

Is he the killer? Or is he their hero? Primrose… eight letters, two syllables, and one name. He is known as the mysterious killer who leaves his victims unrecognizable. He usually roams the city at night, stalks his victims, and launches on them in wearing his favorite coat and a pair of black gloves. He is the man that sent shivers to the people of Emir City, the city which has the most number of crimes in all the land. He is the man that they fear even before the sun rose over the horizon and illuminated the city. But what does Primrose have that the people are scared of him? Or were they not really scared of the man? Read along and find out? “The flowery scent of the city covers a stench scent of blood that surrounds it.” Disclaimer: I do not own any of the arts that are on the cover. Everything belonged to their respective creators!

docaqui · Action
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40 Chs

Newly Discovered Evidence

Weeks had already passed and the office is still gloomy after what happened to Major. They never thought that their killer would do such things. What is worse than that is they haven't found out what he looks like.

There's only one person who knows him it's either Ren Sage or Major himself. But since Major is gone, it could've just been Ren who knows this Primrose guy. Lilibush sadly sighs on his chair and faces Amorphous who is also having a hard time accepting that their junior is gone.

Even Chief Moss is having a problem processing every little shit that is happening in their precinct. Everyone is at the edge of their seats, now that their killer made it personal to them that they are his targets since the very beginning.

They know that he is now planning who could be his new victim when Cantaloupe suddenly busts open the office doors. "We found a new evidence regarding Primrose," he said as he walks in panting as if he has been running for miles.

"What evidence are you talking about?" Lilibush curiously asks as he looks at the file that is Cantaloupe was holding. He opens it and he was a shock by what was inside. "Dumbass, isn't this the Ren Sage case?" He said in a loud voice, clearly frustrated about what was Cantaloupe planning.

"I know," the older detective calmly chuckles. "Look on the next page and see if who found the body." He added as he watches Lilibush flips the page with a smile on his face. Clearly, he knows what he was doing and whatever it is, it is dangerous.

Lilibush is even more shocked at what he saw on the next page. He looks at the paper with horror. "You can't be serious," Lilibush mutters to Cantaloupe. Amorphous is getting anxious as to what they were talking about so he grabs the folder and looks at it himself.

"Shit," Amorphous said as he looks at the paper in front of him. "Isn't this the grandmother that found Ms. Sorrel under the bridge?" Amorphous asks dumbly then looks at Cantaloupe who is smiling widely.

"Uh-huh, now look at the next page and read the one in highlights," Cantaloupe said before sitting down at the table. Amorphous flips on the next page and read out loud the one on highlights.


Name: Louisa Magaron

Age: 75 years old

Last day has seen: Aug. 28, 2020

If you have seen her please contact this number: 915-xxx-xxx (Marco Magaron)"

After reading it, Amorphous looks at the picture that was clipped on the upper left corner of the paper and he was shocked when he saw the face of the grandmother who found Ms. Sorrel. "What the actual fuck?" Amorphous exclaims as he looks at Cantaloupe with confused eyes.

"Are you sure about this shit?" Amorphous said not knowing what to say or what to expect from this newly found information that Cantaloupe had. "Pretty sure," Cantaloupe answered as confident as he can.

"I've found that information at the police station at Éclair. One of the officers who had that case said she had been missing for three years but the family stops looking for her after a year. No longer hoping that she is alive or what," Cantaloupe said as he sits at his chair and opens his laptop.

"What does this have to do with Major's case?" Mikhail asks as he looks at the folder before passing them over to Chief Moss, who went out of the office when he heard the name Primrose. "Major is close with Ren Sage or shall I say, Orch Sage, long story.

As far as I am concern, Orch Sage is close to this grandma who is living at the Trench and Major did write back then that she has a grandson with the name Alexys," Cantaloupe said pulling out Major's notebook from his drawer and flipping the pages back to Ms. Sorrel's case.

"Major did write here that the guy is pretty mysterious as if he is not who people think he is. It was as if he is hiding something bloodthirsty and grueling." Cantaloupe said while reading Major's notes about the case and the mysterious grandson.

