
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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Chapter 592: You became a spy?

The grand world premiere of "Inception" unfolded at the iconic Kodak Theater in Hollywood, setting the stage for an extraordinary evening.

The red carpet leading to the theater's entrance was a sight to behold, teeming with two distinct groups of fans and enthusiasts.

On one side, a sea of people donned black attire and brandished an array of posters and slogans, all in fervent support of Christopher Nolan. These were the devoted fans, cultivated through Nolan's previous masterpiece, "The Dark Knight." To them, he was nothing short of a cinematic deity.

On the other side, a legion of individuals sported vibrant red cultural shirts adorned with symbols representing the enigmatic "Coke Cult." These were fervent followers of the enigmatic Coke Cult.

As Martin made his way down the crimson carpet, the dual assembly erupted in enthusiastic cheers.

"Leader, I adore you!"

"Eternal Coca-Cola God of War!"

"Joker, eternal deity!"

"You are the harbinger of chaos!"

Martin acknowledged the crowd with gracious waves, eliciting even more jubilant shouts of adoration. Upon reaching the gathering of Coke Cult devotees, he graciously accepted a pen offered by a follower and autographed several items.

"Coke! Coke..."

Chants resounded throughout.

In a seemingly magical flourish, Martin produced a tall can of Coca-Cola from behind his back, cracked it open, and shared a drink with his devoted followers.

"To the eternal Coca-Cola deity, the eternal Coke God of War!"

Amidst the cacophony of cheers from his fans, Martin raised his Coke once more and toasted, "To all of you, my cherished friends!"

On the opposite side, amidst the congregation of those in black attire, the fervor reached even greater heights.

"Martin, this way, this way!"

Setting down his Coke, Martin traversed the red carpet to attend to fans on the other side, signing posters of the Joker and Cobb for them.

A person adorned in clown makeup inquired, "Will you be starring in the new Batman?"

Martin responded with a smile, "I'm sorry, but that involves commercial secrets I can't divulge."

A young man in a suit beside him posed a whimsical question, "Martin, can you establish a Cult of Chaos?"

Martin pretended not to hear the peculiar request, instead continuing to sign autographs, offering smiles and waves, and then moving on.

Upon arriving at the media area in front of the Kodak Theater, Martin participated in the obligatory interview with reporters, passionately promoting the film.

"Inception" had garnered outstanding reviews from its test screenings and was certainly deserving of the accolades.

Following this, Martin joined the area where the crew and creative staff congregated, awaiting the arrival of the director.

Mene approached him in a hushed tone, "Boss, I gave the pendant you gave me to Celine Dion. She was absolutely thrilled and sang a song just for me."

Martin chuckled, "Celine must be delighted. You were the one who made the thoughtful gesture."

Mene grinned ear to ear, "Boss, you sure know how to pick unusual gifts."

Ellen Page overheard their conversation and inquired curiously, "What are you two chatting about?"

Martin playfully pointed at Mene, "I'm seeking his wisdom on the art of wooing."

Ellen Page seemed skeptical, "I saw you effortlessly leave a party in Paris with a lady."

She shook her head and sighed, "I struggled all night but couldn't catch anyone's attention. I was besieged by several gentlemen and could barely escape their clutches."

Mene chimed in, "You should have given me a call back then."

Ellen Page shrugged, "You were with that woman who looked strikingly like Sophie Marceau. I didn't want to intrude."

The red carpet buzzed with deafening excitement as Christopher Nolan made his grand entrance.

He possessed an unparalleled allure among the sea of black-clad movie enthusiasts.

To this day, these fans continued to wage heated battles on IMDB, pitting themselves against devotees of "The Godfather" and "The Shawshank Redemption."

Nolan swiftly navigated through the crowd, joining Martin and the other creative talents, standing in front of the sponsor's backdrop for a group photograph.

The theater doors soon swung open, allowing a procession of guests and cast members to enter. Everyone, including Martin and Nolan, retired to the theater lounge to await the film's premiere.

Compared to the pressure he faced during "The Dark Knight" premiere, Nolan seemed more at ease. He confided in Martin, saying, "This summer's blockbusters have been well-received. Let's hope our luck holds."

Martin reassured him, "It shouldn't be a major concern."

The summer had witnessed successful releases such as "Iron Man 2," "Toy Story 3," "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," "Despicable Me," and "Kung Fu Panda."

"Inception" had strategically chosen the Independence Day slot, which was one of the most coveted release dates of the season. There was also a significant rival in the form of "The Last Airbender," produced by Paramount Pictures and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

M. Night Shyamalan, an Indian director, had achieved both critical acclaim and Hollywood success with classics like "The Sixth Sense." However, he had also earned notoriety for his dealings with major studios.

As Martin conversed with Nolan, he noticed Daniel and Jon Berg, the president of Warner Pictures, accompanying Kevin Tsujihara.

