
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Celebrities
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Chapter 207: Jewish Woman

Loud music and cheap drinks filled the air as I wandered through the alley, looking for the entrance to a seldom-visited bar.

This wasn't a Hollywood party.

The celebrities of Hollywood had long grown tired of mediocre dance floors, long queues, and outdated equipment.

"Hollywood" - a name known to all, but how many truly understand it? Is Hollywood just the signatures on the Walk of Fame, the playboy mansions in magazines, or the Oscars and red carpet photos discussed every year?

Beyond these, Hollywood hosts unique private parties, offering an unprecedented feast for the senses.

Murphy got out of his car, walking along a star-studded pathway to a closed iron gate. Presenting an invitation with his name on it, the security checked it and nodded to someone behind the gate, which then opened. A waiter in a tailcoat came out to greet him.

"Welcome, Director Stanton," the waiter said politely, gesturing for him to follow. "This way, please."

This was Avi-Niv's private party, seemingly different from the usual.

Following the waiter, Murphy entered the gate and was immediately approached by a blonde in a short cheongsam, holding a tray with a colorful cocktail.

"This is our special welcome cocktail," the waiter introduced.

The blonde presented the drink to Murphy, who tasted it - sweet with a hint of bitterness, nothing extraordinary, and then finished it in one go.

Perhaps due to his background, Murphy's understanding of alcohol was limited to its alcoholic content, failing to appreciate the cocktail's intricacy.

"Not bad," he commented casually.

"Director Stanton…" the waiter said, turning to the blonde, "this is your personal VIP hostess for the evening."

The blonde in the cheongsam approached, "Hello, I'm Mira Colston."

She gestured towards a red carpet, "Please, this way."

Murphy nodded and walked onto the carpet, with the blonde accompanying him.

The cost of having a personal hostess for each guest was enormous, a testament to Avi-Niv's extravagance.

Passing a fountain, Murphy adjusted his suit and bowtie, looking ahead to a vast lawn bustling with activity. Laser lights painted the sky, and the sound system was impressive. On the stage, if he wasn't mistaken, was the renowned Christina Aguilera.

As Murphy approached the lawn, he spotted more Hollywood stars. Will Smith was laughing and drinking with Don Cheadle, Tom Cruise seemed to have a new love interest, Julia Roberts looked flushed from drinking, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, visibly proud of her recent Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress, was wandering with Michael Douglas.

Most shockingly, Cameron Diaz was chugging from a six-liter champagne bottle. At private Hollywood parties like these, the ways to enjoy alcohol were limited only by one's imagination, from night club favorites like Jägerbombs and Long Island Iced Teas to novel methods like enjoying Chivas from ice sculptures served on a woman's body.

For cigar aficionados, a special treat awaited. Mira Colston explained that a twenty-year-old cigar workshop provided exclusive services, with each roller trained for over fifteen years in Cuban craftsmanship, offering a unique experience with thigh-rolled cigars.

After a brief tour of the lawn with Mira Colston, Murphy inquired, "What services can I avail myself of, Ms. Colston?"

Murphy thought for a moment, then said, "First, take me to see Mr. Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein."

"This way," Mira Colston led the way, with Murphy following.

The singing on stage quieted as Christina Aguilera left, replaced by an unknown singer serenading with a soothing love song.

They passed the star-studded wine-tasting area, where no one recognized Murphy, nor did he show any interest in conversing with them. He simply followed Mira Colston to an area beside the stage, quieter and less crowded.

From afar, Murphy spotted Harvey Weinstein, the rotund figure, conversing with Avi-Niv and a woman who seemed captivated by Avi-Niv's charm.

"Hi, Harvey," Murphy quickened his pace, approaching Weinstein, "Long time no see."

Extending his hand, Weinstein shook it, "Long time indeed, Murphy."

"I must thank you for your support," Murphy said with a smile.

Although he didn't have the final say in the post-production, his opinions were still prioritized. Regardless, Weinstein had been supportive throughout the project.

Murphy then congratulated Weinstein on the Oscar win for 'Chicago.'

"Thank you," Weinstein chuckled heartily, clearly proud of the achievement.

The conversation turned to 'Sin City,' the film that brought them together. As a co-investor, Avi-Niv was concerned about the revenue.

"Weinstein, what's the market expectation for the film?" Avi-Niv asked.

Weinstein pondered, "North American opening weekend at $20 million, total box office between $70 and $80 million..."

He glanced at Murphy, expressing confidence in his abilities.

Murphy shared the sentiment, "I believe in our film's success."

For a film with a $40 million budget, these box office expectations weren't excessive, but the pressure was still on.

Avi-Niv offered champagne to celebrate the film's potential success.

"What success?" a girl's voice with a strange accent rang out. Approaching them, she stood opposite Murphy, beside Avi-Niv.

Tall, slim, and fitting Murphy's Eastern and Western aesthetic ideals, she appeared young with a subtly makeup-accented face that couldn't hide her beauty. Clearly Jewish, her long, almost black hair was casually tied back, accentuating her beauty and elegance.

From Murphy's perspective, she resembled a beautiful sculpture from ancient times, combining charm and seductiveness.

In every aspect, she was an exceptionally beautiful Jewish woman.


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