal Road!

LuckyChant · Fantasy
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8 Chs

7. A Sheep in Wolf's clothing

As sleep overtook me once more, I felt reality shifting around me, as if my consciousness was moved from one place to another.

Then everything was quiet and darkness drowned me. Not the nothingness from before, but a calming darkness, that stole my consciousness. I let its veil envelop me together with all my concerns. Feeling as though I was born anew.


The Drake awoke from it's slumber as I could only stare. This was it. I thought to myself

Soon the Behemoth before me would consume me alive, until nothing was left.



I awoke from my slumber to a new dawn. The sun rose in the sky as I heard birds chipper in the trees. The relaxing atmosphere cradled me awake. I unconsciously let out a yawn, vapor falling from my maw. A waterfall of white mist. My breath was too warm for the cold wind.

I raised my head and opened my eyes to find a similar pair staring back at me. They held my gaze, sharp pupils dilating wildly. At one point they grew almost long enough to touch the edges of their Corneal Arcus. 

Huh, that's a big word. Wonder where I learned it?

Even as I mused in my head my eyes still held her gaze, and hers mine. Suddenly, she fell to her knees, eyes darkening. Lips quivered as she opened her mouth.

"If you're going to eat me then just do it. Not that I'd be that appetizing or nutritious.", she said, almost mockingly. A dark aura radiated from her.


That was the only response my mind could make.

Me? Eat her? 

Moving about awkwardly I tried to digest what she had said.

Eat her, why would I? Such a thought never crossed my mind.

Taking in her self-deprecating gaze hurt a bit. But what hurt more was the accusation behind it.

She looked at me like I was some sort of "beast", ready to pounce.


Judgment stood before me. And I could not even bring forward a defense, despite my innocence. Instead, a desire for escapism overtook me. The best I could do was to look away, trying to ignore her hollow gaze.


A jury appeared in my field of view. They beheld me with disgust.

The awkwardness grew, telling me to run away and hide. As time went on she did not stop either, which only further added heat to the fire, and I felt as though I had reached my boiling point. Until I spilled over.

"I get that I contemplated eating the "beast", but that doesn't mean I'll eat absolutly anything! Don't just go and accuse me of cannibalism! I'm innocent ya hear?!"


She just looked at me weirdly. Stunned.




Before I could get another word in, others seemed to have joined the discussion.

Exhales stunned*


My vision swam as hazy figures entered its field.

3 large "academics" whose eyes seemed to radiate a hunger for "knowledge".

The largest one, the one who interrupted us, took a step forward. He looked ready to announce a counter-argument. To call us out on the folly of our debate. Yet, only a ravenous roar came out. Unintelligent and wild.

The "student" did not look embarrassed. Rather, it looked more eager than ever as it and its folly surrounded us. Drawn to their fellow "academics". Ready to devour all "knowledge" they could from us.


I stared at them as they began to circle, and they returned my gaze as they continued turning counterclockwise. No that's wrong. They did not even spare my eyes a look, looking only at my body. Their eyes were glued to me, scanning my every movement, as they walked. Making the clock smaller with every step, closing in on me.

Before I had noticed, my legs had instinctively moved away from them. Tragically, that meant I had moved closer to the clock center, where there was nowhere left to turn.

I just stood there, frozen, like a deer in headlights, as sweat began to form under my scales.

Then I felt something touch my tail. Luckily it was not one of the "students". Rather it was an appendage similar to my own, and attached to it was someone with a similar expression too.

I took a moment to take her in. She had seemingly forgotten I was even here. Backing away from the glaring danger, into the coffin that had been prepared for her.

Too busy trying to escape to see she was digging her own grave.

That she was presenting herself to be devoured.

Her action made me pause for a minute.

My gaze turned downward towards my claws. Clumped together as if to take up as little space as possible. They were sharp. Daggers made out of obsidian, longer than I remembered them to be. A sign of my "growth". Weapons that were mine. Weapons that could kill.

The "students" disappeared and "beasts" took their place. As if an illusion had been unveiled.

I looked at the beasts, and this time they looked back. Now our gazes were on an even level.

2 small ones and one larger, but not larger than the blue one dissolving on the ground.

Then I turned back to the girl, staring at her as she finally took notice of me. She visibly swallowed. Then my eyes returned to our enemies.

Might be doable.

I thought as I breathed out, seemingly having forgotten to do so.