Kevin Tsujihara approached directly, extending his hand to Martin, and said, "I've always admired your journey from the bottom to becoming the A-list Hollywood star you are today. Your roles and performances strike a rare balance between entertainment and artistry."

Martin acknowledged the compliment with a modest nod, neither arrogant nor dismissive, "If the opportunity arises, I would love to continue collaborating with Warner Brothers."

Kevin Tsujihara responded, hinting at potential perks, "Warner is ready to offer you both superstar status and an Oscar for Best Actor."

Without committing to the offer, Martin smiled, "I'll need some time to consider."

Kevin Tsujihara, maintaining an air of authority, remarked, "Miss this chance, and it may not come again."

Before Martin could respond further, Kevin Tsujihara departed to join Ridley Scott, with Ari Emmanuel, Ridley Scott's agent, by his side.

Daniel patted Martin on the shoulder before following the group.

Meanwhile, Jon Berg remained and inquired, "Filming for 'Pharaohs and Gods,' based on the story of Exodus, is about to commence. Would you be interested in portraying the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses?"

Martin shook his head, "I'm afraid my schedule is quite inflexible. After completing 'Inception' promotions, I'll be diving into 'John Wick 2.'"

Jon Berg took the hint and departed without pressing the matter further.

Martin sighed inwardly, realizing he couldn't keep digging his own hole and jumping in.

Ridley Scott's gaze shifted in their direction.

Martin responded promptly with a nod of acknowledgment.

Ridley Scott also greeted them with a nod and whispered to Ari Emmanuel.

Ari sought out Martin and relayed Ridley's question, "Ridley wanted me to ask you, when you declined his offer, did you anticipate 'Robin Hood' would underperform at the box office?"

The film, released in May, had opened with a disappointing $36.06 million in North America. With an investment of nearly $200 million, it was a clear disappointment in terms of box office revenue and critical reception.

Martin gestured helplessly, spreading his hands, "My schedule is incredibly packed, you know that."

Ari inquired, "You don't think Ridley Scott will croak, do you?"

Martin responded honestly, "Certainly not! In fact, I had hoped to invite him for a movie project, but, alas..."

Ari seemed privy to some inside information, "Warner swooped in and grabbed the project?"

Martin spoke somewhat cryptically, "Exodus is a biblical tale, and Warner had its reasons for securing it. I'm just preparing the ground for the future. Please convey to Director Ridley Scott for me that I love, his directed mobies of 'Alien,' 'Blade Runner,' 'Stickman,' 'Gladiator,' and 'Black Hawk Down,' have long yearned to collaborate with him."

Ari knew Martin well enough to understand he was serious.

Martin added, "If it's possible, could you set aside some time for me after Ridley wraps 'Pharaohs and Gods'?"

Ari promised, "I'll relay your message to Ridley."

Two tardy individuals finally made their entrance into the VIP room.

Martin chided them, "You two rascals are late."

Nicholson explained, "Leo took a phone call halfway here, delaying us. That guy drives like he's racing in the Olympics."

Leonardo interjected, "Cut the chatter!" He glanced at the people in the VIP room and beckoned Martin and Nicholson to a corner. In a hushed tone, he revealed, "Guess where that call was from? Russia!"

Martin was taken aback, "You... a spy? Leo, I'm reporting you."

Nicholson chimed in, "Do we get a reward for reporting a spy?"

Leonardo, hands on hips, turned to them in exasperation, "Haven't you forgotten? I'm planning a massive gathering with Russian and Ukrainian models!"

Martin's stance shifted instantly as he pointed at Nicholson, "Hurry up and catch that spy. The bonus can fund our party."

Leonardo affirmed, "The party's on Leo."

Martin was intrigued, "Who did you invite this time?"

Leonardo warned, "Don't get your hopes up. They're mostly second-tier models and actors from Russia and Ukraine. A few supermodels, but nothing you'd recognize."

Most of the Russian supermodels had graced Victoria's Secret runways, and Martin was not only familiar with them but also had close friendships.

Bruce emerged from the lounge door and instructed the trio of mischievous pals, "Get ready to enter."

They returned to the lounge, wrapping up their banter.

The premiere's guests began to arrive.

Nolan and Emma Thomas entered the theater, accompanied by their creative team, including Martin.

Following the customary media and fan Q&A, the crew found their seats in the front row.

Martin occupied a spot next to Nolan, with Emma Thomas to Nolan's other side, and nearby were Mene and Tom Hardy.

The latter frequently cast glances at Martin.

With Brad Pitt's confession, Harvey Weinstein had faced additional legal woes, and the truth about the on-set shooting incident had come to light.

Tom Hardy harbored a sense of injustice, primarily directed at Martin, feeling he had shouldered blame unnecessarily.

He understood the stark disparity in their positions and begrudgingly bore any resentment.