

Summer, in Loch Cliff, eight years ago.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's wrong? Why are you running like that?"

Merette completely avoids her sister's surprised words and sprints toward her, hands feverishly wiping her cheeks in harsh motions as if the tears on her cheeks have done a murder.

"What got you all worked up, young lady?" Marianne muses, shutting the door to the coop. Kenaila still clings to Marianne like a little cola, shooting unimpressed glares at Merette's way, clearly still displeased at her for making her cry.

What will she tell Marianne? That she embarrassed herself in front of a boy she had never seen in her life by crying like a baby?

Christ, Merette is thirteen for god's sake. She has a reputation to keep, she can't just walk around sweeping like a child and of course with no valid reason.

"Merette?" Papa's voice floats through the evening air, it's distant, probably in the courtyard or even inside the house, looking for her. "Merry? Kenny? Where are you, guys?"

"They are home." A smile curves Marianne's pink lips, bright blue eyes lighting up. Kenaila wiggles from her hold, mouth stretched in a big-ass smile. She runs off to the back door the moment her little feet touch the ground. "Oh, Kenny, watch out!" Marianne call after her.

Her eyes cut to Merette, seeming surprised that she hadn't moved an inch. "Why, aren't you going?" She cocks one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows.

"Uh, I— I'm going to see if Lacy is doing good!" Merette squeaks out. Hoping, going to see their cow is enough of an excuse that doesn't give Marianne any chance to suspect her for any reason.

Though, the way her eyebrow cocks up higher and the way her lips stretch into a smile that takes the edges of an evil one, she knows, it's hard to fool her sister. "See Lacy? Why, don't you want to ask Nana to go to the lake now?"

"What, am I not supposed to see her?" Merette bites back with an eye roll with the very eyes that are still red-rimmed by all the crying she did.

Marianne hums, twirling the loose stand of hair from her braids, fingers closing around the girth of her braid and throws it back from her shoulder. "Okay." Her shoulders curves into a shrug, feet stars moving.

Merette watches her retreating form, internally battling with the thought if she wants to go back in. If she does, the last thing she wants is to go in there alone. With Marianne she would at least have someone to hide behind.

After two strides, Marienne comes to a halt, swirling her body in a dramatic way that makes her hair drawls all the way to the other side and slap against her neck. "Wait, are you avoiding them because they are gonna see your red eyes?"

Merette snarls, throwing her head back. "It's not like I don't ever cried in front of them."

"That's right." Her sisters nose crinckle in confusion, "Then what is it, May?"

Merette stays mute, uninterested eyes boring into her sister as she watches her sway on her feet, looking pensive. Then suddenly she perks up, mouth opening in realisation. "He's here, isn't he?!" Marianne says it so loud that Merette is afraid the people inside the house could hear them.

"Oh god, Merry, don't yell!"

Marianne ignores her and strides closer, asking again. "Kaiser is here, isn't he?"

"How do you know him?" She breaths in ambush. Because how does her sister know him already? How come she knows him but Merette doesn't? They live in the same house.

"He came here a few days ago. You were out at the lake then." She provides.


"Aren't you coming inside, Madam Merette."

Hot flush creeps up on her cheeks at mere though of seeing him inside. "Merry… I don't want to." She whispers, embarrassment heating up her skin.

"Okay, tell me what actually happened—"

"Merette and Marianne, come inside now!" Nana's voice pierce through the walls of their home and floats through the air, slithering into their ears and effectively cutting Marianne off, cutting some slacks for Merette from having to elaborate the embarrassing story to her sister.

Merette's body flinches at the sudden interruption. "Christ, she scared me!"

A laugh wheeze out of Marianne, chest heaving up as she topples from the laughter, a hand clenching over her chest. Merette shoves her shoulder, crumbling under her breath. "Come on now, I can't go alone."

Merette practically drag her sister inside, her laughter taking some time to go down. When they at the door step, she feels her legs going jelly, palms starting to get sweaty all of a sudden. She latches on to her sister, praying for the boy to be already gone.

"You told me to not act like your Mom, but now you're the one who's acting like I'm your Mom." Marianne laughs again, eyes tearing up.

And now, Merette wants to smack her right across her stupid face for laughing at her misery. "You are full of shit, Merry." She huffs.

Marianne's laughs halt in a blink, feigning seriousness. "Okay, now let go of my hand."

"Christ, Merry, I don't say anything!" This, though, heaves yet another laugh out of her sister.

"What are you guys doing here?" The back door to the house flies open taking both Merette and Marienne off guard, a screech almost leaves out of their mouth as the hand that the older fling on to the door knob falls at the outbust.

Their Nana stands at the entrance, eyes narrowed, wrinkles fanning under her eyes and forehead. "I've been looking for you for some time. Didn't you hear me calling?"

"We were coming, Nana!" Marianne squeaks out.

"Leaving a guest waiting is not a very good thing, you both. Kaiser has to go home." Nana tones, seems really displeased by their attitude.

"We are sorry, Nana!" They both lets out in one breath. "We didn't mean to!"

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