
Magic Mark

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Feeling helpless, Ivan hesitated to tell Alicia the truth.

After a moment's hesitation, Ivan decided against it.

He was not prepared to reveal the existence of the system to anyone, which meant that he had no way of explaining his sudden increase in strength.

It would not be easy to temporarily increase one's combat power if Alicia mistook it for dark magic.

After all, this type of dark magic, which greatly increases combat effectiveness and can only be used once, often has some kind of huge side effect.

Even if he claimed to be healthy, Alicia would have to believe him.

Most crucially, Ivan did not forget that Lord Voldemort was a Legilimency Master, and that Alicia had never practised Occlumency.

With this in mind, Ivan gave up on the idea of telling the truth and instead hinted that the blood magic he used to defeat Voldemort was too powerful for Acacia to use for a long time.

"In addition, Dumbledore has reorganised the Order of the Phoenix, so the situation is a three-way balance. If we try to attack the Ministry, Dumbledore will not stand by and do nothing…"

Ivan tried his best to console her, even going so far as to discredit Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix in order to remind her to be cautious and not to let her ego get the better of her just because they had a little power.

What if he went too far and Dumbledore mistook him for the next Dark Lord, even more evil than Voldemort, and tried to drag him to his death?

Therefore, one had to keep a low profile…

Based on this belief, Ivan decided to attribute the battle to a conflict between several Dark Wizards, as described in the Daily Prophet.

It just so happened that they had captured a lot of prisoners last night, and the cells in the underground fortress were almost full. They could just find a few Dark Wizards to change their memories and throw them out to take the blame.

As long as everyone in Knockturn Alley gave a correct statement, they should be able to hide it.

It seems unlikely that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic would investigate this matter too closely.

This outcome, after all, was exactly what Fudge had expected, and he was more than happy to see it happen.

As for Dougett, Rosier, and the others' plan to win over Ministry officials, they could have done it in secret, extending the time needed for secrecy.

In any case, infiltration of the Ministry was necessary.

Despite Ivan's lack of interest in the position of Minister for Magic, it seems likely that Lord Voldemort will go after the Ministry next.

To prevent the worst-case scenario from happening, he had to make some preparations…

As they ate their lunch, they revised their plans for implementation.

After lunch, Alicia did not linger. Even if the raid on the Ministry was delayed, there was still much preparation to be done.

"By the way, Mom, call Fran, Douggart, and the others back in the evening," Ivan reminded her as she reached the door.

"Okay, I'll remember." Alicia turned to Ivan, nodded, and left the living room without another word.

Left alone, Ivan was still digesting the information he had received from Alicia when he opened the system's taskbar.

[Become the King of Knockturn Alley (completed)

Objective: Rectify Knockturn Alley (Ring Three)

Task Progress: 100%

Task Reward: Magic Mark (Collect or not)

Legendary Points: 3 (King of Knockturn Alley)


Ivan had completed the task of tidying up Knockturn Alley the night before, thanks to the three Legend Points he had received for completing the task.

The scene could only be described as critical. If Voldemort had come earlier… the consequences would have been unthinkable!

"It's a good thing Tom's always had bad luck…" Ivan muttered to himself, then muttered to himself.

Receive your reward!

The next moment, a flood of knowledge flooded his mind.

Ivan opened his eyes about five minutes later, having mastered this particular spell.

Overall, the magical mark is somewhat similar to Lord Voldemort's Dark Mark in that it is presumably the same type of charm, although it is clearly more powerful in effect.

When he placed a mark on a wizard, it was equivalent to having control over their life and death.

Ivan could easily influence, punish, or, if necessary, end the life of the victim. As long as the spell was not removed, the victim would die no matter how far they ran.

In addition to this, he could also use certain spells to give instructions to the wizard, sense where they were, or perform Apparition to instantly appear in front of them.

Wizards who had been marked could also channel their magic into the mark to contact themselves, and then, with their own consent, would be able to locate their location and quickly gather there.

This perfectly resolved one of his concerns.

Ivan had been worried that Voldemort would seek revenge on his family and friends after his defeat at Knockturn Alley, or even threaten him with them.

In that case, it would be troublesome. No matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to take care of everything. The appearance of the magical seal undoubtedly solved this problem.

All he had to do was plant a mark on Hermione and the others, and then find a way to get word to the Death Eaters, and Voldemort, who feared him so much, would naturally dispel any unrealistic notions.

Combined with the Fidelius Charm, he should not have to worry about Voldemort's threat for a while.

Ivan's tense nerves relaxed, and he began to work enthusiastically on the design of the seal.

Voldemort's symbol was the Dark Mark, and Grindelwald's symbol was the Deathly Hallows.

A cross? A demon head? A hammer and sickle?

Ivan eliminated the options that flashed through his mind. He wanted the picture to be not only beautiful, but also, ideally, meaningful.

At least not by Voldemort and Grindelwald.

Ivan pondered for a long time, then tapped the table with his wand, and a dark fluorescent light flowed out onto the table, turning into a lifelike Ouroboros.

No, you can't!

Ivan looked at the design and shook his head. The snake attribute was identical to Lord Voldemort's, and he did not want to use it.

Besides, he had a feeling that something was missing…