
39 Death at Dawn

The sun rose in the small hours of the morning.

At dawn the flowers in the green grounds opened to absorb their daily dose of sunshine and to be showered with nutrition and water.

Gardeners walked the gardens, watering the plants and servant girls came and went refilling the buckets.

As one girl struggled to walk with her bucket of water, filled to the brim, she headed for a patch of red roses but froze when she kicked a pale arm.


The blood-curdling scream echoed through the whole palace!

Quickly, news of the Viridian girl's death reached every ear.

"Abigail!" Freya shrieked in horror when she saw the body laying in the patch of crushed roses.

Sebastian quickly put his arm around Freya and turned her around.

"Take the Queen to my study."

"She appears to have fallen from the third balcony," Langdon said inspecting the body closely and looking up at the palace building.