
Hollywood Creed: 2nd Draft

Before [Alexander Creed: Re-life] there was also this story. I give you... Alexander Creed that started in the late 80s... An inspiration and version before Alexander Creed of [Alexander Creed: Re-Life] became what he is! This one is also going to be crazy, whacky, offensive, and just plain trashy. There's also creepy and horny development because I had that phase. I blame horny Chinese-Hollywood MCs for this. Welcome to Hollywood Creed: 2nd Draft! ------ This is a work of trashy fiction like my other trashy fictions... so don't bash my trashy work too much. Also, this is just a fictionalization of things for entertainment and just sharing for free. Hope I don't get much trouble for it and hope I don't get sued or whatever.

UniVerseLessOne · Celebrities
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80 Chs

It Follows I

The screen turned black and the hubbub of the seated audience quieted down.

The black screen continued on until the grand synthesizer-esque soundtrack from Stanger Things sounded.

With the ascension of the tones, the silver metallic arrowhead emerged from the darkness.

With another ascendo, Creed Films perfectly contrasted against the arrow.

For the film company executives who already mastered their respective logos, the Creed logo was much more refreshing and impactful.

It didn't have the decades of tradition that they have but it has a new and dynamic feel to it.

Brand was their livelihood and it would come as no surprise for them that the Creed brand would be quick to establish itself... if it maintains a good momentum that is.

The film eventually started with the starting credits.

A Mark Wilhelm film.

Produced by Sullivan and Alexander Creed.

Screenplay by Alexander Creed, Sullivan Creed, and Mark Willhelm.

The executives who read Alexander's name on the screenplay and producer list can't help but feel irritated. They still consider the listing as a publicity fad.

It may also be a means to give the boy pocket money from the film's dividends for a producer. Even so, that pocket money is enough to make some executives drool.

'It Follows' is an R-rated Horror movie. A 12-year-old being involved in its creation is something laughable in their minds.

All that they can say is that Sullivan Creed is too spoiling with his grandchild.

Like most movies of this time, the starting credits are akin to an audiovisual feast.

While people glance at the names of the cast, they are still mesmerized by the creepy soundtrack against the swimming bikini bodies of the actresses.

Naomi and Jennifer's characters are sisters playing around in a pool in the first scene, so it made sense to use their hormone fever to enrapture the audience.

Eventually, the start credits ended when the title 'It Follows' became plastered on the screen.


The sisters are precocious girls talking about girly things and inappropriate sexual events.

They represent the frivolousness of general teens and their open attitude towards such adult matters.

Naomi's character is much more grounded while Jennifer's character is much more rebellious.

Jennifer's character's rebelliousness and ignorance were the primers for all the conflict that would ensue in the movie.

She goes on a date with Ben Affleck's character to the movies. She hardly knows the guy but still dated and planned to experience those things with the handsome mysterious character.

It just so happens that the cinema they went to was the cinema in which the premier is held so the sense of substitution was given to the premier attendees.

Ben's character would always be looking towards nothing which weirded out some passersby.

He also always asks cryptic questions to his date like, 'Do you see that?' or 'Are you sure that no one is following us?!'.

Jennifer's character just dismisses his crypticness as a factor of his attractiveness and mysterious charm.

When they did the deed, the two of them got what they wanted. The girl got her release while the boy finally felt relief.

The sex scenes were also just glimpses here and there so that the film won't be too far off from the NC-17 rating.

After their release, their harmonious date took a turn with the girl being knocked out, only to return her consciousness to find out that she is tied up to a chair within an abandoned building.

The audience felt that it was just another kidnapping and stalker film that conveys the message to girls to not trust guys that easily.

But, the horror factor finally revealed itself.

When Ben's character reiterated his cryptic questions once again to the girl, everything finally made sense.

It turns out that he is afflicted by an ancient curse that would kill him unless he has sex. The intercourse would pass the burden to the person and he would be free.

However, when that affected person fails, the curse would come to haunt him again.

Ben's character explains all of this to the tied-up girl whilst an eerie figure is in the background walking slowly towards them.

Director Wilhelm was no James Wan but the atmospheric horror was still conveyed to the audience.

With slasher films being the mainstream horror, the creepy monster that transforms and tracks wherever you go was a new inexplicability.

With Ben' fleeing after his explanation after untying Jennifer's character, the girl is left

At first, she dismisses it as a trick by the boy but when the set of horror scenarios was laid out before her eyes. It dawned on her that everything he said was real.

The slow march by the absentminded and menacing creature was even more terrifying and horror-inducing than the slashing, running, and hiding that most horror has mastered. Like paced torture, the film mastered that.

It feels like you can easily outrun it but it still easily catches up to you. It keeps a steady and slow distance but the fear it manifests is from the fact that it never goes away.

When it became clear that only the inflicted can see the monster as it switches faces and figures, it became even more daunting to those who put themselves unto Jennifer's character.

The girl does everything she can to get rid of it. Her friends and sister were there to help.

They even set out to find the mastermind Ben after a series of investigations. Throughout their road trip, their fast-moving car felt slow for the girl who always sees the creature following slowly from the distance.

They eventually find Ben's character and he reiterates passing it on through sex. Jennifer's character's precociousness finally learned her lessons about frivolity.

Even though she herself is traumatized from her experience with a stranger like Ben, she herself felt trapped in passing it on to another stranger.

Her boy friend helps her out with that. They were nice friends that always has a thing for her but she was too caught up with wild strangers to notice.

The first boy friend eventually dies after the creature impersonates his mother, much to the dismay of Jennifer's character who saw the whole thing.

All seems pointless and they even hatch up traps.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

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