
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 7

The TV didn't show the movies of the future, as if the strange function had disappeared completely, and the British soap operas that were not funny at all were still on the screen full of snowflakes.

   Zhang Dongcheng tossed and tossed for a long time before he gave up the urge to kick the broken TV away. He sighed, fell on the bed and closed his eyes.

  I can only check from the movies I have absorbed in my mind, I hope there will be a good short film to shoot.

   Taking a deep breath, he checked the hundreds of movies stored in his mind.

"The cost should be lower, even lower! Even it doesn't need to be a 90-minute movie, a short film of a few minutes or ten minutes is fine. I need fame, and fame can attract investment faster!" Zhang Dongcheng murmured in his heart , but saw that the starlight in front of him quickly dimmed, leaving only one star.

  Hope this movie fits the bill, God bless!

  The movie gradually became brighter, and the title of the film came crashing down like a roaring train.


  An extremely lean and short film that could not even become a commercial film entered Zhang Dongcheng's field of vision, and began to play slowly on his own.

  The story of "Tuner" is extremely simple but unexpectedly complicated. Adrian is a talented pianist who has been learning piano for 15 years, but he failed in the coveted Bernstein Piano Competition and his life fell to the bottom.

   After a period of adjustment, Adrian regained his strength and became a blind piano tuner. In fact, he just wears contact lenses, which will make others mistakenly think that he is blind, subconsciously think that his hearing is more acute, and thus get more sympathy and consumption, and even spy on other people's lives and privacy , He is immersed in this kind of detachment that seems to be outside the world despite being in a busy city. One day, he came to work in a family, but he didn't know that a murder had just happened here.

Sitting in front of the piano, Adrian, whose face was covered in blood from the murdered old man, tried his best to control his desire to escape immediately. In order to conceal his identity as a blind man, he approached death step by step, and tried to tune the piano calmly. In addition to the captivating narration, the murderer is holding the nail gun that killed the old man and aiming at the back of his head.

  Just as Zhang Dongcheng held his breath, wanting to see Adrian's final fate, the screen went black, and the whole movie left an intriguing open ending, and it ended.

  After watching the whole movie, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help opening his eyes. He knew that he had found the movie that made him dare not say that he was famous, but he must be famous!

  In a future time and space, this is in 2010, a suspenseful thriller directed by Olivier Trenet and starring Gregoire Leprince Lingue.

No matter from the technical level or the story structure, the short and succinct "Tuner" is definitely a superior work. This micro film also won the Best Short Film Award at the 2011 Leuven International Film Festival and the Best Short Film Award at the 2012 French César Award. The Best Short Film Award has caused quite a stir and discussion in the world.

  The time has been advanced to 1995, and this movie can still transcend the changes of the years and become people's favorite.

   Zhang Dongcheng sat up straight, playing the movie again in his unknown mind.

Some movies have to be watched two or three times before they can suddenly understand and find the point. As a student of the directing department, although Zhang Dongcheng is not very experienced, facing this classic and unique micro-movie, he watched it continuously. After three or four times, I finally read it thoroughly.

   "The Tuner" is a super-powerful micro-movie that needs to be watched at least three times. The first time you browse it roughly, the second time you savor the overall situation, and the third time you think about it.

  The condensed 13 minutes can be said to show all kinds of things in the world. The story of the Taj Mahal also plays a pivotal role. There are many possibilities in life. A failed pianist may be a successful tuner; a waiter with a smile on the surface may be tired of dealing with the dirtiness in his heart; Be on guard; we do all kinds of tricks but think we are smart.

At the beginning of the film, there is a setup, the old man with dull eyes, the piano player in underpants, and the dark man with only the outline left, all connected together by the sound of the piano, so that all the audience are at a loss. They echo each other, making people suddenly realize.

  The sound of the piano stopped abruptly. I don't know if it was the sound of gunfire or the sound of closing the door. This is the best part, because the ending doesn't matter. The important thing is that the director returns the judgment to the audience, leaving room for the audience's imagination and an open ending. Everyone can have their own understanding.

  Some people think that "The Tuner" tells us not to get too involved in the drama, the more temptations there are, the more courage to reflect on ourselves, knowing that enough is enough, if you think you are always right, the gunshot may ring in the next second;

  Some people say that this tells us that once something starts, we must continue, we must persevere, even if we don't like it, we have to pretend, so that we have a chance to get out of the body.

   There is no right or wrong in the words of a hundred schools of thought. Whether it is right or wrong depends entirely on the angle from which the audience looks at it.

  One step at a time is the path that normal people should take. The good wishes of soaring into the sky can be met but not sought after. Zhang Dongcheng just wants to take every step steadily.

