

Is he the killer? Or is he their hero? Primrose… eight letters, two syllables, and one name. He is known as the mysterious killer who leaves his victims unrecognizable. He usually roams the city at night, stalks his victims, and launches on them in wearing his favorite coat and a pair of black gloves. He is the man that sent shivers to the people of Emir City, the city which has the most number of crimes in all the land. He is the man that they fear even before the sun rose over the horizon and illuminated the city. But what does Primrose have that the people are scared of him? Or were they not really scared of the man? Read along and find out? “The flowery scent of the city covers a stench scent of blood that surrounds it.” Disclaimer: I do not own any of the arts that are on the cover. Everything belonged to their respective creators!

docaqui · Action
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40 Chs

Orch Sage

They are twins. They were born from the same mother. They were treated equally by their own father. They were also adored by many. Both boys were schooled in a prestigious school. They were close to one another.

They also have the same group of friends. They were well-mannered and kind. They have different styles of clothing, but they work well together. One has an angelic and pure white style and the other has a darkish style.

But when they are together, both styles complement each other. That was before he came into their life. One good guy from a well-known family ruined everything that the boys worked for. Their trust in each other and their relationship with each other became toxic for just one guy. What a shame as what people call them.

Why do they need to be like this for one guy? This talk shit still goes on even after Ianthe Garance died. The guy who killed one-Ren Sage, his twin brother. The one who only knows the difference is the one they called Primrose.

He sighed in his seat as he waited for the detective to come and pick him up. He watches many cars gone by but they were still no detectives. 'Did I fail?' He asks himself. 'Am I no longer seductive?' He asked again when a car pulled up in front of his shop and when he looked up, it's the detective.

He sighs with relief and sits up straight as he watches the detective trying to fix his coat. He greets him with an innocent smile when the detective enters the shop.

"Good evening, detective," he said. The detective looks at him up and down and processes how Ren looks really good tonight. "Do you like what you see, detective?" He asks with a very seductive tone.

Major gulps and nods subconsciously then Ren giggles. He stands up and seductively walks up to Major and tells him, "I dressed up just for you tonight, detective. I hope you like it," he said. Major clears his throat as he watches the florist looks at him through his lashes.

He never knew that the florist's lashes were this long. They made him more ethereal and beautiful. He stands well and proud and he flirts with him back. "You look really good, Ren. I really like the way you look," he said. "Let's go?" Major asks the florist as he offers his hands to hold the florist.

Major assists the florist in getting in his car. He opens the door for him and helped him slips inside. Once the florist is inside, he then closes the door softly as the florist watches him with hungry eyes.

The florist smiles softly at Major when he sat beside him and immediately starts the car. Once the engine heated, they rode away. The whole car ride was silent since none of them wants to talk.

Major feels every bit of nervousness in his body as he constantly looks at the florist. Ren looks extra-beautiful tonight. He feels a little underdressed but he doesn't care, Ren is with him tonight, and that's his main priority. He needs to keep the florist entertain so he won't be turned off.

As they reach the mini-diner, Major immediately opens the door for the florist. Ren giggles at the gesture, but he doesn't care much about it. They sat down near the window once they enter the diner. Ren insists that he would be paying for the dinner since he is the one who invites him but

Major refuses his reasoning and paid for the dinner. Ren blushingly smiles at him and looks out of the window. "You know, I've never been around the city as much," Ren said as he looks back at Major. "Really?" Major asks not believing him at all.

"Uh-huh," Ren hums as he drinks his juice that he ordered earlier. "How come?" Major asks. Ren looks at him under his lashes and said, "Primrose," Major looks at him confusedly and asks, "Primrose? Do you mean the flower? What about it?" Ren smiles at him sadly and said, "This will be the first time that I will tell someone about him but he has been roaming around the city at night.

Some residents of Emir City said that he is the first person to live here others just said that he was the monster that was created by the city because apparently, people dislike those who disturb their peace," Ren sits down comfortably in his chair as he leans backward.

"The flower primrose means youth or first, that's why people call him or her that," he added. Major prepares for this, as he shifts in his jacket and places his phone on the table. "Yeah, I heard about that in Astera," Major said quietly amused.

'Why is he saying something that had been on the news for several weeks now? I thought he has information about the recent killing.' Major thought to himself. Ren looks at him with a slightly amused grin and leans forward to the table.

"I know I invited you on a dinner date, but I didn't know why you looked so serious. You need to relax, detective," he said in a seductive tone. Major gulps quietly as he watches the florist flirts with him. "I'm sorry," Major replies.

"Stop worrying too much, detective. I didn't forget my promise of information to you. But for now, let's just enjoy this night," Ren invited. Major nods and started eating his food. When Major starts to ease up their conversation became more friendly. They talk about most about everything like Ren's favorite food, his ex relationships, and many more.

As for Major, he talks more about his work and little about his family. Ren is very open about his sexuality and Major doesn't actually care about it. He might find the florist attractive but not to the point of asking him to have a relationship with him. He is thinking of it more like a sex partner or a friend with benefits type of thing.

After they ate at the diner, they went straight to the bar to get wasted. They have a wonderful night and Major is actually having fun. He learned a lot about Ren and so did Ren about Major. They went to three separate bars and get drunk.

Before the night ended, Major asks Ren to join him to dance on the dancefloor but Ren refuses him. Major just shrugs and dances his way to the dancefloor. Ren then went to the bar counter, when he saw a familiar figure.

"Well done, Princess. You got him drunk, baby," he said. The bartender looks his way and gives him a nod. Ren looks at him with sparkling eyes and gave him a sweet smile. "Now, go back to him, Princess. Make sure you groom him well and good," he whispers in Ren's ears before kissing his lips. Ren moans to the kiss and when the mystery guy breaks the kiss, Ren pouts.

"Don't pout like that, Princess. Once the job is done, I will give you the best reward you could have," he says. As he slips away into the darkness and Ren went back to Major. He sees Major grinding his dick on someone so he abruptly pulled him to the side of the stage and kissed him hard.

Ren never knew he would have sex with the detective, but he needs to since it was all part of the grooming process. He asks Major if he could come to his home to finish what they started. Major nods and quickly drag the florist out of the bar and into the car.

And as they drove off, the night settles quietly but not so peacefully since the monster is thinking of another kill.

Is the date just a normal date?

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