
The Plan to assassinate Ivan Hales

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lucius's body shook, and he knew that he could not avoid it today, so he forced himself to speak. "Master…the wizards who took the pictures were so afraid of your power that they fled to America ahead of time. I was…too late…"

"In other words, each and every one of them is alive and well?" Lord Voldemort interrupted impatiently, speaking harshly.

"Master, I implore you to give me one more month… two weeks… no, one week, and I will bring their bodies to you…" Lucius knelt at Voldemort's feet without a care for his image, his past pure-blood honour and aristocratic self-restraint forgotten as he begged humbly.

"Lucius, I have given you many chances, but you have not cherished one." Voldemort looked at him with disappointment, then asked abruptly, "Do you still have the diary I kept at the Malfoys' house?"

Lucius Malfoy, begging for his life on his knees, froze, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He had not expected Lord Voldemort to suddenly ask this question, as he had written in the diary three years ago…

"You gave it to Ivan Harls, am I right?" Voldemort said slowly, a murderous gleam in his red eyes.

"Master, I was only acting on your orders to get it to Hogwarts at the most opportune moment and kill any Mudbloods who do not deserve to be wizards. I gave it to Ivan Harls because I wanted to use your power to kill him…" Lucius trembled as he spoke.

"Yet you have accomplished none of these things, and you have damaged my diary, implicating another object of equal importance… . How do you suppose I punish you, Lucius?"

Voldemort's gaze sharpened and, before Lucius Malfoy could reply, he angrily waved his wand.

"Crucio ~ (heart-wrenching)"

An indescribable pain shot through Lucius's body, and he felt as if his flesh had been ripped open. He fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

Draco, who had been standing nearby, was so shocked that he tried to shout or leap forward to save his father.

However, the courage that had risen in Draco's heart vanished the moment he saw Voldemort. Draco looked as if he had been struck by a Body-Stabilizing Charm. A few tears welled up in his eyes as he watched his father being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

After a minute or so, Voldemort put away his wand, and the screams and wails that echoed through the antechamber ceased.

Lucius managed to get to his feet and begged in a low voice, "Master… please, please give me another chance. I have always been loyal to you, Master."

"This is why I spared your life, Lucius…" Voldemort tapped his wand and turned his attention to Draco. "At the very least, you followed my instructions and brought me your son."

When Voldemort turned his attention to Draco, Draco backed away in terror, almost falling on his face.

Lucius was worried that Draco would say something that would offend Lord Voldemort, so he quickly said, "Master, my son Draco is only fifteen years old and weak, and I fear he will not be of much help…"

"I think he would be more useful than you," Lord Voldemort interrupted Lucius, his gaze fixed on Draco as he asked casually, "I hear you are in the same year as Ivan Harls, and that you are acquainted with him. Is that correct, Draco?"

Draco's face went white and he shook his head violently. "No, Master, I don't know him at all. He's the one I hate the most, the one who stood up for Potter and Weasley at school and got me into trouble, Snape… Professor Snape can vouch for me!"

Draco looked at Snape as if he had found a straw to clutch at.

Snape did not disappoint and nodded. "Yes, Master, many people at Hogwarts know that Draco and Yvonne Hales do not get along."

"Yes, I would kill him!" cried Draco Malfoy in terror.

"Very well, in that case, kill him!" Lord Voldemort sneered.

Draco Malfoy's face froze and his mind went blank. After a moment, he stammered, "But…but I was no match for him…"

"I certainly wouldn't expect you to go head-to-head with him, Draco," Voldemort said quietly. "You could think of something else, like putting poison in your food or setting traps."

Draco's face grew paler with each word, and he began to shake uncontrollably.

Lucius also did not expect Voldemort to have the idea of having his son assassinate Ivan Harls.

Given how cunning and powerful the other party was, the chances of them falling for it were slim to none. It was a move that would only lead to death.

Realising this, Lucius did not care if he offended the Dark Lord and tried to talk him out of the idea, but Voldemort forced him to swallow his words.

Draco was cornered. He kept looking around as if he expected someone to step in and help him, but nobody responded.

Lord Voldemort stepped towards Draco.

Draco nodded in fear as he saw the strange snake's face inches from his own.

"Very good, Draco. You are a brave boy." Voldemort placed his hand warmly on Draco's shoulder.

"If you manage to pull this off, I will not only overlook your father's faults, but I will treat you as a loyal right-hand man and… a successor!"

Voldemort's voice seemed to have a magical quality to it, and Draco couldn't help but think of how he would be commended publicly for his successful mission, and how many Death Eaters would listen to him.

At that moment, a voice called out.

"Master, didn't you want me to start a fight between Hales and Dumbledore? If Draco attacks Hales now, it could be bad."

Voldemort looked back with slight displeasure. It was Snape!

He did not avoid Voldemort's gaze, but there was a faint expression of doubt and worry on his face.

Voldemort gazed at Snape for a moment, then laughed and explained.

"There are many things to be prepared for, Severus. If your plan to provoke them fails, Draco will naturally be useful…"