
Chp 62 : Genie?

Hello everyone, this will be my last update for this week, and I will post it more in my pa treon, I hope you go there and become my patrons😁😁

But anyway, Happy Weekend and see you next week

Happy Reading!!


The bright sunlight has banished the dark cold night, and on this beautiful morning, any normal sane people would go out of their house and enjoyed its warmth, well, except for two people.

These guys were named Al and Toby and both of them were cleaning out every bathroom in the orphanage as their punishment from Mrs. K for making a ruckus yesterday.

"God, this will take forever! Looks like becoming rich didn't mean that you can escape from Mom's divine punishment." Toby said and threw his mop, but his complaint got no answer from Al, he turned to look at him who was absentmindedly cleaning the toilet.

"Al? What happened?"

He turned his sight to Toby and said, "Toby, I had a weird thought about something."

"Okay? Are you thinking about doing world domination with the company?" Toby tried to joke a little, to his surprise, Al seemed to take him seriously.

He smiled evilly at Toby, "I don't plan to but it was a great idea." He said while Toby's face looked aghast as if he was someone who just created a monster.

But he decided to stop joking and cut to the chase, "The new problem arose Toby, Laura came to my room yesterday and told me a shocking obvious news that I should have expected a long time ago."

It piqued Toby's interest, "And what she has told you?"

"Okay, let's flashback for a second." He said and turned his sight far away to a distant land.

Flashback starts...

After Al went back to his room, he saw Laura was sitting on his bed, playing with her smooth strawberry blonde long hair.

"Laura? What're you doing in my room?" He crossed his arms while judgely looking at her.

She felt Al's sharp gaze scared her and turned her sight to somewhere else. "Nothing."

This girl... "Okay, go back to your room now, it's 3 AM now, you should continue your beauty sleep."

"Wait, Al! I need to consult you about something."

"Gosh, Laura! Can we do this tomorrow? I'm super tired, just Toby for my problem for a day is enough for me."

She spread her fingers to five signs and said, "5 minutes, I only asked your time for 5 minutes."

Al raised one of his eyebrows, so he approached the bed, jumped, and laid down there, Laura also joined him in the bed and laid beside him, "Okay, hit it, Laurie."

She hummed for a second and asked, "Are girls kissing each other considered normal?"

That put Al's brother instinct in a state of alert, he stared at Laura, and said "Tell me everything now!" While Al asked himself in his mind whether his sister was a lesbian or not.

In fact, he didn't mind about everyone's sexuality, as long those people didn't make him annoyed, and he's still straight of course.

"Okay Al, now you are scaring me." She was surprised by her brother's outburst.

Al changed his tone into a soft and creepy uncle tone, "Okay honey... tell me everything."

Now she was having black lines."Now you are creeping me out. Okay, it started last week..."

Flashback started...

Last weekend, the girls were having a shopping day in Los Angeles downtown. After a long time searching, Laura finally found the clothes she was looking for, went to the fitting room to try this cloth called a romper.

The romper was beautifully printed, it has a lot of colorful bold geometric pattern, with a black base, and...

(Same as El wore in season 3 Stranger Things)

The flashback stopped by Al's yell "Focus Laura!"

She whined, "Oh yeah, I was carried away, it was a beautiful romper..." She said dreamily, "Okay, where was I..."

Flashback started again...

Laura went to the fitting room and heard one of the booths was making a commotion.

There was a gap on it and she was curious about whom making a ruckus in it, maybe some woman who had bad fashion taste fought with each other,

Curiosity got her over, so she peeked a little from that gap and how surprised she was after she saw that Big Sis Mary and Big Sis Jodie were kissing.

She closed her mouth with her hand before she could scream and escaped to one of the booths, and hid in there.

When she met with everyone to go back home, she saw Mary and Jodie walking awkwardly, so she just kept her mouth shut over the journey back to the orphanage.

Flashback ended...

"Who else knew this?" He said.

"Only you, and Drew, and Annie, and Melissa, and Alice."

"Okay, so you tell everyone besides boys, typical Laura the gossip girl." He turned in her direction and teased her a little.

She felt offended and gave Al an elbow, "Hey! I'm panicked okay! I didn't know what I'm gonna do, so I told everyone first but they just had a red face."

"That's because you told it to kids, gosh Laura." He made a thought and finally came to the conclusion, "Hmmm, okay, just don't tell everyone else further, I will talk to Mary, okay? Now go back to your room, I got to clean everyone's toilet tomorrow."

"Thank you, Al, oh I haven't cleaned my bathroom for months, so good luck Al." She said with smirks that made Al annoyed.

Flashback ends...

"Al, d-did you just doing flashback on flashback?"

"I'm practicing for my role in the next film, he could break the 4th wall by the way." He said.

"A 4th what? Is this a new pop-culture thing?"

