
89 Bad News

The King and Queen took the stairs quickly up to their floor in the old wing of the castle.

Freya pulled his hand impatiently, "Come on," she practically dragged him up, "Unless you're too tired? Old man..."

"Old man?" he cocked his eyebrow, "I'll show you an old man!"

He swept her off her feet and put her over his shoulder.

Freya's stomach jumped when she saw the view down the winding steep staircase, "Sebastian! Don't drop me!"

"Do you have such little faith in me?" he said pinching her waist.

"Owch! stop it!" she whined.

He patted her behind affectionately when they got to the top floor.

Freya felt slightly embarrassed infront of the guards.

Sebastian however was unbothered and he strolled leisurely down the hall with the queen in her long pale gold evening gown over his shoulder. Her long red hair swung from side to side and she waved awkwardly, "Good evening," she tried greeting the guards despite her strange position.