"Well, maybe, Major is just being paranoid," Mikhail said as he listens to Cantaloupe's muttering. "That can be too, but, I did found out last night from my wife that, the grandson's name is Prime Alexys Hespere." Cantaloupe smirks before looking back at Chief Moss and Mikhail. Mikhail widens his eyes when he heard the name and recognized it from the boy whose parents were killed after the fire incident at their house.

"How did your wife knows such a name?" Mikhail said while looking at Cantaloupe with an intense look. "Chill," Cantaloupe said before chuckling and handed him another folder. "That's from my wife, it's a medical record of a specific kid," Cantaloupe said before leaning back to his chair.

Chief Moss personally opens the folder and was shocked to know that Detective Cantaloupe's wife is one of the nurses who helped Ms. Hespere in her labor. "And also, according to my wife, Ms. Hespere calls his son Primrose as a nickname," Cantaloupe said now munching a piece of bread while looking intensely to the other detectives.

"Well done, Cantaloupe," Chief Moss said while taking the new pieces of evidence against Primrose, hoping that this information could bring all of the victims what they all deserve. "With this, we could finally begin our investigation against our mystery killer, Primrose."

Chief Moss declares then he went straight to his office. He started calling the bureau to ask for more assistance on their case, now that they have enough evidence to rule their killer, guilty, for all of his crimes against the people of Emir. Not caring about the other consequences this investigation could bring, the bureau sends his assistance to their precinct.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Orch has been complaining about his back being in too much pain after what happened last night. "We've done it too many times already, how come I can't still get used to it?" Orch whines as he tries standing up from the couch where Primrose places him. Primrose just chuckles as he watches his struggles as walks towards him.

'He walks like a toddler,' Primrose thought and smiles at that thought. "What are you smiling at?" Orch said getting angry as minutes passed. "Oh, nothing," Primrose said while giving Orch a teasing smile. "Don't," Orch said as he tries to walk away from the guy when he realizes that Primrose is walking towards him.

Primrose, then, lifts him up and carried him to the bed, and threw him to the soft mattress. "Hey!" Orch said but when he looks up, he could see Primrose's eyes glisten. Orch just shook his head and opens his arms widely, welcoming the taller man.

"I think I could do it again, Master," Orch said begrudgingly. Primrose smirks then he suddenly attacks his soft pouty lips. Orch muffles a giggle and kisses back. He opens his mouth to give Primrose access. Primrose slides his tongue inside and encircles it with the other's tongue.

Orch, then, moans in between kisses and grips at Primrose's hair pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Primrose smirks then slowly removing Orch's underwear. He cuts the kiss and trails it to Orch's neck leaving dark and purple-ish hickeys.

Orch's moans grew louder and louder as Primrose nibbles his neck as if it is a chew toy. "M-Master," Orch stutters as he groans to the painful sensation. Primrose just hums in return before fucking the shit out of him. "You didn't have to be that harsh when fucking me, you know," Orch said after they finish while looking at Primrose while pouting his lips.

"Do I look like I the type of guy who does vanilla sex?" Primrose while lighting a cigarette then looks at Orch as he puffs the smoke out to his face. Orch coughs and looks away from him, hiding his face on the pillow.

"No," Orch answers quietly before grunting as he looks at the other side of the bed, his silky white back facing Primrose. The taller guy, then, groans. He puts the cigarette away and kisses Orch's sexy back. "I will try next time if I am still alive," Primrose said as he cuddles Orch then went to sleep.

Orch did hear the last words he said before going to dreamland. He knows that those words are impossible to keep when they know that they were about to get caught any time soon after Major's death.

After his death, Orch starts to question Primrose's sanity but he knows that he has greater plans. His greatest crime hasn't been done but it is on the move. He is now thinking about what that could be.

This lover of his is a tough nut to crack and he knows that. But, the police know that, too. He sighs to himself before going to sleep. Not knowing, that the police already have something against Primrose.

I am really struggling writing smut T_T

I am sorry for this~!

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