
5 Ambushed in the Village

Freya spent the next week studying her father's scrolls.

She picked apart the old writings and used the scented oil bottles in her room to map out patterns and placements of good defense strategies.

"There," she said sliding a small blue bottle and completing the crescent shaped arrangement.

Next she made her way to the stables to fetch her horse.

"Morning Princess," said Tristan with a smug smile, "Shall we explore the eastern moors today? I know of an abandoned mansion on the Pacean cliffs overlooking the waterfall and the river."

"Maybe another day," Freya said as she prepared her horse, "I am heading west."

"West?" said Tristan worriedly, "How far west are we talking because... I have to be back before sunset... because..."

"If you are fearful, don't come."

Freya said looking completely serious and she lifted her dress to mount the horse.

Tristan ran his hands through his sandy brown hair and bit his lip worriedly watching Freya's long pale leg wrap around the other side of the horse and her long luscious hair, the color of flames as it whipped in the wind.

"Fine... I'll come," he said hesitantly.

"It wouldn't be right for you to go alone."

Freya and Tristan set off together on their horses, galloping quickly, but Freya stopped when she saw Harriet running in their direction.

Harriet was shorter than Freya and her curly brown hair fell about her face in the forceful wind.

"Princess!" she called waving her hands, "Wait!"

Freya turned to see her friend rushing over, she was struggling to walk in the wind and a lace collar slipped off her neck and flew away in a gust of wind.

Harriet's large bust bounced with each movement she made as the girl jumped around, attempting to catch the piece of lace.

Freya exhaled an annoyed breath when Harriet desperately clutched at her chest, which was now more exposed due to the lack of collar.

"Go back Harriet," Freya ordered her.

"I can't, I must accompany her majesty!" said the clumsy girl still looking around for the piece of material in the grass beneath her.

"You can't come!" Freya blurted, "Your breasts are about to make an appearance, go adjust your clothing!!"

Harriet turned a deep shade of red, looked down at herself and nodded with teary eyes.

"Oh! Yes... ma'am," she mumbled, covering her chest with both hands and she looked embarrassed with Tristan's staring.

"A bit harsh?" Tristan said as they rode the hills together.

Freya frowned, "Where we're going...

it isn't safe for a maiden."

Tristan raised an eyebrow, "Oh? And what are you?"

Freya tilted her head and flashed an obnoxious smile, "I am no maiden. I am my father's daughter."


A few hours later, after a tiresome trek up the cliffs Freya and Tristan arrived within view of the western borders.

Freya spotted a trail of gray ash travelling the sky and she followed it towards a small village.

"What happened here?" she called as she got off her horse and walked towards a burning home.

The villagers ran around gathering buckets of water and attempting to put out the fire.

"Soldiers," said an old man as he struggled to carry the bucket.

Freya immediately ran to his aid and took the bucket from him, "What did they look like? These soldiers..."

"Pale as snow, with dead eyes. They wear the skin of the white bear, and they hide in the western mountains."

"What brought them here?" Freya asked out of concern.

"Our people found them first, and offered them hospitality but they returned it with this!" he gestured to the flaming home.

"No one comes to our side, the royals ignore our pleas," the man muttered under his breath.

Freya gulped and held her cloak closed, afraid that her lavish dress would give away her identity .


Freya and Tristan toured the village.

They saw mainly older people. The people wept and cried in despair at their broken homes.

A woman ran past, pulling off her clothes and screaming wildly.

Freya was shocked and Tristan immediately grabbed her shoulder, turning her around so that she didn't watch the disturbing sight.

"Take me!" cried the woman, "Give back my daughter and take me!!"

Freya shuddered at the thought and looked around at her poor, distraught people.

She poured the water out and turned the bucket upside down.

She hitched her dress slightly and stepped up on the bucket.

"LISTEN HERE!" she announced, "You are hurt and mourning but there is only one way to fight fire! With fire!!" she yelled.

"Bring me every one of your children above the age of ten and beneath the age of twenty and I shall teach them to defend you!"

The people stopped and gawked at the red haired girl trying desperately to assert herself.

"Another one has lost her mind..." said an old man.

