
There Were No Voldemorts in the Wizarding World, Or Perhaps Everyone Was Voldemort…

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After sending the message, Ivan was at a loss.

He killed the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world, and Ivan felt as if he were in a dream.

During their exchange, he clearly sensed that Dumbledore's understanding of magic was far superior to his own, and that if he had not been ambushed by a Horcrux, resulting in Dumbledore's poor condition, he would never have won this battle…

Ivan looked down at the blackened wand in his hand. Due to the intense heat of the fire, the wood was unrecognizable, but Ivan could see from the system inventory that it was made of phoenix tail feathers.

The core of the Elder Wand should be the tail feather of thestrals…

Ivan frowned, unable to understand why Dumbledore did not use his strongest and most convenient wand in a duel.

Did he not want her to have the Deathly Hallows?

Given Dumbledore's personality, this was not impossible, as he had once thought of dying an undefeated death at Snape's hands, becoming the last owner of the wand.

Furthermore, if he recalled correctly, Dumbledore did not mention the Deathly Hallows when they spoke of Grindelwald in the Headmaster's office.

Perhaps Dumbledore had hidden or destroyed the Elder Wand?

"You always guard against me even when you're dead… Professor," Ivan said with a sigh. He had some ideas about the Strongest Wand, as he had personally experienced its power three years ago.

It would be a pity if such a powerful Deathly Hallows were to fall. Ivan immediately decided to search the Headmaster's office carefully after the aftermath was done.

While Ivan was lost in his thoughts, there was a noise at the front door and he turned to see Pierce.

When the acting Minister received the news from Ivan, he immediately realised the gravity of the situation and hurried over without a single subordinate.

When he saw Dumbledore's body on the ground, even Pierce, who had expected this, gasped…

Pierce looked at the body on the ground and then back at Ivan. "Sir Harls, what is going on? Why would Dumbledore…"

"Voldemort killed him, and I rushed over as soon as I heard the news. Unfortunately, I was too late and could only bring back his body," Ivan interrupted, setting the tone of the conversation…

He did not want the situation, which had finally settled down, to become turbulent again after Dumbledore's death, resulting in a large-scale Justice Rebellion.

The wizarding community could no longer afford such losses…

Lord Voldemort again? Pierce looked at Ivan with a strange expression. He wanted to say that there were no outsiders, but under Ivan's unusually cold gaze, he wisely swallowed his words.

"I understand, Sir Harls. I'll immediately send out a BOLO for You-Know-Who in the British wizarding community!" Piers was, after all, the Acting Minister, and was quick to make a decision.

Despite being on the Ministry's most-wanted list after Lord Voldemort's attack on the headquarters more than half a month ago, it was only for show, and not many Aurors were sent out to find him.

However, things were different now. After only half a month, Lord Voldemort had struck again, killing Albus Dumbledore, a white wizard with great influence in the wizarding world.

Pierce immediately decided to have the Aurors put up wanted posters for Lord Voldemort on every street in order to show the Ministry of Magic's importance!

It didn't matter what the truth was…

Pierce even suspected that Voldemort had never been resurrected!

This is because the vast majority of those who claim to have met Lord Voldemort are subordinates of Ivan Hals, who happens to be a master of memory manipulation and disguise, as well as a conspirator in the You-Know-Who's attack on the Ministry of Magic.

Pierce shuddered at the thought. Lord Voldemort might not exist, or… anyone could be Lord Voldemort!

Ivan, overcome with sadness, failed to notice Pierce's imagination and agreed to put Lord Voldemort on the wanted list.

"Also, remember to organise Dumbledore's funeral tomorrow… it has to be grand!" Ivan reminded him solemnly.

Pierce nodded quickly, taking Ivan's orders to heart, but his expression grew even more strange as he left…

… .

On the fourth day of Christmas, hundreds of students spontaneously returned to Hogwarts Castle and gathered in the grounds outside the castle in their house robes.

McGonagall's face was grim, her eyes fixed on Dumbledore's body on the stone platform in front of her, her body trembling. Flitwick and Sprout were standing next to her, their faces filled with disbelief.

No one wanted to believe that the gentle Headmaster who had given them so much confidence had fallen…

Suddenly, a small whimpering noise broke the silence.

The large Hagrid stood in the middle of the crowd, holding a handkerchief and sobbing quietly, large tears rolling down his cheeks.

The emotions of the thousands of wizards who had gathered at the outermost ring were contagious, and several members of the Order of the Phoenix began to sob quietly, Molly clinging to Mr Weasley's shoulder, her tears soaking his clothes, Moody turning his face away and sighing, and Lupin and Sirius trying to contain their grief as they comforted Harry…

Snape was the only one to stare blankly at Dumbledore's body, his eyes empty.

When everyone had arrived, a small man with thick hair and a plain black robe rose from his seat, stood over Dumbledore's body, and began to deliver a speech on Dumbledore's past achievements…

The merpeople wandered around the lake, singing in a strange tone, as if they were sending off the worthy white wizard…

After the speech, Pierce, the acting minister, stepped forward and spoke solemnly to the crowd.

"Albus Dumbledore was a great Headmaster who dedicated his life to fighting the Dark Arts, defeating the Dark Wizard Grindelwald."

"When the mystic rose from the depths of hell intending to return, Albus was the first to warn us…"

"He is far away today … but his spirit still inspires us all …"

"Albus Dumbledore is with us!" Pierce turned and slowly removed his black suit cap, clasping it to his chest and bowing.