
Hollywood Creed: 2nd Draft

Before [Alexander Creed: Re-life] there was also this story. I give you... Alexander Creed that started in the late 80s... An inspiration and version before Alexander Creed of [Alexander Creed: Re-Life] became what he is! This one is also going to be crazy, whacky, offensive, and just plain trashy. There's also creepy and horny development because I had that phase. I blame horny Chinese-Hollywood MCs for this. Welcome to Hollywood Creed: 2nd Draft! ------ This is a work of trashy fiction like my other trashy fictions... so don't bash my trashy work too much. Also, this is just a fictionalization of things for entertainment and just sharing for free. Hope I don't get much trouble for it and hope I don't get sued or whatever.

UniVerseLessOne · Celebrities
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80 Chs

Patient Preparation

For someone who had been incredibly persistent, unswervingly devoted to programming, and achieved the level of luckily coding an aspect of time, young Alexander Creed was a force to be reckoned with.

With a goal of enriching the Creed legacy, meticulousness, efficiency, and lack of procrastination were of utmost necessity.

The Efficient Creed of Silicon Valley would finally branch out to reach farther than ever before.

To fail again on something that he had once failed on would be impossible. Playing his strengths right and having back-ups is one of Alexander's programming creeds.

Hopefully, this creed would be applicable in taking on the dynamic of the world.


Alexander bided his time and sunk into the bland days of schooling and typing advanced codes on his personal computer.

Oscar's hand-me-down computer is an experimental computer suitable for playing around with basic algorithms and commands.

It isn't as restricted as the ones on the market, so the skilled programmer from the future, fortunately, has a medium to express himself.

After a week or so of playing around, he already has a fundamental writing software that has a vestige of Microsoft Word. It isn't as refined but enough to serve as a notepad for the Creed revolution.


Aside from flexing his software skills and outlining his plans during his free time, Alexander also continued on with his healthy lifestyle.

Jogging and running in the morning seemed easy but it really tested his patience.

No matter how beneficial it is. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't tempted to just rest and take a break.

Even his neighbors were hoping that the little boy would give up because the sight of his little figure made them feel incompetent.

It was evident that jogging, especially for children, wasn't something totally acceptable in this era.

As a result, his label as a weird kid became established.


As for the matters of school, it was the same as always. Having to learn something you learned in the past and having it taught to you again was not pleasant. Especially, when the teachers lump you into their methods which deem you ignorant.

What made this time different is that his weird exercise habit was spread into school and he became a target of judgemental eyes.

His child neighbors could not keep to themselves, after all.

In the past, he passed schooling with aloofness, mystery, and as a target for girls. Even when he was a new kid at the school and a recent orphan, the others didn't care much.

He surmised that running and exercising had crossed their tolerance line.

Now, it would seem that he might be going through the trope of being bullied because of being weird.


For most of the weekdays and Saturdays, where old Sullivan could not stay much at home due to business.

The nominal babysitters would be the ones taking care of him.

America has rules on minors, especially orphans where they have to be strictly accompanied, so Alexander had to be babied again on his home turf.

It wasn't too bad though, as this relates to having pretty babysitters to take care of him.

Sullivan Creed is a tiny mogul in the San Fernando adult film industry. Hence, a flock of pretty girls would try to gain his favor.

Unfortunately for them, old Sullivan was loyal to his grandma and they only got the normal babysitting wage. That did not stop their enthusiasm though as they even had scheduled themselves throughout the months.

In a way, this was what warped Alexander's perception of women. Given that his babysitters were opportunistic beautiful ladies from the porn industry.

He grew up assuming that all girls were the same. Making him a playboy and expert in the quirks of women.

It was fun for him to reconnect with these ladies and get to know their kinky stories.

As an adult soul in a young body, these supposedly innocent interactions with AV actresses now had an indescribable atmosphere to them.

He was still a good boy though and tempered himself to not be inappropriate and blow his cover.


On Sundays, it was his time with his grandfather. It was Sullivan's free time and the day when they convene.

The Creeds weren't that religious so most of the time, they spent discussing pertinent events.

Alexander was determined to change himself and have an adult outlook in front of his grandfather.

He took this time to learn more about business and know the strategies that his grandfather had employed in that field.

His grandfather was spoiling enough to indulge and the gratified look on his wrinkled face was enough to tell Alexander that the old man was proud of his curiosity.

Having your only relative gain an appreciation and interest in your specialty was a triumph that must be cherished.

The Creed duo were progressing in their weekly lessons and young Alexander was absorbing the knowledge much more efficiently than the metaphorical sponge.

These were the lessons that he wasn't unenthusiastic about because these were the advanced subjects that he wishes to take place in his current 6th-grade curriculum.

Learning about his grandfather's exploits in the European clothing market with his designer grandmother was inspiring. Knowing about his strategies for earning low-wage American jobs was haunting. Emulating from his time in controlling budgets and film undertakings as an assistant director could be quite imaginative.

It was all different from the computer codings that he was used to but it was as exciting to tackle.

His one-track mind unto the peak of computers had long been divergent and open to new paths.


The school year was finally reaching its end and summer was about to commence.

If the timeline didn't divert much, Alexander's major leap into his plan was about to come.

Currently, he is at his grandfather's study, killing time by reading through the erotica titles that are lined up in the videotape collection. This was the perfect list to portray the pornography that the family's film supply business has helped in forming.

The study's door suddenly opened and old Sullivan sprung up an abrupt and exciting question. "Little Alex, want to make a movie with grandpa?!"

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

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