
Chapter 145 Don't Give Any More Points

Snape's eyes were dark and dark.

Staring directly at Harry's eyes, gem-like pupils were filled with bits and pieces of magic.

"You know my level of Occlumency." Harry smiled softly, "Stop using such little tricks."

Snape looked away and met Hermione's gaze.

The magic invaded the brain, but before Snape had time to look through her memory, Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her behind him: "Professor, it's inappropriate to use Legilimency on students." "

Bo Special!" Snape wished he could crush his molars, spat on Harry's face, and tore his hideous cheeks and eyes apart, "Since Black came back, it's like your brains were eaten by dogs. Same."

"Do you remember what I said?"

Harry said blankly, "Professor Snape, I know very well what I'm doing."

"You know very well?" Snape smiled contemptuously, "So many Prohibited materials, what exactly do you want to cook!"

"You are the youngest and most talented potion master in this century." Harry whispered softly, and praised him, "You are also an excellent master of insanity, and there is still Something you don't know? Mr Snape, that's surprising."

"Answer my question, Potter," Snape said emphatically.

Harry shook his head: "It's just some potion research."

"New potion formula?" Snape raised his eyebrows, "You haven't arrived yet." He paused

, then changed his words: "You can now Not at the level of using contraband."

Harry looked straight at him, "Need I repeat? I know exactly what I'm doing."

Hermione grabbed Harry's robe nervously.

Ron grabbed his robe nervously.

"Potter." Snape took out his wand, "I suggest you listen carefully to what the professor has to say."

Harry sneered, "You know my surname is Potter."

Snape's expression changed.

Harry slowed down his tone, lost his head, and repeated a passage: "I can't just watch my friend be killed by him and remain indifferent."

Ron was a little dazed, he didn't understand why Harry suddenly said Say such a sentence.

Hermione was startled, and quickly recalled.

This is what Harry said to Professor Snape after Ginny was captured by Tom last year and left the very "sincere" invitation letter.

After this sentence fell to the ground, Snape stopped blocking Harry.

This moment is like that moment.

Snape's face changed again, he clenched his wand tightly, and couldn't say anything anymore.

Harry shook his head, waved his wand, and left with his things, followed by Hermione and Ron.

Snape didn't stop him any more, he stood blankly in front of the desk, stared at the desk Harry had been sitting on, swung his head, and landed on another desk, the effect of Occlumency seemed to be gradually fading away from him. The body subsides.

"You and Professor Snape..." Ron realized something now, "It seems that we are not as close as before?"

Although they were so venomous before.

But the atmosphere is not so tense.

Harry pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Professor Snape, I mean Snape." Hermione asked cautiously, "He and..."

"Guess." Harry interrupted her.

Hermione lowered her head, turned hastily to the side, and came out quickly, with the smell of other classes on her body: "Harry, maybe you should ask clearly?"

She thought about this sentence for a whole class, and mustered up the courage accumulated in a whole class, before she said it.

"I asked Professor Dumbledore, but he refused to tell." Harry shook his head.

"Then ask Snape?" Ron opened his mouth to make a suggestion. He was not as perceptive as Hermione, and he didn't guess what it might be.

Hermione and Harry glanced at him strangely.

"It's different, it's different, Ron." Hermione shook her head, her tone helpless, "If, I'm just saying if, if there is such a thing, Harry shouldn't ask Snape anyway.

" Why?" Ron wondered.

Hermione looked sideways at Harry: "Harry is giving Snape a chance."

Give... a chance?

Ron was ignorant and didn't quite understand.

"You should be more specific!" Ron muttered, "Like what is this thing?"

Hermione gave him a glare.

Ron shrank his head: "You two are so smart, well, well, I'll think about it myself, I should be able to think of it."

Potions class the next day.

Snape didn't say a word to Harry, deliberately ignored him, didn't comment on the potion, and didn't point out any faults. This made the little wizards a little unaccustomed to it. What happened to the professors recently? Why are you starting to change your style?

Professor Lupine became handsome, and Professor Snape became "gentle".

Will the stern Professor McGonagall become doting on the little wizard?

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Professor McGonagall became stricter. She recently asked Godric a lot about Hogwarts, and realized that with such an unreliable headmaster, as the vice headmaster, she should shoulder more responsibility. many responsibilities.

Harry was unaffected and continued to study potions.

