
Chapter 6

After having a simple lunch, the two of them returned to the third-floor office, allowing the female actors behind to continue their auditions.

The first one to enter was a redhead girl who appeared very young, at most around seventeen or eighteen years old.


The redhead girl seemed somewhat uncomfortable, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes, but she still introduced herself earnestly, saying, "Hello, I'm Jessica, Jessica Chastain."

Jessica Chastain!

Ryan raised his head thoughtfully, seeming to size her up for a moment. With her red hair, fair skin, and apparent age, she seemed very much like a Hollywood actress from a previous life.

Ryan picked up the personal information in front of him and casually flipped through it, asking, "The information says you're currently performing at a theater!"


Jessica Chastain's expression was somewhat uneasy. It was true that she was performing at a theater, but it was only a small community theater, far from anything formal.

"You should understand that the female lead selected this time is only for a very low-budget film, and it might even have difficulty getting into theaters."

Ryan pointed out directly that this was a very low-budget film and that even the lead actress wouldn't receive any special treatment. It might not even make it to theaters and could go straight to video release.

In reality, Jessica Chastain wasn't stupid, or rather, she was very smart. She had long understood that she was facing a seemingly notorious new director, coupled with a newly established talent agency. The combination was clear.

She had some doubts.

However, even for a film like this, it was not something she, Jessica Chastain, could afford to give up.

"But, for you, perhaps it's a good opportunity, an opportunity to change the trajectory of your life."

Ryan didn't say much more, casually handing her the script on the table and saying, "You can take a look at the script first."

Helen, on the side, remained very calm at Ryan's unusual behavior. For her, as long as the female lead came from Starry Sky Talent Agency's signed artists, everything else could be handled according to Ryan's wishes.

Jessica Chastain took a deep breath, carefully took the script, and began to read it seriously.

In Hollywood, many famous A-list actors couldn't even understand the script. However, Jessica Chastain was not one of them. Despite being very young, she always excelled academically.

According to her life trajectory, she not only passed the entrance exam for the Juilliard School of Arts, but also won a scholarship established by Robin Williams, a top student indeed.

Even now, she could still understand the script in her hands. It told the story of three film students investigating local witch legends in a small town, preparing to shoot it as a documentary, but soon after, they mysteriously disappeared.

The plot was simple, somewhat clichéd, with no thrilling scenes. It was hard to see what was so exciting about it.

"This kind of script?"

Jessica Chastain shook her head silently, feeling no desire to continue reading. It even made her reluctant to praise it.

"It's a very good script."

She finally forced out a compliment.

"If you were to play the role in the script, would you be able to perform naturally?"

Ryan asked, seemingly indifferent.

Jessica Chastain felt a surge of excitement and immediately said, "I will definitely study the role carefully and show the best acting skills."

Acting skills!

Ryan shook his head at her, saying, "The female lead in the script is a film student, so I need you to play it as you would normally be in school, not as an actress performing."

"As long as you can guarantee this, then the audition can end."

He was very straightforward. As long as Jessica Chastain could portray the character as a normal student, then the role was hers.

Ryan's rash decision was heavily influenced by Jessica Chastain's student status.

What could be more suitable than a student playing a student?

Most of the previous auditionees were working part-time and hadn't been in touch with the atmosphere of school for a long time.

"I, I, I can do it."

Jessica Chastain said excitedly. Just the thought of becoming the female lead in a film made her feel like the situation was unreal.

Even though it was a film with very little investment, a terrible script, and might not even make it to theaters, she would still be the female lead in a movie.

Although she often participated in various film and theater-related activities and even acted as a background character, she had never played anything more than a few seconds of screen time, let alone a lead role in a film.

Actors also need to accumulate experience. Playing the female lead in a film is incomparable to playing numerous supporting roles.

Moreover, the film could also be classified as an independent film.

"By the way, you should still be in school now. Do you need to ask for leave from school?" Ryan suddenly remembered that Jessica Chastain seemed to still be in school.

"I can ask for leave from school myself, there shouldn't be any problem."

Compared to playing the female lead in a film, asking for leave from school was obviously not a difficult task for Jessica Chastain.

In the Pacific, if a high school or junior high school student asked for leave to film a movie, countless people would come out to stop them. But in the United States, it was completely different.

Many private schools would welcome a big star from their own school to increase the school's exposure.

"Alright, you can go back and familiarize yourself with the script. The crew will officially start filming next Monday." Ryan estimated the time and believed that starting filming next Monday would be completely feasible.

Even if Helen felt it was too rushed, he could start shooting now and ensure the fastest possible completion.

"As for the salary, Helen will discuss it with you later."

"By the way, the content of the script needs to be kept confidential and cannot be disclosed to anyone."

Jessica Chastain suddenly felt the weight of the script in her hands, fearing that she might accidentally leak it and lose the opportunity to play the female lead.

