
From Now on, the Wizarding World Will Change!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Yvonne opened the system to check. The legend of the title, The Apprentice Savior, had disappeared and was replaced by another.

[Legendary Title: Dark Lord

Legend Level: 3

Legend: You have crushed the Wizarding Market to show the world your unsurpassed power, and the shadows of the old days have retreated, and they will finally know who the true Dark Lord of the wizarding world is!"

Ivan's mouth twitched. He had defeated Lord Voldemort. Shouldn't he be the saviour of the wizarding world?

What the hell does he mean by inheriting the Dark Lord title?

Ivan wanted to retort, but he forced himself to keep a straight face, as countless shocked, awed, and frightened eyes were fixed on him.

It was clear to all of them that a new most powerful wizard had been born…

Under everyone's gaze, Ivan walked up the platform step by step. The ruins behind him and the hundred-meter gap created by the flaming blade made his figure look extremely majestic, like a god walking on earth.

A Knockturn Alley wizard who was positioned at the front soon succumbed to the pressure and fell to his knees.

It was as if a switch had been pressed, and the remaining two hundred or so wizards did not dare to remain standing.

The Death Eaters were the only ones who had yet to recover from the shock of the Dark Lord's defeat, and were slumped in a corner, repeating "The Dark Lord is invincible" and "That must be a fake Dark Lord".

The Dark Wizards who had previously chosen to side with Lord Voldemort fell into despair.

Just now, Voldemort's imposing appearance made them think that their savior had arrived. However, who would have thought that the legendary Dark Lord would be so weak? In just a minute, he was forced to flee…

Ivan paid no attention to these dying people. His gaze swept over the kneeling wizards of Knockturn Alley, and he was very satisfied with the results of Legilimency.

The fight was not in vain. From this day on, no one in Knockturn Alley would dare to disobey his orders.

The deterrence brought by strength was far more effective than any words!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ivan vaguely remembered the mission note for "Rectifying Knockturn Alley".

[Only strength and fear can make an ignorant fool see the truth, show your supreme power, and all will bow at your feet…]

Did the system foretell this, or was it just a coincidence?

Some thoughts flashed through Ivan's mind, but he pushed them away. This was obviously not the time to think about them.

Ivan waved his hand to wake up the kneeling wizards. He was not a fan of kneeling.

Ivan then made arrangements for the aftermath of the war, ordering Fran and the others to clean up all traces of the battle overnight and reminding them to keep it a secret.

The reason was simple: the mission was unfinished, and now was not the time to be high-profile…

By the time he was done, it was almost dawn, and a very tired Ivan announced the end of the day's gathering. He had been busy all night, and all he wanted to do was go back to his room and get some sleep.

After Ivan's departure, the silent Wizarding Market became lively.

Doggett was overcome with emotion. He had made the right choice. He had not only made the right bet, but he had also run into a mountain of gold!

When he learned of Lord Voldemort's return, he was worried that Ivan would die before he could fully mature.

As such, Doggett even considered suggesting that Ivan slow down his expansion efforts and rely on the Fidelius Charm for a few years before resuming operations.

However, those troubles no longer existed.

Doggett's inflated opinion was that tonight they would ride the wave of their victory straight to the Ministry and kick Fudge out of office…

In that case, Ivan would immediately become Minister for Magic, and he would be promoted to Head of Department or something along those lines.

Like Doggett, Grissom, Rosier, and the others had similar thoughts. Ivan had defeated Lord Voldemort at the age of fifteen, making him the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world. They found it hard to imagine how far his future would go…

However, one thing was certain: the wizarding world was about to change!

As the first batch of elders to join, their status and status would definitely rise…

… .

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Ivan got out of bed, yawned, and washed up.

Dobby was as busy as usual, with a large meal on the table.

However, to Ivan's surprise, Alicia was not there.

"Where's my mother? Dobby?" Yvonne asked curiously.

"Mrs. Hales went out in the morning…" Dobby replied in a high-pitched voice, looking at him eagerly.

Ivan nodded. 'Issia's probably off dealing with Knockturn Alley. The fighting was so bad last night, you could probably see the flames from Diagon Alley. Maybe an Auror will come asking questions.'

"Why are you looking at me like that, Dobby?" Yvonne asked, noticing his intense gaze.

"Dobby… Dobby just thought you were… so great, sir… Dobby heard from his mistress that you'd defeated You-Know-Who, in front of all those people…" he shrieked, clutching his broom.

"It's no big deal…" Yvonne said nonchalantly, as though it were nothing.

The admiration in Dobby's eyes was even more intense, and he swept the floor with more enthusiasm.

Ivan ignored it, picking up his cup of tea and savoring it as he waited for Alicia to return for dinner, thinking back to last night's fierce battle.

The protective mode was as powerful as he had expected, easily suppressing Lord Voldemort in his glory days.

However, it was a pity that Voldemort's life-saving abilities were too terrifying. He was able to quickly mend a broken arm, and even after being hit by a few of his spells, it was as if nothing had happened.

A short minute of protection was not enough to kill the opponent. If not for the fact that he had displayed too much power and managed to throw Voldemort off guard with his words, the outcome of the battle would have been uncertain…