"I speak the truth!" said Freya, "We can work together to make this place secure! We can invade their stations when they least expect it! Return with me to the castle and I shall train you in the best combat-"

"The castle???!!!" screeched a woman, "It is the princess!!!"

Freya looked dumbfounded when the eyes of the villagers all tightened and a bucket was suddenly hurled at her.

Freya screamed and lifted her arms, but Tristan expertly blocked it from hitting her.

"Wha!!" Freya gasped, "I..."

"Enough talk-" said Tristan as he grabbed Freya's waist and picked her clean up.

Planks of wood and rotten fruit came flying at the two and Freya and Tristan kept running while the villagers spat insults at them.

"Over privileged!" "Disgusting!"

Freya was shocked at the way they were speaking, she ran as fast as she could but tripped on a rock making her fall to her knees.

Her dress tore with a ripping sound.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, landing on the rocky ground.

Her hands were cut and she attempted to get back up, but a man grabbed her cloak from behind, pulling it tight almost choking her.

"We should give them the princess! Then they will return our daughters!" the man said pulling harder.

"Hurrahhh!!!" the crowd cheered and Freya was stunned.

Her face turned red, and her breathing was constricted.

She quickly, with sweaty fingers, tried to unbutton her cloak that held tightly against her neck.

She wanted to rip the thing off and make a run for it, but Tristan leapt over her and crashed into the man.

"GET OFF!!" Tristan yelled, "Or I will smash your face into this rock!!"

"Come on!" Freya said panting and grabbing Tristan's belt.

Freya and Tristan both ran to get their horses and they mounted them in a flash. Before the villagers could catch up, the two youngsters were already riding down the stony path that led down the cliff side.

The horses galloped, furiously with no sign of stopping, "YA!!" called Tristan as he urged the steed to go faster with a sharp kick!

Freya held on tightly, still in shock and shaking from the terrible experience.

Her dress was torn and her beautiful jewel encrusted cloak was left behind in the mud; probably being burned now.

"What's wrong with them?" she said through a worried face as they began to slow down when they reached a grassy plain.

"I'm sorry," Tristan sighed, "It's dangerous Freya. Promise me you won't go again."

Freya exhaled a sharp breath, "I can't promise that... but I have to find a way to help them."

"You still want to help them??" Tristan said looking shocked, "After they almost killed you?"

Freya turned her head towards the setting sun.

"Let's keep going."

They rode until the sun had completely set and the cloak of night covered them.

Glittering stars and a lonely moon lit the land and Freya got off her horse at the edge of a forest.

"It's late," Tristan said getting off his horse too.

He petted his horse, "We should go back and feed them."

Freya wandered a little and nodded, "Fine..." she said bending down to pick a wildflower.

Tristan went over to sit beside Freya on the grass.

She looked sad and filled with worry.

"What are you thinking about?" he said with his boyish smile and he placed a small white wildflower in her hair.

Freya smiled weakly and wiped her cheek, "Nothing... I just miss my father."

"I... wish that I could lead them alone... but maybe mother is right. Women aren't supposed to be alone."

"You're not alone," Tristan smiled and nudged her arm with his, "I will follow you anywhere if you ask me to..."

Freya laughed and wiped a small tear that escaped the corner of her blue eyes. Tristan attempted to wipe her dirty and tear stained cheek but Freya immediately pulled away.

"What's that?" she said looking around.

"What?" Tristan frowned.

Freya lifted her index finger to her lips and tapped her ear, "Listen," she whispered.

They listened in the silent night, filled with sounds of insects and trees rustling in the wind but amongst it all was the distinct sound of a woman's scream.


Freya's eyes sprung open and she leapt to her feet.

"Don't!" Tristan whispered, "Let's go back to the castle."

Freya looked towards the woods where the sound came from and she was utterly mad!

There in that forest was another young woman being kidnapped or worse, killed!

"We have to help her!" she said stubbornly grabbing a whip from Tristan's belt.

"And how are you going to defend yourself against a soldier huh? Whip him to death?" Tristan said rushing after her.

But Freya had already ran into the dark woods.