As for the salary, it was no longer within her consideration.

In Hollywood, there were countless actresses who would pay to become the female lead or even give themselves away for free. Only those famous celebrities would really care about the salary.

"Thank you, I will definitely keep it confidential."

Ryan smiled lightly and said, "You won't regret today's choice."

Jessica Chastain nodded vigorously, carefully putting the script into her handbag before bidding farewell.

Helen didn't speak until Jessica Chastain left, then she spoke up, "You want to emphasize the presence of the female lead in the film!"

Ryan admitted without denial, "That's right."

"There is no problem with the film itself, whether it emphasizes the female lead or the other two male leads."

"But, I really can't see the potential in the male actors you've chosen. It would be better to emphasize the female lead more."

"Furthermore, when the film is released, whether it's the media or the fans who feel cheated, they will need someone to vent their anger."

The film distribution company obviously wouldn't take the blame. As an investor, director, and editor, Ryan wouldn't take it either.

So, it could only be left to the few main actors in the

 film to be the target of media and fan outrage.

That's how the craft was in the previous life—pushing the director and main actors of the film out to let the media and fans vent their anger.

Now, he had just crossed out the director's column.

"While negative fame is still fame, once the situation gets out of control, you will ruin their careers, and they can only leave Hollywood in disgrace."

Helen remained calm, her beautiful blue eyes silently watching Ryan.

"This is inevitable," Ryan shrugged, looking helpless.

"What about Jessica Chastain?"

"How do you plan to whitewash her with the media and fans?"

Helen showed a hint of a cold smile, saying, "Aren't you afraid that when the film is released, facing countless insults, she'll be the first to kill you!"

During the audition just now, Ryan didn't mention this at all, making a seventeen-year-old girl face the wrath of the entire North American media and countless fans. She would inevitably collapse.

He was simply a complete jerk.

"The insults will pass, and even if things get out of control, she can always go on a trip for a while. When she returns from her trip, the media will have forgotten about her."

Even a superstar couldn't always be praised by the media.

Every day in Hollywood, countless news events happened, and they would quickly forget about her.

"Besides, a young girl who is not yet eighteen will always receive some preferential treatment."

"Such as studying hard, getting into a famous university with excellent grades, preferably with a scholarship."

"I personally think that the University of Southern California is a very good choice."

Ryan didn't care about Helen's sarcasm, but instead muttered to himself.

"It's a very good setup."

Helen's tone was slightly cold. "But do you think getting into the University of Southern California is easy?"

The admission process for the University of Southern California has always been strict, especially the interview part, which was extremely challenging.

For Jessica Chastain's background, it wouldn't be easy to get into the University of Southern California.

Ryan said without changing his expression, "Perhaps it is indeed somewhat difficult for Jessica Chastain to get into the University of Southern California."

"But if she can get a recommendation letter from a famous University of Southern California alumni, I don't think the school will reject her."

In American society, a recommendation letter from a celebrity often carried significant weight.

A famous University of Southern California alumni!

"Are you referring to yourself?"

"Or do you not understand the significance of that statement?" Helen's tone carried a hint of ridicule, seemingly mocking his ignorance.

Wanting a famous University of Southern California alumni to write a recommendation letter for a girl burdened with numerous negative news stories was far more difficult than one could imagine.

Ryan flashed a smile he thought was very charming and said, "Ahem, I'm certainly not a famous alumnus."

"But George Lucas, in addition to being a famous alumnus of the University of Southern California, also frequently gives unpaid lectures at his alma mater."

George Lucas was indeed a graduate of the University of Southern California, a legitimate famous alumnus, and he was generous with donations to his alma mater.

If they could get a recommendation letter written by George Lucas himself, even if there were many insults, she could easily pass the interview.

The University of Southern California would definitely not reject a student recommended by George Lucas.

"You don't need to worry about these things."

Helen obviously just thought of it. George Lucas not only had a wide network in Hollywood but was also a well-known University of Southern California alumnus who was enthusiastic about giving back to his alma mater.

Ryan spread his hands and didn't say much.

He just didn't believe that when "The Blair Witch" was released, even if it only made half of the box office from his previous life, it would still reach tens of millions of dollars. By then, Helen would probably find a way to clear the three main actors first.

In his previous life, "The Blair Witch" grossed an astonishing $140.5 million in North America and a staggering $249 million worldwide.

Even if it was released a few years earlier, the box office might have some deviation, but it probably wouldn't be too low.

He just didn't believe that Helen wouldn't be in a hurry by then.

After all, she was the boss of Starry Sky Talent Agency.

Ryan just wanted to find a female actress who was both famous and popular and, at the same time, cheap to play the lead role in the next film.

Otherwise, he couldn't be bothered to say anything more.

Next chapter