
Hollywood Relife

Reincarnated back in time as the son of a now deceased businessman, you now have the chance to do what you always wanted to do. Make money, make movies and enjoy life. But all is not black and white(maybe it is) as you don't know anything about Hollywood and have to start as a newbie. But you have done things like this before and can also do it again. Who knows, maybe you will even get an Oscar or a hot actress as your girlfriend? Anything can happen. AN: I am currently rewriting this. this may contain some sports themes but does not go too deep into it. Just buying a club and enjoying watching your team play. Mostly about entertainment industry

LuenorSureva14 · Urban
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49 Chs


Rocky beat up all the goons who had come to witness his death. He chased after the son and eventually killed him in front of the police station so as to make a statement.

Samuel was relieved as his position as the crime overlord of Los Angeles was safe but was a little worried at the attention Rocky got. People praised him, even his own men respected him. Samuel saw Rocky as a threat to his own seat. The sooner he got rid of him, the better. But he can't do anything to Rocky directly.

Soon, a car pulled up. When Samuel saw the car, he immediately rushed over to the car and opened its gate.

People in the audience were wondering why a man like Samuel was opening the car gate. They were curious about the mysterious person's identity.

William stepped out of the car. His eyes scanned the environment and fell on Rocky. He walked to Rocky with Tom and Samuel following close by. Rocky was standing with full confidence, not registering the fact that his boss bowed to someone unknown. "Is this the one? " Will asked Tom who nodded in response. "Rocky, we have work for you. If you do it, Los Angeles will be yours. "

Rocky, who thought that becoming the kingpin of Los Angeles would bring him a lot of power, was shocked. This man was offering him Los Angeles like candy? But who was Rocky to deny. He himself wanted power, for his mother.


Young Rocky was collecting money for his mother's medicine. But when he was told that it wasn't enough, he was frustrated. He did everything, but it still isn't enough? When he met his mother, she was coughing with blood coming out of her mouth.

"Rocky, I will be gone soon." She said. Rocky had tears in his eyes, as he looked at the pitiful state of his mother. "I want you to promise me something. I lived a life as a nobody. But I don't want that to happen to you. You must become the most powerful man in the world before you die. That is my wish. "

William Klutcher heard people whispering to each other about his mother's character. She seemed like a strong woman. But who was the man who offered Rocky a job?