
Hololive EN: The Awakening

“I want to save them.” Detective Amelia Watson leaps through time and space to escape her death at the hands of an otherworldly threat. Everyone she knew and loved were gone, left to a time doomed to annihilation. A meeting with a deity leads her to accept her new mission, to save the future from destruction by changing the past. On her journey she meets new faces, a lost Atlantean, a diligent demon, a confident angel, a powerful hellbeast, a determined reaper, an immortal hero, and an eldritch priestess. A Hololive EN origin story. Part 1: Pursuing the High Priestess Part 2: The Reaper and the Phoenix Part 3: A Cosmic Errand (ONGOING)

g1itch · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Mori Calliope flew through the dark, rainy skies of the Pacific. The lightning crackling in the clouds above and the rumbling thunder that accompanied it matched the intensity of the roar of the ancient dragon she rode on as she passed rising waves crashing down beneath her. Mori squinted, the pouring rain falling on her face and obscuring her vision. It felt like hours since she departed Arkham after she confronted that manager. The dragon paid no mind to the downpour and kept moving forward without hesitation. The storm began to gradually fade as the dragon advanced, until only a few wisps of cloud remained. The sky hung above the reaper dotted with thousands of stars, her pale skin shining in the moonlight. Mori wiped her eyes and caught a glimpse of a towering building in the distance. The dragon began its descent, circling around the structure. The island was comprised of smaller, jagged rock formations that grew taller as they reached the center, a great tower that reminded the reaper of an ancient temple she went to once. An old, stone staircase began at the foot of the island, leading to the tower. Mori commanded the dragon to land near the tower, hopping off once the beast touched the floor with its hands. The reaper pet the dragon's snout, feeling its black, scaly skin. The beast stared at her with its piercing, purple eyes.

"If it weren't for you I would've never found this place. Thank you for getting me here," she smiled at the dragon.

The dragon nodded in understanding and with a flap of its wings, it lifted off the ground, flying away into the distance. Scanning the area around her, the reaper found nothing but sea stretching for miles. The island looked untouched, no sign of any human exploration for at least a century.

"So I got here before them, huh?" she muttered to herself.

Mori started to make her ascent up the thousands of stairs leading to the tower. On her way up, she abruptly stopped. She looked from side to side, feeling a tremendous presence watching her. She shook her head, continuing up the stairs. Mori arrived at the top of the stairs, at the threshold inside the darkness beyond. Next to the entrance were two torches hanging on opposite sides. Taking one of them from its rusted sconce, she held it close to her. She breathed out, a small flame coming out of her mouth, setting the torch ablaze. Mori held the torch up and continued forward. A flight of descending stairs led deeper into the tower. Going further, the stairs plateaued into a short hallway leading to a set of double doors. The feeling of being watched amplified as she pushed them open. Inside laid a massive, spacious area. The musty, heavy air did little to ease her nerves. Her heels clapped against the stone path, echoing. Pillars were lined up on both sides of the path, with unknown symbols engraved into them. She stopped dead in her tracks as she reached a throne too big for any human.

Mori raised her torch.

Her eyes widened.

A colossal form sat upon the great throne. Mori first noticed its large feet. Looking up, an arm with a clawed, webbed hand clenched the armrest. It had a bulbous head, with tentacles sprouting out of it, reminding Mori of an octopus, except a thousand times larger. Retracted wings sat on its back and the reaper wondered how long they would be if spread. The being's head rested in its hand, its eyes closed in deep slumber. The being dwarfed the reaper as it sat in peaceful sleep. The beast slowly opened its eyelids, revealing nothing but bright red behind them. Mori refused to move, keeping calm even though it could strike at any moment. The being studied the reaper for a few silent minutes.

"How unexpected. It seems a visitor has arrived in my temple. You seem troubled, I sense it," it spoke in a deep voice.

"What are you?"

"I am Cthulhu, the Great Dreamer. Why have you come here and interrupted my slumber?"

"I'm looking for someone."

