
Holy Blood Extract

In the sleepy town of Montus, a boy wanders the world to seek excitement and adventure only to stumble upon the idea that magic could be real and the unknown threat that's been secretly killing people from the shadows. As he explores more and more to unravel the mysteries, he puts his life in the brink of death more times than he can count

IrisApostle · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 0:

A huge explosion roared at the town of Montus.

The explosion send debris flying everywhere. One figure in a cloak was falling from a high building as did 3 other figures. The cloaked one was falling upright as any normal person plummeting to their deaths would, but the 3 figures was diving, their positions was one you'd see when hunting, arms ready on their side, legs had one stretched far and the other had their knee bend in the direction of their fall as if they purposely leapt away from the building; and they had a sadistic malicious smile baring their fangs...


Yes, as the cloaked figure fell, his pursuers had terrifyingly sharp fingernails and had fangs. He was panicking from the inhuman creatures, muttering to himself endlessly.

"I can see them you know?" said one of his assailants "Those mouth of yours panicking and jittering!"

"Might as well give up now runt!" said the other

The boy never stopped for a second, he kept murmuring and murmuring until whatever it was inside his cloak started to glow. He looked back to check how far they were and as he did, one of them was already inches away from his face. He glimpse at the 2 other figures jumping from rubble to rubble.

He figured out quickly on how one of them had reached him quickly as they basically just run vertically downwards towards him. This small bit of information was something that hindered his movements as he had to make a decision in the split second he took to see how he had reached him. Nevertheless his own trepidation caused him to decide as he shouted the words and quickly point the glowing object to the building his landing in.

A blast of energy shot out of his hand, before he can marvel at his work: one of his chasers grabbed him by the throat.

"Now you can't cast any of your spells wizard!" exclaimed his chaser "Perish in agony worthless wo-"

His words got cut off as he landed on a giant loaf of garlic bread. As they landed, the cloaked figure grabbed a small knife and stabbed the arm of his pursuer.

"Insolent brat!" shouted the pursuer. "We're not THAT type of vampires you imbecile! Your stupidity will be your downfall."

He held the knife firmly as he was about to stab the vampire directly in his brain but he hesitated, stabbing only his torso. The cloaked boy ran to a small art shop, breaking the window to bust in. The other 2 vampires chasing him landed square on the pavement yet still maintained posture and started running towards the boy. They enter the art shop the boy entered in only to see a glowing light emanating in the room at the back of the shop with a door missing. They check out what it was, only to find nothing but a supply room in disarray, the boy's cloaked gone, and a giant symbol made of paint.

"Must've used a portal spell huh." said one of the vampires. "Yep, couldn't be anything else now that he's gone." replied the other.

"That would've been handy for next time huh." the boy in cloaked revealing himself.

"You! Foolish moron you've only hastened your dea-" the vampire stopped dead on her tracks. A a white glowing barrier made it impossible to escape.

"What is this!?" said the vampire

"Hmm? That's cage. The room was a trap, didn't you see the symbol on the floor?" replied the boy

"But I thought that was the portal spell! Explain yourself this instance before I skewer your body!" demanded the other vampire.

"I don't have to explain myself, but since you'll die anyways, I used the door and made it a mirror, I used it to hide behind the counter to make sure you didn't see me."

"Impossible!" said one of the vampires. "Even if you did, we would've smelled you through the mirror!"

"Indeed" agreed the other. "We smelled you inside that room! How on earth did you managed to removed your smell from your body?"

"The garlic bread spell." explained the boy.


"Admittedly I might've made a mistake by thinking the garlic would kill you instantly but it worked as it made my entire cloak smell like garlic."

"You little rat!" the vampire angered after getting outsmarted by a mere human furiously hit the barrier rapidly.

The barrier was slowly breaking down and the boy realized his mistake by having to explain his methods.

He quickly started praying as time ticked slowly to their inevitable escape, closing his hands on his hand that looked like an oddly shaped torch.

"Knowledge of man, primordial light, let the darkness die by your ember's br-" his words were cut off as he couldn't focus, panicking caused by the ruckus.

"Knowledge of man, primordial light, let the dark-" his words was cut off once more as a rubble hit him in the head causing him to flinch thinking they touched him.

