
Fusion of Dragon Blood and Horned Snorkack

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The unicorn was the first to cry out, resisting the newborn power within its body. Then, the cold magic of the Basilisk entered the battlefield through its eyes, slowly turning into a three-way battle.

Ivan nearly thought he was going to explode!

This was only the beginning, however, and Ivan was soon aware that his body was beginning to change shape.

The out-of-control situation instantly taught Ivan that the problem of blood conflict could not be solved by willpower alone!

Activate protection mode!

Ivan was shouting in his head as fast as he could.

At this moment, the magic in his body was surging like a wave. Fortunately, with the intervention of the system, the surging "wave" slowly calmed down and became more docile. Only the magic brought about by his bloodline was still uncontrollable.

This was especially true of the newly-born magic, which was not only brutal but also extremely aggressive. After Ivan suppressed the power of the other magical creatures, it quickly seeped into every part of his body, and a sudden stabbing pain spread to his brain.

This was in contrast to the rapid growth of his magic, which was rapidly spreading out from Ivan's body, causing the nearest mahogany table to tremble and crack…

Appearances continued to change.

Ivan was momentarily flustered. At first, he thought the change was due to Boggart's magic.

However, in protective mode, Ivan could clearly see that Boggart's magic was staying where it was and not participating in the battle, which meant that the culprit for this change was the dragon power he had just obtained!

Ivan did not dare to relax. He quickly raised his hand to take a look and was shocked to find that his arm was covered in red dragon scales. They looked exactly the same as the scales on Norbert's back, except that they had shrunk by a dozen times.

Am I turning into a half-dragon?

Ivan was immediately taken aback.

After careful observation, Ivan soon discovered that the dragon scales did not grow out of his body, but were a manifestation of his magical manifestation, although he was unsure if their defensive capabilities were comparable to real dragon scales.

During this period of distraction, the magic in his body became restless again, and Ivan hurriedly focused all his attention on stopping the magic riot.

After a few dozen seconds, the growth of his magic slowed, and he became aware that the "dragon scales" on his arms were fading, turning transparent and disappearing.

Everything went back to normal.

Ivan understood that the fourth Bloodline Fusion ritual had succeeded, but he did not have time to check his gains, because there were still twenty seconds until the end of the protective mode!

He had fought for this!

Therefore, Ivan did not waste a single second. He immediately closed his eyes and adapted to the new power. The huge amount of magic in his body was stirred up by the new power, to the point where he could command it at will.

Ivan had an idea when he opened his eyes.

Without him doing anything, the tables and chairs within a hundred meters of him were lifted up by a mysterious force. They were quickly kneaded and stretched like plasticine, transforming into exquisite sculptures made of different materials…

The reminder kept ringing in his mind, and his Transfiguration proficiency was increasing crazily. In a short while, he was close to the limit of Level 6, but he had no intention of breaking through.

It was clear that getting past this bottleneck would not be easy, and anyone who could do so indefinitely would be a Master of Magic.

Ivan was more or less disappointed. With a thought, all the statues exploded.

A large number of sharp rocks shot out in all directions like bullets, creating tiny holes in the floor and walls. However, when they reached Ivan, they were blocked by an invisible force and turned to dust.

[Magic is magical because it allows you to do whatever you want!]

For some reason, Ivan's mind wandered back to Nicolas Flamel's words, and he realised that his current state was very similar to the final form of magic described by the Master Alchemist, 'wishing for something to happen'.

Ivan could clearly feel that his powers were somewhat limited, but even so, the feeling of being in control fascinated him.

Ivan was so full of himself that he believed he could beat Voldemort into a pulp, even if he came in person.

However, when he saw that there were only seven seconds of protection left, Ivan's inflated heart shrank like a deflated balloon.

This kind of power with a time limit was very difficult to use in battle, and it was very difficult to obtain Legend Points. It was too wasteful to just use them to support a battle.

Ivan sighed to himself, but quickly composed himself and focused on improving his skills.

He wanted to take advantage of the remaining few seconds in the protection mode to undergo another true biological transformation and see if he could break through his bottleneck!

Ivan did as he was told. He extended his hand, and a finger-sized piece of wood floated from the ground into his palm. Ivan then gradually infused his magic into it, and the fine wood fibers disintegrated one by one into his mind.

The first few attempts at Transfiguration were unsuccessful, which Ivan attributed to the creature being too large and consuming, so he decided to take the form of a smaller creature, like a fly beetle…

However, having to go to so much trouble to create a common little insect was clearly not in line with Ivan's expectations, and he would have preferred something more special.

Even as Ivan thought this, the wooden block in his palm began to change shape, expanding until the thorns on its surface were long and soft, like animal fur. A pair of hard, curved horns began to emerge from the fur.

Shortly after, a strange creature the size of half a palm appeared in front of Ivan.

It was like a combination of many creatures. It was a deer, but it had the thick hooves of a bull. Its body was covered in silver-white fur, and it had a pair of large, curved horns on its head. It looked very agile and intimidating.

Any wizard or witch skilled in the use of magical creatures would not be able to tell what it was, as it was a magical creature that had been conjured up — the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!