"And who might that be?"

"A girl by the name of Amelia Watson."

"The woman I have seen in my dreams. She travels to R'leyh as we speak."

'So I did arrive first...' she thought.

"This Amelia Watson, she brings worrisome allies."


"A band of pirates. It troubles me. The presence of these plunderers can threaten my subjects underwater."

Mori stepped forward. "Then let's make a deal, shall we?"


Amelia and Gura looked out at the sea. Gray clouds drifted into view, soon becoming a worrisome black. Houshou Marine's galleon had traveled for hours since they departed at the Hawaiian cost. The captain watched the skies, its clouds starting to blot out the sun shining high above. Marine turned to one of her men.

"How's the wind?"

"Still moving forward, Senchou. We're still on course."

Gura felt raindrops on her face. The light drizzle turned into pouring rain as the boat passed through the blanket of clouds above. The two made haste to get inside before they got too soaked. The Deep One they met at the beach sat on one of the crates lying around. Most of the crew worked at the deck, leaving nobody but the three down in there. The Deep One had its head in its hands, looking down at the floor.

"You okay?" Gura asked as the two took a seat near it.

"Yes. Just tired."

"Didn't you get any rest earlier?" Amelia asked.

"I couldn't sleep."

"What happened to you? You look like you've ran ten marathons straight."

"I'd like to know as well," Marine stood there, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Senchou? Shouldn't you be at the deck right now?" Gura asked.

"It's no problem. Those sea dogs know how to man a ship without my help. We might be running into bumpy waters in a little," the captain looked at the Deep One, "This is the right direction, isn't it?"

It nodded. "The city of R'lyeh is protected by a great storm. It keeps pirates and outsiders away."

"Well, they'll be surprised when they see us passing through. Anyways, back to what we were talking about. Deep One, why did you board my ship?"

The Deep One's gaze fell back to the floor. It sighed. "I was born in a city near the coast of Hawaii. Decades ago my family dreamed of making our pilgrimage to R'lyeh and catching a glimpse of the Great Dreamer himself. The day we planned to set out, the Elder Things invaded our city and broke through our defenses."

"I've heard about these Elder Things, what are they?" Gura questioned.

"You're Atlantean, if I'm not mistaken? I saw your trident earlier, it looked familiar."

The shark girl nodded. "My people helped yours when the Elder Things hunted you down."

"I'm well aware. I'm surprised you don't know them, considering what they did to your people."

"I was very young at the time, my parents never told me about them."

"So you were a child when it happened? I..." the Deep One paused. "...I'm so sorry."

Gura tilted her head, quizzically. "What do you mean?"

Amelia interrupted. "Let's go back to your story."

"Alright then. We requested backup, but our brothers and sisters from a nearby city were annihilated by the Elder Things and their tech. My family...they were..."

The Deep One stopped. Amelia, with a sympathetic frown on her face, placed a hand on its shoulder.

"It's ok, you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thank you. So I reached the surface after the attack, at the islands you humans call Hawaii. I lived there for years, spending my days wandering and eating from dumpsters. Ever since the day my family was taken from me I vowed to achieve our dream of going to R'leyh. However, I knew the journey would be perilous. The trials the Great Dreamer put forth, they would be no ordinary challenge for someone like me, let alone all by myself. And so I waited, waited until I could find someone venturing out there. The Great Dreamer keeps his stronghold well hidden to the outside world and I was beginning to lose faith that someone would come after countless years of waiting. Well, that was until I found your ship."

"How did you know we were going to the city?"

"Some of your men left the bar, rambling on about the riches you'd find on the island. I happened to be nearby finding my dinner that night. I knew it was finally my chance to go to R'leyh, and so I snuck into your ship and hid in the cargo hold."

"Well it looks like you didn't do a good job hiding," Amelia remarked.

The Deep One chuckled. "Being stealthy was never really my strong suit."

"You'll be getting your wish soon. The city's past this storm, right?"

