
Chapter 17

Chapter 17


His heart was beating furiously, and his body was trembling either from fear or exhaustion. Or perhaps both were to blame. An attempt to get to my feet was unsuccessful. I was too exhausted, so for a while I had to sit and recover my thoughts, while immersing myself in my own thoughts and analyzing all this unpleasant information.

First of all, of course, I furiously berated myself for my stupidity. The fear of death finally sobered my hot youthful craving for adventure, especially against the background of a little loneliness from lack of communication. It had finally dawned on me that facing the unknown without power or any useful knowledge was the pinnacle of human folly, which of course I had done. Though recently, watching the Weasley brothers' actions and sort of criticizing them for their irresponsibility and hooliganism, I had told myself that I would never be so careless... and where had it gotten me? To incredible physical and surprisingly magical exhaustion, even though it seemed almost impossible. To hell with the exhaustion, what would have happened if the stone door hadn't let go of my hand and eventually rumors of a dead Slytherin student would be flying around the school the very next day. What would become of my parents and Flora?

My mood dropped to a low ebb, so after cursing a few times and gathering all my strength and willpower into a fist, I managed to get to my feet, and then made my way to the Slytherin dungeon to take a nap for a couple of hours and regain my strength while the Quidditch match was going on....




Exactly two hours later, the magic alarm clock above my bed rang shrilly, forcing me to force my eyes open. My body didn't feel as tired, but it still felt heavy, as if I'd had a hard workout that had sucked away all my strength and stamina.

Exhaustion brought with it hunger as well, but the good thing was that it was lunchtime. So, without wasting any more time and getting up from such a soft and cozy bed, which literally asked not to leave its embrace, I hurried to the Great Hall to fill my stomach with delicious and at the same time vital food.

On the way, my mind was again absorbed in my own thoughts, and I almost stopped paying attention to the road, for which I soon paid the price. Not not noticing a man walking toward me, I successfully ran into him, and then fell on my ass. I hit something soft, so I wasn't hurt at all. But it still left an unpleasant residue on my soul, and the person I hit obviously didn't like it either.

- Hey, are you okay? - A familiar voice came from upstairs as I was about to get up.

- Y-yes, I'm fine... and I'm sorry for hitting you. - I finally got to my feet and looked up at the man I'd hit. And that person, to my surprise, was my cousin Nymphadora.

- Nymphadora? Is that you? Heh-heh, it's not often you're seen walking around. Believe me, I've been looking! - I was instantly swept away by the sight of her.


- Call me Tonks! What were you looking for me for anyway? I don't think it's too early for you to be interested in girls. - The pink-haired beauty smirked.

- Call you Tonks? But why? You have a beautiful name! Why don't you like it? Why would I be interested in girls anyway? They're pretty boring and talk a lot. - I really wondered why she didn't like to be called by her name and why older guys are interested in girls.

- What a brat... a little kid and already a heartbreaker. - Nymphadora muttered to herself.

- What did you say? I didn't hear you.

- I'm saying that in time you'll realize that girls aren't boring. And anyway Draco you're kind of weird, hasn't anyone told you that?

- Hmm? What's weird about me? I don't seem any different from anyone else.

- Oh, you are different. Yes, you are. Your first difference is that you're not as, how shall I put it... right, you're not as annoying as the other freshmen. You don't run around school and do stupid things that kids your age do. Although I might be a little overreacting to the annoying part. I was the same way.

- About the stupidity I do not agree... ¬¬- mentally grin safely remained unnoticed by Nymphadora, but in the hearing said still another.

- Well, here, probably played the upbringing of the Malfoy family.

- And that's where your second weirdness comes in! You're a Malfoy! And a Slytherin. You're supposed to look down on everyone, despise them for their social status, and hate first generation wizards. And you... you don't have it in you at all.

- I don't know. You know, that sounds a little hurtful. I've been taught all my life to live my life to the best of my ability and the Malfoy family, but nowhere did it say that I should despise others because of their status. My family's enemies and envious people must be spreading foul rumors about us. You shouldn't believe everything and everyone. I am who I am, who you see me as. And anyway, I'd be an asshole if I treated my beautiful cousin the way you said I would.

- Oh, you're so cute at times like this. I just want to squeeze you... when you grow up, you'll probably have no shortage of girls! - Nymphadora said, and then she held me close to her.

- Mmm, so that's what I hit. I thought it was soft. - I whispered, pressing harder against her breasts, because they were really soft.

- I'd like a soft pillow like that....

- You're a pervert, you'll realize in a couple of years how lucky you are to be in my arms. Now I should probably get going. And you'll be out of dinner if you don't keep up.

- Bye Nymphadora, I hope to see you again soon!

This time the metamorph girl didn't snap at me about the name. She just waved goodbye and soon disappeared into one of the corridors. I hurried to the Great Hall before all the food was eaten. I did not notice that after the meeting and conversation with Nymphadora my mood increased again, and all worries disappeared....

It was very lively in the great hall by the way. The Slytherin table was especially excited. And judging by the conversations of the people around, our team had defeated Gryffindor....


Early access on my Patreon. Chapter 22 is already available.


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