
Chapter 331: Insult To Injury

The "Nannygate" scandal had dominated Los Angeles for half a day and spread across the United States within 24 hours. Media outlets in Europe and Asia also picked up the story, making Brad Pitt's scandal the most sensational entertainment news of December.

Even Angelina Jolie's public apology to Jennifer Aniston in the Los Angeles Times didn't evoke a strong response.

A reporter from Los Angeles Channel 2 reported from Beverly Hills, "Behind me, you can see Brad Pitt's mansion door is closed, with hundreds of reporters waiting." In Coty Community, Martin and Aniston watched the 24-hour live news coverage of "Nannygate."

The reporter, using Pitt's mansion gate as the backdrop, reported, "Reliable sources confirm that LAPD has gathered compelling evidence against Pitt from the victim and a reporter. Despite Brad Pitt returning home shortly after being summoned, the LAPD has requested a restraining order, preventing him from leaving the vicinity of his house without permission."

Relieved, Aniston kissed Martin and exclaimed, "Thank you for everything you've done. It's a breath of fresh air to finally let go of the anxiety."

Martin, always distancing himself, replied, "Darling, this has nothing to do with me. Some people can't tolerate whatBrad Pitt did, given the numerous allegations against him."

Aniston smiled and acknowledged, "Yes, it's not your concern. Brad Pitt, that scoundrel, deserves this."

She vented her pent-up frustration since the divorce, asking, "Do you think they'll reach a settlement with Brad Pitt?"

Martin explained, "Who knows? Some lawyers have offered free legal advice and services to the victims, aiming to pursue a landmark lawsuit, which will undoubtedly be a lengthy process. In these cases, the lawyers don't charge fees initially and focus on securing compensation. A 50% or 70% share is common."

Curious, Aniston inquired, "What about TMZ?"

Martin analyzed, "TMZ aims to be the top gossip website in the United States and even globally. They thrive on breaking explosive news, and given their past clashes with Brad Pitt, they'll relentlessly pursue him and dig deeper."

Aniston felt a sense of relief, "It's like holding a sword, ready to slay the dog called Pete."

The TV screen briefly switched to other news stories.

"In today's Los Angeles Times, Angelina Jolie issued a public statement formally apologizing to Jennifer Aniston. She explained in the statement that she had been deceived by Brad Pitt's words. However, she later discovered that he had cheated on his housekeeper while intoxicated and used violence to coerce her. This led her to break up with Pitt."

"Jolie deeply apologizes and has decided to stand with all victimized women and their children. She is drawing a clear boundary with their abusers and will not collaborate with Brad Pitt on any film or television projects in the future. She won't attend the same events as Brad Pitt or use any products endorsed by him."

Surprised, Aniston asked Martin, "What's this? Did you advise Jolie?"

Martin denied any involvement, "I had nothing to do with it. Jolie has undergone a transformation."

Jolie, who had established an image as a compassionate figure, publicly condemned Pitt more harshly than the media. Her decision to set boundaries in the name of women and children was a devastating blow.

Martin sensed an opportunity for Aniston and Jolie to reconcile, "Jen, Jolie has issued a public apology. Would you consider talking to her?"

Aniston took a moment to ponder. Martin had a knack for causing trouble, even when he wasn't directly involved. "I think you two could collaborate, using Pitt as a platform to become advocates for women in the industry and elevate your reputations."

Aniston had always known that Martin was a thoughtful person. What started with a puppy snatching for revenge had evolved into a deeper connection.

"I underestimated you, Martin," Aniston acknowledged. "Tell me more about your ideas."

Martin elaborated, "Using Pitt's case to advocate for women, especially those in the industry. Encourage other victims to come forward and share their stories." He briefly explained the concept of Mi Rabbit, tailored to suit the current social climate.

In the world of Hollywood fame and fortune, one couldn't truly destroy someone, as it came with a heavy cost. Martin's goal was to tarnish Brad Pitt's reputation and make him the symbol of shame in the context of the awakening women's movement in Hollywood.

Aniston continued to ponder, while Martin patiently waited.

After about ten minutes, Aniston finally spoke, saying, "You can call Jolie. I agree to speak with her privately."

Martin went to fetch the phone.

Aniston made a condition, "But you must be present. If you're not there, there's no point in talking."

Martin, somewhat surprised, nodded and assured her, "I promise, I'll be there every step of the way."

Jennifer Aniston smiled warmly, "Martin, if I hadn't been fortunate enough to meet you, I wouldn't have been able to overcome my depression and resentment so quickly."