It nodded. "Yes, the Great Dreamer's temple lies at the center of the island."

"Which means the treasure is close," Marine grinned.

"Senchou!" a pirate yelled from the now open entrance.

"What is it?" Marine asked.

"We need your orders, now!"

The four of them climbed to the deck. People ran around in a frenzy, Amelia not understanding why until she looked towards where the galleon was headed. Gura ran towards the front of the ship and leaned over the wooden railings. A tall wall of water approached the ship from the distance, growing in size as it bridged the gap between itself and the ship. The monstrous wave stretched for miles on both sides. The howling winds pulled them faster towards the wave. The captain demanded the crew to turn the ship around, but her worst fears were confirmed when they told her that the winds were relentless. They would be pulled into the wave and could do nothing about it. Amelia gritted her teeth, soaking in the storm and the futility of the situation. Marine stayed calm, however the anxious expression on her face suggested otherwise. The Deep One looked stared at the wave with fearful eyes.

"Hold on!" Marine shouted as the ship clashed against the wave.

Amelia braced for impact, the force of the collision knocking her back. Instead of rising with the waves, the winds pushed the galleon into them. Gura stepped away from the railings as the wall of water began to take in the entire ship. Halfway through, most of the crew backed up into the stern including Amelia, Gura, and the Deep One. The shark girl glanced at Amelia, who had a terrified look on her face. She clenched her fists, starting forward. Amelia grabbed her arm.

"What're you doing, Gura?"

"I'm gonna try to save us!"

The detective's eyes widened. "What, how?"

"Trust me, Ame!"

Gura nodded, the fiery look in her eyes reassuring the detective. Amelia sighed and let go. Gura summoned her trident, slamming the bottom of the hilt down on the wooden floor. She took a deep breath and faced the wave about to envelope the entire ship. Her eyes flashed a bright blue. Amelia watched as a dome appeared over the entire boat, but her attention drew her back to the incoming wave. She shut her eyes as the water about to overcome her. However after a few seconds, Amelia found that the ship was intact, untouched by the wall of waves. Instead, a transparent sphere enveloped the boat. Marine and her crew could see underwater through this cover, the captain being thoroughly fascinated. Amelia watched Gura as she admired her work, turning to the detective with a smile.

"A bubble...like the one Bloop has, right?" Amelia asked as she looked around in all directions.

"You betcha," Gura replied. "I've never tried making an air bubble, though, especially not this big."

The detective crossed her arms. "Well, it sure as hell paid off in the end."

"What the hell is going on?" Marine approached the two. "Weren't we supposed to be pulled up with the wave?"

"Oh right, why's the ship floating even though we're underwater? I put up the bubble to shield us from the wave but I've got no idea why we just went through it."

Marine crossed her arms. "Not only that, but we're still moving forward without any wind at our masts. This doesn't make any sense."

"I'd have those same questions too if I didn't remember we're dealing with literal deities. Wouldn't be surprised if whatever was on that island is able break the laws of space and physics if it wanted to. But judging by the fact that we're still alive, I think that power's not too strong, at least I hope it isn't," Amelia explained.

"Well, we came out alive. We should be glad Gura saved us all," the captain grinned as cheers broke out amongst the crew.

Gura giggled. Amelia gave her a slap on the back, laughing at the girl's startled reaction. The boat pressed onward, shielded by the bubble. Schools of fish passed by sometimes encircling the boat, giving pirates an impressive show. As the detective watched Gura talking with her crew mates, the Deep One walked towards her.

"That girl...she's truly one talented Atlantean."

"You could say that again."

"So she has no idea what happened to her home?"

Amelia shook her head. "None."

"She has the right to know."

"I know she has, but..."

"She won't handle the truth better if you keep her in the dark."

"It'd be too much for her to handle all at once."

"The girl's going to find out either way."

"I know that, it's just...just..." Amelia hesitated, "I don't have the heart to tell her."