Blizzard potion, he found a similar potion-"Felix Elixir", this kind of potion has the reputation of "lucky potion", its essence is not to bring good luck to the user, but to enhance the user's Perception, even the perception of the sixth sense, presents a state of "omnipotent luck".

Octopus eggs, unicorn horns and blood.

The combination of these things allowed Harry to open the door to a new world.

It seems that what I can use is not only the positive effect of the material, but also the negative effect of the material?

He adjusted the recipe, experimenting a little bit.

I also went to the Forbidden Forest on the weekend to dig a handful of eggs of giant acromantia. It is a material that can be bought without money, so try not to spend money.

Monday night.

On the other side of the Black Lake.

Harry waved his wand, said the spell, and as he wished, the wind blew violently, rustling the trees and making ripples on the water.

He lowered his wand again, and spoke another spell.


The raindrops fell, but it was still hard to count as a heavy rain, and the light rain was more like moderate rain.

Let it go again.

Dark clouds gathered and thunder was heard.

"Harry, you've made great progress." Dumbledore cast a spell to protect himself and Harry from the rain, and applauded him.

Harry shook his head expressionlessly, "It's still not close."

"Gryffindor's notes?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry nodded.

He increased the output of magic power, and the raindrops became bigger.

"Have you had some trouble with Severus lately?" Dumbledore asked suddenly after observing Harry's casting of spells and finding nothing wrong.

Harry was not affected in any way: "He doesn't seem to be such a talkative person."

"I have always paid attention to you." Dumbledore's tone was gentle.

Harry smiled softly: "I knew you were spying on us again."

"I just heard some rumors." Dumbledore looked up at the dark cloud, "You know, Gryffindor has been very enthusiastic recently, and will pull every A portrait chatting."

"Even a peek at the portrait's life." Harry whistled softly.

Dumbledore shook his head and sighed: "You can trust Severus completely." "

Then you should tell me about that." Harry turned his head and looked at him with a serious tone, "No matter what happens , I have the right to know about everything related to my parents."

Dumbledore wanted to say something else.

Harry swung his wand heavily from top to bottom, a thunderbolt fell and struck the lake, frightening a mermaid who had just emerged and was about to breathe the rainwater, and went back in a hurry.

Thunder interrupted him, and Harry continued: "I trust Snape."

"What happened to Peter?"

"And how did I treat him?"

"Hermione, a fourteen-year-old witch, she can tell that I'm giving Snape a chance." "

Professor Dumbledore?"

"Are you Can't you see it?"

Harry's expression was calm, and his tone was also calm, but in the thundercloud, the flashes and noises became more intensive, and the raindrops became heavier and heavier.

Dumbledore said nothing.

Harry regained his wand in both hands and continued to practice weather spells, trying to figure out the fleeting feeling just now, and asking Dumbledore some questions from time to time.

They didn't mention anything about "Snape" again.

Until June.

The final exam is coming.

The little wizards have spent two full semesters, especially at the level of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and have made significant progress.

This made the smiles on the faces of the other three deans, except Snape, much more.

This year's "Owls" exam, Defense Against the Dark Arts, nearly doubled the "E" compared to previous years, and even several more "O".

The achievements of Professor Lupine are obvious.

What made them happiest was that there were no accidents in Defense Against the Dark Arts class this year, and Harry didn't beat up the professor of this class—oh, no, he had already "beaten up" once at the beginning of the term, and even Even Sirius, the substitute teacher, couldn't escape.

But the impact is not big, except for the professors, little wizards almost don't know.

It was obvious that next year's Professor would continue to be Remus Lupine, and the effects of the curse seemed to be wearing off.

Werewolves can also be very safe.

By the Black Lake.

Hermione counted her grades with her fingers, and this year she finally caught up with Harry in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but even if the grades of other courses that Harry didn't take were counted, she still couldn't catch up in the rankings haha profit.

Still in second place.

Ron maintained his level of third place, widening a huge gap from fourth place. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com

The little badgers celebrated happily.

Ron lay lazily by the lake: "This year's House Cup should belong to Hufflepuff."

Hermione gave him an angry look: "If George and Fred don't bring people to meet Slater every day Lin's fight, we can continue to win the Academy Cup this year."

She turned her head again and saw Harry waving his wand, taking out the parchment and quill, and writing a letter.

"Harry?" Hermione poked her head over and took a look, "Did you tell Professor Dumbledore not to give you any more points?"