Martin returned the smile and dialed Jolie's number, saying, "It's me."

"Teacher, have you seen my statement?" Jolie received Martin's call with excitement, "How did it go? Did I make a significant impact?"

Before Martin could respond, Jolie continued, "I was worried that scoundrel wouldn't be dealt with properly, so I kicked him while he was down. You think I did well, right?"

Like Jolie, Martin refrained from mentioning names during their conversation. Jolie's expression radiated happiness as she declared, "When students take the initiative and accomplish so much, don't their teachers owe them a reward?"

Martin glanced at Aniston, who nodded in agreement, and said, "Jennifer has acknowledged your public apology statement, and she's willing to talk to you privately."

Upon hearing this, Jolie was consumed by an intense urgency, and she asked, "Now? Where should we meet? I can rush over right away!"

Martin informed her, "We're at my house. Come over."

"Wait for me!" Jolie hung up and hurriedly left.

Her adopted son and daughter called out to her, addressing her as "Mom," but Jolie paid them no heed, running like a sprinter without looking back.

The two children were left in tears, and their nanny rushed to console them.

Jolie had forgotten everything about her children at that moment, with just one thought in her mind: "Aniston is at Martin's house. Martin invited me to come over immediately. What else matters in the world? Is there anything more significant than this?"

Jolie's determination remained unshaken, even if the San Andreas Fault were to rupture at that very moment.

In that moment, nothing mattered more.

Not long after, Jolie arrived at Martin's house in a haste, honking her horn.

The iron gate opened automatically.

Jolie was so eager that she floored the accelerator. The engine roared as her car sped into the courtyard, nearly colliding with the garage.

Hearing the commotion, Martin came out to see what was happening. He witnessed Jolie spring out of her car and dash toward him like a determined athlete.

From inside, Aniston asked, "Martin, is she here?"

Martin turned back and replied, "She's here..."

Before he could finish, Jolie threw herself onto him.

Upon hearing Aniston's voice, Jolie seemed to lose control. She embraced Martin tightly and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.

With a forceful shove from Jolie, Martin took a few steps backward and into the house.

Aniston was about to step out, but upon seeing Jolie's actions, she rushed forward and pulled Jolie away, exclaiming, "You audacious woman!"

Though pulled away, Jolie licked her lips with a mischievous smile and said, "It tasted great."

Aniston pushed Jolie aside as if she were a child whose favorite toy had been stolen, admonishing, "You have no shame!"

Jolie retorted, "Happiness is worth more than pride."

Aniston seethed with anger.

Both were actors, and audacity was commonplace, but Jolie seemed more proficient in this art.

In the nick of time, Martin positioned himself between the two women, acting as a mediator. "Ladies, let's not quarrel. Let's head inside and talk."

Aniston, having calmed down, clutched Martin's arm firmly and sat on the same sofa, casting a challenging look toward Jolie.

Jolie, undisturbed, her eyes gleaming with excitement, took a seat opposite her, just as provocatively.

Before them, with Martin...

Things were certainly heating up.

Jolie, with a hint of hesitation, mustered a sincere smile and spoke, "I apologize, Jennifer. What happened with Brad Pitt was my fault. He told me that your relationship had already fallen apart, so I unwittingly played a part in our mistakes as women do."

Martin chimed in, "That guy Brad Pitt is a compulsive liar. He manipulates women to gain power."

Although Martin wasn't entirely innocent when it came to using women to his advantage, he felt morally superior to someone like Brad Pitt.

"He's a scoundrel!" Aniston's expression softened as she heard Jolie's apology and admission, "You lied to me too."

Jolie added, "Yes, Brad Pitt is a complete scoundrel. Both of us are victims, or..."

Martin interjected, "We're all victims of Pete."

Aniston concurred, "He's truly despicable."

In their exchange, it was apparent that tensions between Aniston and Jolie were easing, and they began chatting and even sharing laughter.

Women could be enigmatic creatures; in anger, they could tear each other apart, but in joy, they blossomed like lilies.

After Martin suggested the idea of Jennifer Aniston and Jolie becoming influential figures for women in Hollywood, the two of them sat together, discussing how to implement it, how to control public opinion, and, most importantly, how to further harm Brad Pitt.

Once this discussion concluded, Jolie spoke earnestly, "Jennifer, since we're going to be close allies, facing whatever comes our way, I think it's time we let go of any barriers and become closer."

Aniston agreed, "Holding grudges will only hinder our interests."

Next chapter