"I see. A word of advice, detective. No matter hard it is for you, you'd be doing her a service telling the truth. She'll be devastated, but it'll be better than her living in ignorance until she finds the truth for herself. Trust me, if I learned my home was destroyed I might've ended up differently than how I am now."

"What are you two talking about?" Amelia heard Gura ask from behind them.

"I'm going to be in the quarters," the Deep One said. "Tell me when we get to the island."

The detective struggled to answer. Gura watched Amelia with a curious look.

"Gura...can we talk?"

"What's up, Ame?"

"When you go back home, things..." she hesitated, "...things might be different."

Gura smiled. "Of course I know that, silly. I've been gone for months."

"It's not that. Atlantis was..."

"Was what?"

Amelia's lip quivered. An expression of anticipation looked back at her. She clenched her fists, her palms sweaty.

"Ame?" Gura asked.


"You ok?"

"Was..." Amelia looked away. "...Never mind."

Gura sighed. "Look, I know you're looking out for me, Ame. Even though things might be different, I'll keep moving forward. You reminded me that."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright then," Amelia nodded, smiling.

From the detective's side, an enormous mass passed the galleon. Along with the dark form, Amelia heard a cry that made her blood run cold. It reminded her of a whale's song but distorted until it became almost unrecognizable. The sound echoed across the deserted sea. Amelia felt goosebumps forming on her skin as the creature passed, thousands of glazed, orange eyes opened. All of them varied in size and shape however the one thing they had in common was that they all looked back at her. Amelia observed its glossy, black skin bubbling, pulsing in and out, and implying the form of the creature constantly changed with no apparent rhyme or reason. Along with the eyes, circular mouths lined with jagged teeth laid agape. Marine and her crew were frozen, watching the gargantuan, amorphous beast swim, its long, thick tendrils passing under and over the ship. With one final cry it disappeared into the murky depths. Amelia felt like she held the longest breath of her life.

"S-senchou." one of unnerved pirates called out.

"What is it?" Marine said, snapping out of her shocked stupor.

"I can see light nearby, we must be getting close to the outside again."

"Good. Pirates, prepare the cannons in case that thing attacks."

"Aye aye, Senchou," the crew chanted.

"What the heck was that thing?" Gura asked.

"You think I know?" Amelia replied. "Let's just hope it doesn't come back."

The ship approached the light emanating from the other side of the water. R'leyh in close range, Amelia knew she would find the answers she searched for soon. The galleon passed through the wall of water, emerging to a cloudless sky. The sun began to rise, the night receding. From the front of the ship, Amelia saw the ancient city, surrounded by the barrier of water protecting it. The Deep One came out from the quarters, gasping at the sight of R'leyh. The boat navigated around some small but fairly tall rock formations.

"There it is," Marine stood next to Amelia and Gura.

"We're finally here..." the detective remarked, staring up at the tower looming close by.

The Deep One pointed at the building. "The Great Dreamer lies in there."

"Some city this is, there's only that one tower," Marine commented.

"That's because the rest of the city is underwater."

"Aw, seriously?! Now I'm really regretting we didn't just go on Gura's sub."

Gura chuckled. "I'm totally sure fifty pirates can't fit in there."

"Hey, you never know till you try."

"Even then, where would you put the treasure?"

"You've got to have something in there like a chest or trunk or something."

A smug smile flashed across Amelia's face.

"Don't even think about it," Gura had an unamused look on her face.

"What do you mean?" the detective drew out in an exaggerated tone, half giggling.

"Senchou!" a pirate shouted from the crow's nest. "There's someone on the-"

A brilliant flash of a purple beam blinded Amelia for a second and water splashed into the air in front of the ship. As the scene before them cleared up, Marine commanded a woman to bring her a telescope. Amelia could see a distant figure atop the tower. Unable to recognize who attacked them, the captain handed the telescope over to the detective. Amelia peered through the scope, aiming it towards the person. A tall woman with long, pink hair wielding a glowing scythe stood there. As if she knew she was being viewed from afar, the woman's gaze shifted directly to Amelia.