Magic is about focus, concentration, visualizing what you want to conjure to affect reality. "Once more" he repeated to himself.

"Knowledge of man! Primordial light! Let the darkness die by your ember bright!" his torch glowed a bright red and before the vampires could escape,

"IGNIS!" shouted the boy, flames burst from the torch and a magnificent fire scorched the area, breaking his barrier. He never stopped focusing on his fire, his mind is filled with the embers of his torch and continuously focusing and on his roaring fire.

The two vampires screamed in agony as they were scorched by the flames. Thinking quickly, one of them found a fountain pen in the supply closet and noticing that the they could not move from their spot, used the last of its energy to throw it at the direction of the boy.

The boy's hand was stabbed and was enough to disrupt his concentration.

"You're fucking dead!" shouted the vampires.

Panicking, the boy removed the pen quickly and started running to the street. His adrenaline was rushing at an all time high, he couldn't think of his next move as he has exhausted all his mind and creativity. He couldn't use the adrenaline to sharpen his decision making as if it was anything else, he would've collapsed from being worn out.

As he ran, the vampire who was trapped in the garlic bread suddenly appeared, running towards him with a rage.

Back in the art shop, the burning vampires struggle as the flames obscure their views and burned their skins.

"Quickly" said one of the vampires. "The blood!"

She quickly rush towards the fallen blood and lifted the small portion of the ground to get it closer to her face, she drank it and started to heal.

"Screw that!" screamed the other vampire, as she took the remaining blood from the ground, also lifting the very ground it was on, drinking the blood and started to float.

"You're gonna use it for flight?" asked the vampire

"That boy will not escape! Not after what he did to us!" exclaimed the vampire, quickly levitating and flying outside the shop and looking for the boy.

The boy soon ran out of energy to run. He looked over the horizon as the sun slowly rise but it wasn't enough. He could predict that even if he were miles away from the vampires, they'd still have enough time to butcher him and have ample room to escape and the vampires was no less than 10 meters away from him.

Grim as it is, he was about to have a brutal end.

"Should've aimed for the head." said the vampire who was stabbed by the torso. "Shame for this knife too, made with holy metal."

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" as burning charred corpse was comically flying 10m/h was rushing towards him.

"I need to dodge! I need to dodge!" he kept repeating to himself, he looked around everywhere but it was no use, even if he were to roll at the side he would still get hit as the vampire had full control over her own trajectory. He came to an idea quickly drawing a small circle in the pavement.

"Rise!" shouting to the earth and it followed as a small portion of the ground was able to block him from the vampire, but the momentum of the vampire was so great that it merely stopped her from running towards him to split him in half, instead sending the small earth flying towards the boy and the boy was thrown 5 meters away from her, breaking most of his ribcage.

He coughed violently thinking how it would've murdered him if he took the blow directly. The other vampire only staggered as she was ready to fly towards him as well. The boy, confused and dazed was ripe for the kill as this was him at his most vulnerable.

"Wait!" said the vampire who was stabbed. "We don't have time, we have to get out of here before sun rises."

"But he's right there!" rebutted the flying vampire. "Just one more blow and we'll get our revenge!"

"He's right" said the other vampire who's whole body that was burnt, was refreshed as if nothing has happened. "Even if we kill him, people are coming out of their homes from all that commotion. The master won't be pleased if they have trace of us here."

"Fine!" said the flying vampire.

She flown towards the two others and quickly flew from the rooftop and started hiding before the sun can come up.

The boy as well shared the same idea as he too would be in trouble had people seen what happened, almost immediately would conclude that the bloody boy would most definitely be a prime suspect.

Soon folks from the buildings were walking down the cobblestone street, some were already drawn to the giant garlic bread and burning shop.

Nevertheless the boy quickly rushed towards the small hole he had opened up save himself, to do so once more and rushed quickly to enter it, the platform he lifted the stone was a bridge and he went down the canal to take him wherever it may end. He relaxed over the water as his wounds were being sore from the water, thinking how much of a failure he is. No magic, no plans, not even willpower and creativity was enough to kill a single low vampire.

Contemplating he rest in a melancholic state of regret for his failure.