   What's more, this short film is so rich in connotation, and it is completely the type of film he likes very much because of his academic background.

  In terms of actual implementation, "The Tuner" is a 14-minute thriller and suspense short film. In the words of later generations, this is a micro-movie.

  Compared with the huge investment of film, micro film has lower requirements in terms of shooting equipment, funds, team, process, etc., which is especially suitable for the operation needs of graduates of film professional schools like Zhang Dongcheng.

You are the one!

  Playing "The Tuner" over and over again in his mind, Zhang Dongcheng didn't want to miss any details, and reversed the plot with the screen, recorded the script script word by word, and deliberated over and over again.

  The blue sky outside the window was gradually darkening, and the moonlight was as cool as water, shining on Zhang Dongcheng's body. It would be another sleepless night.

  For a film to be printed on a frame of film, several important elements are indispensable: venue, actors, costumes, photographic equipment, props and post-production.

  Zhang Dongcheng wrote these words heavily on the white paper.

  Photography equipment and post-production, you can ask the school teacher for help. Teacher Hebrew has always appreciated himself, and with his help, this part may not cost money.

   Costumes are also easy to handle. "The Tuner" is not a fashion show, and the actors just need to bring their own daily clothes.

   With a sigh of relief, Zhang Dongcheng crossed out the items of clothing, photographic equipment, and post-production.

   Right now, only actors, venues, and props have to be found by themselves.

   Isn't there a piano in Victoria's house next door?

  Haha, another important prop is subtracted!

   I have five thousand pounds and it will do wonders for me!

  Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, put down his pen gently, and looked up at the rare good weather in London outside the window. The sky full of stars is dazzling and fascinating.

  Dream, here I come!


  Zhang Dongcheng took the radish rib soup made by his cousin, ran across the street excitedly, and rang the doorbell of Victoria's villa.

  Amidst the crisp doorbell, the one who came to open the door was Victoria, who was wearing a big T-shirt with a wide hem tied in a knot around her slender white waist, making her look even more slim and charming.

   "HOHO~~, Smith Zhang? Did you bring something delicious to share with us? Chinese food is world-famous!" Seeing Zhang Dongcheng, Victoria's charming eyes lit up, and she quickly greeted him. . He snatched the thermos bottle that was obviously food in his hand.

   "Hehe, radish pork rib soup, this is my cousin's aunt who has carefully cooked it for more than ten hours. Please try it." Zhang Dongcheng touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"Ha, what are you waiting for? Come in! My sisters and I talked about you all night yesterday, and I didn't get enough sleep." Victoria welcomed Zhang Dongcheng into the room with a coquettish smile while holding a thermos. Family.

A girl with two pigtails and a baby face appeared from nowhere: "Oh, you are Smith Zhang? Your dinosaur joke is so funny. Yesterday, Victoria told us that I even heard it from Laughed all the way to the floor on the couch!"

   "This is Emma!" Victoria introduced.

  Before Zhang Dongcheng could say hello, the atmosphere in the whole room was a bit wrong. The temperature in the slightly cold room suddenly rose, so hot that Zhang Dongcheng was almost sweating!

The blonde beauty Jerry Halliwell, who was the first person I met with, was wiping her hair with a bath towel, wearing only a pair of drool-worthy thong underwear, and she came out of the bathroom naked, enchanting and **** Leaning against the wall, let that infinitely beautiful body bloom like a flower.

  Water drops slipped from the golden hair, and the long eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly's wings, perhaps after taking a steaming hot bath, the wonderful face of this English rose is extremely delicate and charming.

Her watery and tender mouth was as red as fire, and Youruo attracted Zhang Dongcheng's eyes magnetically, and under that pointed chin, on her swan-like slender neck was wearing an inexpensive, but Very stylish and beautiful crystal pendant.

Not to mention the delicate and charming collarbone, the weak and slender arms, and the **** waist showing the most beautiful curves of a woman, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes are completely focused on the exposed body, as if he has escaped gravity and is stubborn. Standing up proudly, trembling slightly calling out to Zhang Dongcheng, round and towering.

It is so full and high, as the towel is wiped, it will make **** circles one after another, and the buds that are as small as cherries and as gorgeous as peaches and plums are even more dazzling and salivating. Going forward, he rubbed and flattened the round fruit vigorously, then stuffed the cherry into his mouth like a child, and sucked it hard.

  Zhang Dongcheng's eyes could not wait to bump his head away from the barrier of the black-framed glasses, and fly to the place closest to the girl's charming body, admiring it unscrupulously.

   Both Emma and Victoria turned their backs to the blonde beauty Halliwell. Only Zhang Dongcheng stared blankly at her after wiping her hair, and then saw her raise her head inadvertently, and the expression on her delicate face changed instantly.