The detective's eyes widened. "Oh, shit."

Amelia gave Gura the telescope.

"Wait a sec," the shark girl started, "You don't think..."

"Who else would know where we were going? It's that girl Emma was talking about."

"The girl who beat Emma up?" Marine asked. "She did mention it when we were talking at the office. That's her?"

"I think so. Mori Calliope's her name if I'm not wrong."

"So she got here before us?!" Gura exclaimed. "But how did she know where to find the city?"

"I wouldn't be worried about that right now. She's after me, which means this ship is a target."

"Pirates," a voice echoed in the detective's mind.

Amelia put a hand to her forehead, as did the other two girls. The pirates also received the message as they all looked around, perplexed.

"Who said that?" Gura asked.

"That didn't sound like a voice from anyone here. I think it's Mori," Amelia replied.

"I know Amelia Watson's on board. You have thirty minutes to leave her on the shore and leave."

"Like hell we're doing that," Marine remarked.

"I'm giving you a chance to end this peacefully. If time passes and you refuse to follow my instructions I won't hesitate to come down there and take her myself."


Mori watched as the boat changed course from heading towards the island to circling it. The reaper hoped the pirates would comply to her requests and bring Watson to her, unharmed. Binoculars sat next to her feet and she picked them up, viewing the ship from her position. The galleon's cannons were aimed straight at her. Dropping the binoculars, Mori sighed. The one thing she hated most was unnecessary complications. She drew her scythe.

The cannons fired a volley of cannonballs, falling towards the reaper. Mori swung her blade sideways, slicing through the projectiles like a hot knife through butter.


"Damn, she took them out!" Amelia yelled, looking through the telescope.

"Load the cannons again!" Marine commanded.

"Hurry before she-"

A familiar cry echoed across the area that made the boat tremble. A dark shadow appeared near the galleon. From the depths the massive creature they encountered underwater emerged, dwarfing the ship. Tentacles slithered on to deck and more wrapped themselves around the boat. A few men and women were caught in the beast's grasp, being pulled towards one of the myriad mouths the monster possessed. Amelia pulled out her revolver and shot at a few of the tentacles, trying to save some of her crew mates from being devoured. Gura slashed at a few incoming tendrils attempting to grab her, fending them off with her trident. The cannons went off once more, striking the beast. It cried out in pain and retreated once more into the sea, still alive.

"Damn it, we need to get to cover now!" Amelia shouted.

"Amelia, Gura, check if any one is injured. Anyone still alive, I'm gonna need your help, we need to get behind those rocks before that thing comes up again and makes us fish food!"

As the two tended to the wounded, Marine's galleon floated towards a group of rocks tall enough to utilize as a barrier. The captain kept a close lookout on Mori through the telescope, remaining in the same position.

"Drop the anchor!" Marine commanded.

"Aye, Senchou!" two pirates replied.

With the anchor thrown overboard, Marine asked for a damage report from Amelia and Gura.

"How's the crew holding up?"

"We lost seven people. There's some damage to the deck, but luckily it isn't that severe," Gura explained.

Marine gritted her teeth, balling her hands into fists. "No one takes seven of my pirates away from me and gets away with it. I'll kill that damn beast."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We should rest and think about our plan to get past Mori," Amelia suggested.

"Aye. We'll talk about this after I check the damage to the ship."

Marine and Gura left to check her crew in the quarters. The detective retrieved the scope the captain left on a nearby barrel. Amelia stepped off the boat, climbing the rock formation and standing at the top. Raising the telescope to her eye, she observed Mori staring back at her.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell your crew mates about the shoggoth living in the water," Mori's voice echoed in her mind. "This would've never happened if your captain complied with my request. Since I'm feeling merciful, I'll give your crew another thirty minutes to come to your senses. Take this as a warning. You will atone for your sin. Either you come to me or I come to you. You'll be coming with me in the end either way, Watson."

The detective stared back at Mori with defiance.

"We'll see about that."