My mind raced through my options as the fog of the morning finally lifted. I tried to remember the other "weapons" I had at my disposal. The ones I had gained recently.

I closed my eyes to take in all the variables. Some might have thought it stupid, and it probably was, given we were on a Battlefield. Luckily, the beasts did not seem to take the opportunity to pounce. At least not yet, as they were clearly confused by my actions. And so was the girl, still staring at me with a questioning gaze.

My prison was no longer with me but I did not need it.

I had evolved. The details of what it meant still eluded me. But one thing I knew for sure; I was stronger.

Reaching for that strength I took in my essence, my status.





Name: ???

Species:(Heavenly Draconic Hatchling)

Bloodline:(The Holy Draconic)

Class: (Warrior)

Sin: (Greed)

Birthplace:(Divine realm, Mortal realm, Demonic realm)

Affinity:(Sancta, Helios, Holy, Fire, Ignis, Spīritus, Arcana)

Status points: (20)

Skill points: (27)


Personal skills:

Divinity () 

Mortal climb 

Demonic essence (lesser)

Soul of another world

Weapon arts

Greedy Expedite

Viril Disposition


Combat skills:

Holy magic(lv.1)

Elemental magic(lv.1)

Demonic magic(lv.1)

[Holy fire] (lv.1)

[Egg cracker] 

[Dandelion Sweap] (Lv.1)

[Reaching for the Stars] (lv.1)

[Enhanced Vitality] (lv.1)

  [Sancta Scale Mail] (lv.1)

[Heavenly Smite] (lv.1)


Honestly, it was a bit much to take in. It would take time to understand all of it, time I did not have. I had to find what was useful. Something I could use to replace the "prison" shard, I had seemingly lost. To give me an edge.


Suddenly I recalled what the girl had said before she fainted; [Ignis]. I was certain she had tried to use it on me, but for some reason, it had failed. Yet, I understood that if it had worked it would hurt.


And would you look at that, the same name appeared in my status. An opportunity had presented itself before me. It was just a hunch, but I went for it.



I felt power leave my essence and enter my body. Specifically, I felt it collect in my chest, growing until I felt like I was about to explode. The energy needed to be released.


I leaned toward the biggest of the beasts, opening my maw.


What spilled out was not white mist, but something far hotter. A bright golden flame spewed forth, engulfing the beast before me. The other 2 looked on, stunned. Not responding at all. Too confused by what they had witnessed.


If they would not act, I would.


Turning around, away from the burning beast, I charged at the others.


The one closest to me took notice first. It bared its teeth, ready to counter the moment I came close enough.


[Enhanced Vitality]


I spun again, but this time I kept my course. Using the momentum to turn my head back, and my tail forth. It had grown longer than I remembered, becoming thinner towards the end.


It struck out like a whip hitting the beast in the face. Blood sprayed from a newly made scar across its eyelid. Head leaning to the side, wincing from the pain and lack of vision. Letting its neck be exposed.


Taking the opportunity, I went for the kill. Raising my claws I slashed down.


[Dandelion Slash]


But my skill did not activate, leaving my strike bare of energy. That is not to say I left no damage. My claws had grown after all. Just not long enough to cut deep through the fur and hide of the beast.


The beast winced, though still alive. I prepared to try to finish it with another skill, but was interrupted by another set of fangs. The last of the beasts, the smallest one, had snuck up behind me while I was preoccupied. It bit down on my right arm making me unable to attack, lest I fall to the ground.


As I tried to shake off the third beast, the second one was already getting up. It stared at me angrily with its one remaining eye. Bearing its sharp teeth while letting out a low but seething growl.


It might not be the largest out of the pack, but its fangs certainly were. Especially compared to the ones around my arm. Which, I noted, were beginning to draw blood.

Bending its legs, it prepared to attack. Then it pounced. Aiming for my neck, almost as if out for revenge.


Being trapped and not able to counterattack, I gave up on offense. Instead, I focused on defense. My mind sped up with adrenaline. Instincts stole away my focus and autopiloted it onto one of my skills. With no time to spare, I did not ask any questions.


[Sancta Scale Mail]


As the second beast was in reach of my neck and the third was ripping into my arm, my scales began to shine. At first, it was just a small luminescent hue. Then when the fangs closed around my neck my scales burst with light.


White blinded out every other color in the vicinity, forcing all to bear its hue. Bringing dawn to the world a tad bit early.