Al smirked, "Oh little Toby, you had so much to learn." Toby just gave him a white eye.

They cleaned every bathroom in the orphanage until they stumbled upon a forbidden room, Mary's chamber of a secret.

"Al, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Toby asked him.

He smiled, "Let's uncover the truth, little brother."


End of July 1985,

The day for him to start shooting came close.

Everyone was accompanying Al to the Los Angeles Airport because <Ferris Bueller's Day Off> film would be shot in Chicago, Illinois.

As far as Al knew from history, John Hughes always set his movie in Chicago, whether it was the director was him or when he just made the screenplay and became a producer. Maybe because this was his home or maybe it was easier here to shoot.

Al would bring Jessica Florence and John Mick to Chicago, as usual, Ari as his agent wouldn't accompany him, except for negotiation for contracts.

As always he wore his disguise wherever he went out, reporters and paparazzi were all went crazy about him, Al has been mentioned many times as an 80s Hollywood's Icon in several magazines and tv.

Not only to hide his identity, but his disguise also used to hide his bruises in his eyes.

When they cleaned up Mary's bathroom, they tried to search for any clues about Mary and Jodie's relationship, but their results were nil.

But they stumbled on another different kind of treasure, which was Mary's undergarments. Toby was so embarrassed seeing it, so Al just laughed at him because he has never seen it before.

Toby denied that he was embarrassed about the woman's undergarments, so Al joked by challenging him to wear Mary's brassiere if he was not embarrassed.

Of course, Toby never backed down from challenges so he wore it, but suddenly they felt a deep chill in their spine, how surprised they were after they saw that Mary was at the door entrance with an evil smile on her face.

So both of them each got a hit on their eyes until they were bruised and got another punishment to clean up and took care of the garden.

And of course, the plan to ask about the relationship between Mary and Jodie was suspended.

"I think that is my flight, goodbye everyone!" Al was saying farewell to each of them when it came to Mary, Al acted weirdly.

But Mary just smiled and hugged him, and gave Al a kiss on his temple. "You are not mad anymore?"

"Why should I, I just realized we got 7 curious teenagers in the house and I think I need to teach you about the adult world." Okay... she sounded terrifying, at least she's not mad anymore. Maybe he should ask her after he finished the shooting.

Al departed from Los Angeles and the trip at least took 4 hours by plane.

They were in business class, but Al chose to sit alone while Jessica and John were sitting behind him. He thought he would be sitting alone but he saw that there was another person besides his seat. He shrugged, as long as that person did not recognize him, or freaked out when knew it was him, he was okay with it.

After waiting for a few minutes, the plane was preparing for take-off, and he felt that they were going to leave the ground soon.

Knew he got a lot of free time, so he turned his attention to write the script and storyboard for the next movie he would direct, he also planned to challenge himself by also acting in his movie.

One of the actors who could do this was Mel Gibson, in <Brave Heart> where he would act as the main lead while directing the film.

The film was good, but not good enough to get an Oscar. If only the Oscar judges weren't ex-actors turned directors and idiotic scream "Freedom" at the end of the film, he wouldn't get an Oscar for best film.

Mel Gibson himself waited until he was turned in the late 30s until he could direct his film, but Al would try it when he hit 17 or 18.

Unfortunately, Mel Gibson's career went downhill after he directed <Passion of the Christ> which offended many Jews and made bad remarks about them when he was drunk driving.

The fasten seatbelts sign was off and the stewardess began to distribute meals for the passengers.

He was so busy with his notebook until he didn't realize he was asked by a stewardess.

He was saved by the person who sat next to him who blew air in his direction.

He turned to that person who blew him air and made a questioned face to him, the man replied by pointed his face forward a few times, Al turned his head to see where his face pointed at and saw that stewardess was waiting for him.

He decided to just order a Pepsi Free, he didn't like the flavor but at least it was better than New Coke.

He didn't worry about his stocks at Coca-Cola Company, he knew it would keep rising again when they stopped producing New Coke and this year was the best year to buy Coca-Cola's stocks, and he already got a hell amount of them.

After choosing his meal, he turned to the man who helped him and saying gratitude to him.

"Nah, no problem kid, but you are sure distracted from everything there. Are you a writer or something?"

"Well, I'm writing a script, so I could be called a writer at some points, sorry about before, I kinda lost in time. Oh, my name is Alphonse." He gave out his hand for him to shake.

He shook Al's hand, but his face showed that he somehow knew him, so he asked, "Sorry, but are you, Alphonse Brandt?"

Al closed the distance to his face and whispered, "Yes, the one and only, but I currently wear a disguise here, so do you mind keeping it a secret."

He was happy that he met a big star, so he said happily, "Of course, Mr. Brandt, I would never, by the way, my name is Robin, Robin Williams"

To Be Continued...

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