The second beast was repelled and sent off with a blast. Landing just out of the radius of the white world. The third and smallest had been forced into the ground, leaving a small crater. Its maw contained its shattered teeth and bloodied gums, and its fur was lightly singed. It had taken the brunt of the blast. I showed no hesitation as I slashed down with my right arm, crushing its exposed neck. A new wave of blood gushed forth from its mouth, as it lay still.


Now there just remained one.


The second largest beast rose from the ground, staring briefly at its companion before returning its gaze to me. It did not think of fleeing for a moment, as if my death was its purpose in life.


It charged at me, and I returned the favor in kind.


[Wild Charge]


The world let me know it had used its skill. Thus I would return that too.


[Egg Cracker]


I had not used it until now. Not because I didn't want to, but because I knew I couldn't. Something had told me that the skill was not available. The reason eluded me. Perhaps it had some requisite to it?


Well, all that mattered was that I could use it now. My obsidian Claws was now a bright gold, with crimson vitality visibly surrounding it.


We charged at each other, each of us using our strongest skills. My claws against its fangs. Both of our silhouettes were illuminated by the first light of day. Then there was a flash as we came into contact.


I landed and the ground gave way underneath my legs. Staring down I took in my form. The shining white scales were beginning to dim, having taken the brunt of the beast's attack. While not perfect I was certainly not in any severe condition. I could not say the same about my opponent though. They lay on the ground... in 2 pieces. Cleanly split diagonally from its upper ribs to its midsection. Looking at the damaged corpse I recalled what had happened as we clashed.


When we came into contact the beast was the first to strike but its attack only slid off my scales. Then it was my turn and I raised my glowing claws, aiming at its neck. However my timing was off, and by the time I decided to strike its body had already come into contact with my claws. Normally this would've neutralized my attack. But instead of merely gracing the beast's singed fur, my claws stayed in place. The beast, however, had continued to move forward. My outstretched arm passed through it, as momentum took its course. I felt no resistance as if I had merely cut through butter with a hot knife.


I almost did not believe I had slayed the beast if not for the notifications going through my head.


Looking at the dead beast's feral expression, I could only assume it was as clueless as I was. Not even taking notice of its own demise.


As I was about to check on how the girl was doing, I fell to the ground. Confused I tried to get up, only to realise I could not. My body was so exhausted, I could only move my head. It felt as though my very life had been sapped away by the wind.




I was able to turn my head toward the sound. I stared at the first beast as it closed in on me, a chill beginning to rise up my spine. I had thought the beast dead, burned to a crisp by my flames, yet it was alive. Now re-entering the fray with its body partially turned to charcoal. Huridly I gleaned at its essence.


Level: 5

Name: None


Species: Wonderbeast (youngling)


Affinity: Ignis, Darkness


Instinctively I knew how it had survived. Its essence was the same as my attack, making it less effective.

That also probably meant it-


The first and final beast opened its maw as I finished my deduction. I could see it. The fire built up in its jaw, as it stretched wide. The beast was going to use my own attack against me, exacting revenge for its burnt body.


I tried to move away, but could only fall back to the ground. My body did not listen to my orders as the luminescence from my scales finally dimmed out. At the same time, the crimson aura surrounding me dissipated, leaving me weakened and exposed.


I tried to use another defensive skill only to realize I had none. Desperately, I attempted another [Ignis], but my essence was waning, not willing to part with more of itself.


Realizing I had no more cards up my sleeve, I could only stare in horror as the beast readied its spell. It was 4 levels above me. Even if I had an inherent immunity against the attack, even if I was mostly unscathed from all the fighting, I would die. If that attack hit me I would die.


I would die.

I would die.

I would die and I could do nothing about it.


My doom was before my eyes and I could only watch it come. For some reason, a familiar feeling awoke within me. I did not know what it meant though, only that it could not help me.




Before I could come to the bottom of this emotion, my doom had disappeared. Seemingly the beast had been distracted by the verdant grass.


For if not why else would the beast's head be rolling on the ground? Well, the answer was simple; it had been killed. Its head severed from its body, which just stood there as if stuck in time.


Then the body fell, and the culprit appeared behind it.


Covered in the victim's blood, with my prison in her hands, stood a girl. Black hair, Crimson eyes, a Beastlike tail, and a body covered in dark red.


"You know murder's kinda hot when it saves your ass."


Was the last thing I said as darkness overtook me.